Guilty pleasures thread

I wonder if anyone thought this game is actually good

The first one is good, the sequel is fucking all garbage, just not fun at all

it's boring as shit

I think most people who took it for what it is enjoyed it. The only people that hated were people who didn't get the joke and unlike something like Hatred the core gameplaty while flawed was still fun for the most part.

Never played the first one, was it any good?, has it aged well?

I've got a few hundred more on the original version, also.

I think that the game has moments of genius in between the weird parts. It's addicting and endearing to me. I think I've done every single playthrough that is possible, and my speedrun is a few minutes below the world record. Best weapons: sawnoff and scythe.

>I think most people who took it for what it is enjoyed it
Pretty much this, I like Postal 2 but I wouldn't even try to argue that its not a flawed game full of cheap laughs.

I've always genuinely enjoyed and it seems to be the case with most people I know who played it. Granted the Postal 2 available now is a totally different beast from the original version but I still had fun with the vanilla game even if it had some glaring flaws like the ridiculously long load times. It's an interesting game to look at as far as a huge disparity between what critics thought and what the average person who bought it thought.

It's a better south park game than the south park games desu

First one was OK back then but aged like milk. There's a redux version but haven't tried it yet.

>441 hours

Holy shit. You got your money's worth.

one of the most unique games I can think of

its like those fake video games you see in tv show and movies, really weird but thats what makes it unique.

It's both terrible and great, I fucking love it.
Hope they will make a more mature reboot.

This is literally it, I never thought about it that way but it's true.

That's exactly what it is.

It's satisfying enough to run around pissing on everything and slicing people in half. It's fun to play if I just want to listen to music and screw around in if there's no good threads on Sup Forums to read

It's fairly entertaining for a single playthrough. The topical humor is really outdated and the game offers no real replay value.

No. Postal should never be mature or realistic. The weirdness is what makes it so great in the first place. Other games very rarely feel so free, bizarre, and improvised. You can get mature or serious shooting somewhere else. Yes, the first game was gritty, but it was also extreme satire and dark humor.

Explain how I've replayed it a million times then.

This game taught me how to map for the Unreal Engine.

why the scythe over the machete?

The machete returns to you when you throw it.

>Explain how I've replayed it a million times
You are as mentally ill as Postal dude. That and the level design (at parts) is alright with fun secrets here and there with various ways to handle some combat scenarios

You can turn zombies into minions with the scythe



Smells like someone slaughtered a goat in here

>Smash a zombies head in
>Cut their corpse in half
>Piss on them

Because some enemies can block different types of melee weapons. Scythe kills everything in one hit, as far as I recall.

More mature != mature.

I love games like this. You're bound to find weird shit tucked away in corners because of how disjointed it all is. Just exploring is more than enough for me.

I bought it a year ago and still had fun with it