Fuck this retarded faggot boss. I'm gonna snap the fucking disc in half
Fuck this retarded faggot boss. I'm gonna snap the fucking disc in half
I've got a secret for you
I beat them on the first try
git gud
You can thank the co-op players. Lots of bosses are balanced around having phantoms with you
had no trouble when i first started playing the game, and my first playthrough of the game was a level 1 run... only boss i had trouble with was the twin princes on my run, just 1 hit me
>Lots of bosses are balanced around having phantoms with you
This is a lie
Use a shield it will help and always be moving a.b.m
That's absolutely not true. DS3 is the easiest in the series by a large margin. I heard that DS2 had DLC bosses that were co-op mandatory, but there's not a single DS3 boss that requires a summon unless you're underleveled or just trash.
git gud
also git gud
>one of the good fights
>one of the easier fights
scrub. learn to block and stop swinging greedy
Abyss Watchers is one of the times you have to rethink your strategy. He's weak to repeated attacks from fast weapons because he has no poise. If you use a slower weapon he will dodge between swings.
It took me 2 tries.
Really is a basic boss.
The first phase is a lot easier than the second phase. If you can get through that with a decent amount of estus you'll be fine, just give him space and don't take more than 2 swings per cycle.
Dodge and weave, don't lock on, wait until the second guy spawns, he'll be friendly, wail on the real guy, keep doing so, in the second phase it's all about timing your dodges.
nigga just block, wtf?
do it faggot
and then neck yourself afterwards
lmaoing @ ur life
>he can't figure out the fight
I'm laughing at how stupid you are. This is one of the easiest bosses in the game because it's a fucking gimmick boss and yet you have trouble with him.
try pressing buttons
fucking casul if u cant beat this meme boss how will you beat pontiff or the nameless king? just delete the game kiddo.
You can literally spam R1 and stagger him until he dies.
I'm not a "git gud" person, but come on OP.
Holy shit dude learn to handle multiple enemies it's not hard.
I had some trouble with this boss but it was like 3am and was tired. When I came back the next morning it was easy.
Shields up, wait for a back stab while they are fighting each other roll away from the singular when you get to that phase. The first boss was harder than this one
just backstab them, they have huge hitboxes for it
It becomes really fucking easy once you realize you only have to fight one at a time once the extras spawn and take aggro
phase 2 is just taking quick hits when possible and avoiding the flame lashes
I'm a casual fuck that hasn't even beaten this game yet but I one and done this asshole
Even the boss works as a phantom for you half the time. Your comment is dumb
he's pretty basic desu. just pay attention to his attacks and git gud
this is bait, right?
>fight him until his buddy spawns, run away
>3rd one will spawn with Red Eyes, it will attack either of the ones that are trying to kill you, or whoever hit him last, giving you many openings
>2nd phase beware of fire lengthening his attacks
Git gud shit head
None of the bosses in any souls game are co op mandatory you uninformed faggot.
Git gud. Now go play casual souls 2.
>co-op mandatory
not a chance. the only time you ever heard this was from garbage players who are too retarded to understand game concepts and learn
The Abyss Watchers are fighting each other!
[ ] Let them fight each other as you kill them