opinions on it so far?
Opinions on it so far?
fuck off shill
I want mods and User-hosted servers, not EA-rent-a-server bullshit.
Stupid gunplay
Good graphics
shit community
not worth the money
so who the fuck is this supposed to be on the cover
Its cool and all but when are the going to balance the classes? Dose dice just ignore thier fourms?
It's fun, some of the new maps are good, that one with the capital/church like building in the center looks great but sucks. The weapon unlock requirements are ridiculous. It's brought me back and I'm having a good time. Lance charge dudes on horse back gives me a booner.
is it out yet?
Haven't played BF1 in a while
i liked it a lot, sadly my PS+ ran out
shit timing i guess.
fucking automatic weapons in this game ruin it for me
>Take war in which Germany, russia, france, britain, the ottomans, and bulgaria were all involved
>Rather than pick an actual soldier from one of these many factions they sacrifice that opportunity for the sake Social Justice bullshit and put a literal African American on the front cover, people who played a very small roll in part of the event
It really is a shame they couldn't have like, actually catered accuracy to the fucking era they based their game on. They had plenty of options, and instead they blackwash.
Next week for non-Premium. Otherwise it's been out for a week.
It sucks. I was expecting 'THE' WW1 experience. So far all I've gotten is a steam punk game, minus the steam punk.
>caring about black washing in a WW1 game where everyone runs around with automatics
I played it all of 4 hours before i'd had enough. If the next battlefield is shit it will kill the series.
i dont care about pc version of call of doodie level of a rootie tootie fresh n shootie fps game
I bought the first dlc and the only passable map for me was the fortress one. Will not buy the second one, I only need san quentin scar, aka still the best map in the game to get my fix. Dice can't design maps for shit.
One of the few multiplayer games you can play nowadays without having to deal with competitive bullshit. I just want to relax and shoot some people. People don't bitch at you for taking it easy in this game, which is exactly what I want, just like TF2 community servers.
If you don't think it's retarded to put a black woman on the cover of a Russian WW1 DLC, then I don't know what to tell you.
Actually they do you just cant hear them.
>Being ok with Blackwashing in a WW1 game where they had little to no involvement outside of Harlem Hellfighters
just doesn't make any sense from a historical standpoint. It's honestly like if someone made a game about Europe invading Africa in the 19th century and they ended up enslaving whites in addition to blacks.
>black woman
Shes a female russian sinper. They did exist.
>2,000 female snipers in the Red Army
>Out of 12,000,000 soldiers
I wonder why they picked a woman for the cover if they were so rare?
Really gets the noggin joggin
Yes lets someone who made up less than 1% of a force represent the 99%. Why not slap a picture of the Chinese Wehrmacht major or whatever he was or the black Waffen SS volunteers on the next CoD WW2 promo pics, that sounds plausible right?
yeah cause when people think of russians in WW1 their mind automatically goes to the fucking female battalion they had on the sidelines.
why don't you get the fuck out of here, even if they did exist, that doesn't mean it was a good choice to represent the game. They could've had something, any other kind of soldier that acts as a more uniform representation of the era. The girl was chosen solely for Social justice values and you know it
granted if there were more WW1 games, i would appreciate anything that isn't your normal boring white soldier dude, as long as there is some truth to it.
to be perfectly honest, the game needed custom characters and character customization, i dont mind playing a female character, and some people dont mind playing a black character, everyone would have been happy that way.
shit game
>loot crate system is ass and always will be.
>weapon attachments are barely existent.
>weapon variants is lazy bullshit
>server browser is complete shit
>everyone runs around doing fuck all
>automatic weapons up the ass
>worst ADS is the whole fucking series
>casualized with no end in sight
Battlefield is done for
>DICE constantly virtue signaling some ridiculous agenda
Swedish are all the same
I just unlocked the Perino last night but the Xbone servers are shitting themselves so I don't get to DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA and it's zoggin me off.
>unlock M1900 double barrel shotgun
>it's ass but its a double barrel shotgun
>suddenly no money first time in forever
>no PS+
>cant play
the new pistol also seems absolute trash, but in a fun way.
I'd prefer it be set in a fictional conflict/set-of-conflicts that occur after-ww1, where you play as mercenaries or something.
Would explain all the weird/mixed-bag of guns and common-pool vehicles better than "captured" equipment, and could also be used with character creation to excuse "unique-looking" player-models.
aside from that I wish they went more in a Insurgency/RedOrchestra-approach, yeah I know it's "not battlefield", but ww1 is a circumstance where a more tactical/slow gameplay style is really quite suitable.
It seems like DICE is trying to teach people about the lesser known facts of the war by overrepresenting them. Automatic rifles existed back then, but everyone has one in the game. There was a very small minority of the Russian army that had female soldiers in it, yet the game will overrepresent them.
She's hot.
I like it. The maps are good. I mean all I play is conquest so I doubt my opinion counts.
>weapon attachments are barely existent.
>weapon variants is lazy bullshit
This really resonates with me after BF4
Actual opinion from somebody who actually played it here.
The maps are pretty dull, especially compared to TSNP's maps. The weapons and new vehicles are pretty neat though. The civil war operation is horrible, but the other one is pretty fun if the attackers don't suck
It's alright, nothing too remarkable to say gameplay-wise but the new soundtrack is amazing, i like to stay in the main menu for a couple of minutes just to listen to the new tracks.
Why is it that every battlefield game must have one or more shit maps. When will DICE learn that chokepoints map dont work on a Battlefield game.
Good shotguns, average maps
Who will be on the front cover of the next DLC?
terrible game
terrible franchise
everything went to shit since special forces
never going to buy another battlefield game again
spent like 1.5k hours in bf2
>One of the few multiplayer games you can play nowadays without having to deal with competitive bullshit
They're actually working on a competitive mode for this game too.
Good weapons and mostly shitty maps as usual. Just like previous expansion packs for BF3 and 4.
how do the females look like? is dice able to make attractive female characters outside of Faith?
it's better than BF4. Since EA has succeeded in ruining vehicle play there's really nothing left to do but turn it into a call of duty clone which is kinda what it is.
If you want to play a good battlefield game with vehicles go play badco or badco 2.
>better than the masterpiece that is bf4 post 2015 patch
BF4 is shit. Anything beyond frostbite 2 is garbage.
BF4 also ruined vehicle gameplay with too many overpowered rocket launchers. and AA shit. It used to take team cordination to take down heli's. Had to dart them then rpg them. Now it's just one guy with a javelin or a stinger. too easy. Jets are worthless and should be scrapped for extra ground vehicles. Heli handling has also been ruined. They took away the ability to circle with the heli. I could go on but the more i think about what these fools have done to this franchise the higher my blood pressure gets.
Vehicles have always been cancer though. There is never any balance regarding them. Either they are too weak or way too OP.
>>weapon attachments are barely existent.
What would you attach to a WW1 weapon?
BF1 has no team coordination at all and is the most casualized BF to date.
>Pretending to be relevant
>the new weapons are fun, although some of those unlocking challenges are fucking shit (hurr tripmine kills)
>the maps are generally good-ish or ok, exception being Tsaritsyn which is just one explosive-filled fuckfest centered around one building
>Assault Truck is really fun, it's like Artillery Truck but much more interesting to use
>Heavy Bomber would be fun if it didn't always attract so much AA fire from the enemies, also requires so many players in it that it's nearly useless without a squad
>the server lag is currently crippling at least on EU servers, kinda ruins the whole enjoyment of the new stuff before they fix it
>unironically discussing about a SJW game
Kill yourself.
but thats a great thing
dying to air cancer is even more annoying than dying to snipers
It's still shit compaired to bad co but it's better than 3 and 4 because of the graphics. It's not a bad game and i enjoy playing it but it's basically just COD.
Anyone that is looking for a decent alternative to Battlefield should play homefront. It's actually pretty decent or at least it used to be. I haven't played the newer one.
your part of the cancer that's killing BF. you have no respect for skill. That's why BF has been dumbed down to appease people like you.
It takes skill to snipe someone out from across the map. It takes skill to pilot a bad co heli.
BF3 and BF4 have been dumbed down for retards like you.
hurrr muffuggging bix nood bipbop shieeettttttt nigga muffffuggin whitie
welcome to 2017 where every character is a nog or a woman.
>it takes skill to keep shooting at something very far away from you until you hit it
>it takes skill to press x and fly away from the action everytime you hear a beep
sure thing pal
Why the hell do people keep saying she is a black woman? What the fuck are you guys on about?!
>hurr durr she's mixed
Why the fuck would the developers put in the effort to make a mulatto/quadroon woman on the cover? It makes no sense. You guys need to stop watching blacked porn so much.
They should make a version of BF just for retards like you. Have retard heli handling basically auto pilot or turn based commands. have sniper rifles that do hardly any damage because according to you it takes no skill to get a headshot all the way across the map. Give every kit a fire and forget launcher that does 100% damage to any vehicles. Wait... What am i saying. all you people need is COD. Why even have vehicles?
The way the characters look hurt my feelings and I don't like it because of that.
fucking jews strike again!!!
Everytime I swear I dont want to believe but then I look at who the CEO is or who is managing the game and its always jews with this SJW shit.
They need to fuck right off before we holocaust their asses for real this time unlike their fake holohoax bs.
Extended mags, sights, grips, ammo types, bipods, bayonets. All the things they had in BF4 and have in this game, only it's tied into the shitty variant system.
At least you get to shoot them dead. Haven't had this much fun since RE5.
you know what the biggest issue is:
>You Cannot Mod The Game To Be Better/Suit Your Taste.
in part because EA/DICE have locked down the servers, while there is "Venice Unleashed" (basically a fan-reverse-engineered modded Battlefield 3) there probably won't be something similar for Battlefield 1.
Sup Forumstards aside, Battlefield 1 is the shittiest Battlefield game.
Between this, that new CoD game, and Destiny 1.2's microtransaction bullshit, I'm kind of glad the dude-bro FPS genre is dying.
they already did, its called Bad Company 2, and its easily the best BF game
but keep thinking that sitting on a corner the entire game while jerking off to k/d numbers takes skill
Venice Unleashed is dead unfortunuately
>it takes skill to sit on a mountain and miss 90% of your shots on enemies being revived while they take the objective
EA is a shity company. That's probably why bad co isn't shit. It's technically a pre EA game.
But i agree the EA servers are the biggest garbage on the planet. Unreliable. Custom servers and mods would make it better.
I really just want a BF alternative. It's pretty obvious they are going to continue dumbing it down until all it takes to bring down a heli is a handgun.
BF isn't COD. Not every class is supposed to go for objectives. You don't run and gun with the sniper class.
Despite supposedly changing the nature of FPS games with a different era to focus on it plays like literally EVERY other gritty 'realism' shooter.
Problem is that that people don't play the objective with ANY CLASS. BF players are brain dead
Maybe they wanted to show a side of WW1 people haven't seen before? Quit being so paranoid.
that's why they need to make a large map TDM mode.
hopefully something might come of various SQUAD/Unreal4-games might fit the bill.
Red Orchestra/Rising Storm 2 had a chance, but it doesn't look like they're going to do much in terms of underlying technology.
(Frostbite has 1 advantage; terrain/building destruction, that's literally it as far as I'm concerned, if there could be a more moddable 64+ Player game with terrain destruction, I'd be all for it, yet there isn't)
I'm not saying snipers are never getting objectives, I'm saying their role is pretty useless when medics hiding from their line of sight keep reviving everything.
This applies to every game with a dedicated sniper and medic class.
I always feel like the only thing snipers are doing half the time are shooting at other snipers unless it is something like CoD.
I'd say they're good for taking out mounted MG's, but now people just light up MG placements with rockets until they're destroyed.
Here's basically a rundown of what each class is for:
Supposed to stay far away from engagements. Take out other snipers and laser targets.
Storm objectives.
Support the assault guys and help capture objectives
This is an espionage class. It's intended for use behind enemy lines. Your supposed to sneak into bases and plant explosives in key places such as buildings or vehicles or on roads. The sniper can also be used for this purpose provided a mid range weapon is selected and the beacon is used to create a spawn spot for friendly forces to take over the bases.
now you know.
>blue eyes
>thin nose
>small lips
>caucasian cheek bones
>white skin
You're all kinds of retarded
I don't understand why people who fly bombers in this game dont go high. They get within tank fighting range.
I dunno if I just suck, but I never hit anything when bombing from too high altitudes. Either I would have to adjust the drop time to a bit earlier or later, or then there's some sort of falling spread that gets worse the higher one is.
The bomber sight in 1st person is extremely accurate. The barrage bomber is most effective because infantry tend to get retarded. And you're safe up there because pilots dont know how to go up in this game.
I fucking hate assaults and snipers
anyone who plays them is a fucking faggot
Assaults I don't mind too much aside from when they complain about shotguns or anything they perceive as weak while only using the automatico.
scouts generally are worthless. the worst is when they're on operations or even the new supply drops doing fuck all for the objectives.
I don't know if it's me or what but this feels like one of the worst battlefields in terms of teamplay.
They made sniping so fucking easy in bf1
I feel like shit for playing such an easy class