Do you think this means there's hope for a dragon's dogma 2? Or at least a localization for dragon's dogma online.
Do you think this means there's hope for a dragon's dogma 2? Or at least a localization for dragon's dogma online
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The Maker will grant us DD2 if we believe hard enough, user! Don't lose your faith now!
dragons dogma online is skinnerbox trash
the only way DD2 will become a reality is if it gets crowdfunded, capcom will never spare the money on a risky project.
>buying the same game three (3) times
>giving us what we want
capcom hates nice things so, no.
DDO is grindan trash but the gameplay 2good
they've rereleased the game 3 times, and the PC version was their best selling PC release of a game.
It wouldn't be risky at all
DDDA PC sold better than DMC special editions?
Those came out after it right? I only know it was the best selling when it came out, i don't know about now.
Why don't you bitch about DDON while you blow capcom for a sequel some more. If you do it enough you just might get another rerelease
I can't wait until October. I deleted my Steam Arisen and will start anew. Now, how do I *NOT* end up playing as strider? I always start as strider and end as strider. Shit's just too much fucking fun. I was thinking about going sword 'n board but the damage is just not there
>inb4 dragon's maw
yeha, naww, just doesn't do it for me
Also what vocation for my Pawn? Mage is kinda boring and there's always mages with heal in the rift
Fake news
I heard they have a pretty long session for TGS. Now, 99% of that will be DDO shit but they'll most likely have something new.
>By September 2015, Dragon's Dogma, and the Dark Arisen edition, had combined sales of 2.3 million units.[24] Dark Arisen also became the fastest-selling Capcom game for Microsoft Windows.[25]
>IP blocking an MMO that you have no intentions of localizing anywhere else
Is there a bigger dick move in this industry? They can go fuck themselves.
They want to localize it though
imagine your game being flooded with laggy hue hues
that's why they block foreign ips
>imagine your game being flooded with laggy hue hues
>implying there aren't thousands of tech illiterate japs playing on 15 year old computers with 1200 ping
Don't get your hopes up for anything noteworthy at TGS. Itsuno isn't showing up, so the 45 minutes dedicated to DD are likely going to be spent on the remakes and DDON.
DDON for the west is my hopes senpai
This is the fourth time. Vanilla, Dark Arisen, PC, and now current gen.
Why the fuck won't they localize DDO? Every god damn time they fucking re-release Dragon's Dogma it sells well and this is the third fucking time. ESO is a huge success and with the Dark Souls hype still living strong there is plenty of demand for an Action-RPG MMO (a very rare thing).
Yes mate they're going to announce the western release in Japanese at the Tokyo Game Show.
Try Warrior, it's the polar opposite of Strider and it's really fun.
>Itsuno isn't showing up
I don't care if it's DMC5, DD2, or Deep Down. I just want to know what he's up to at this point.
You must realize you're dealing with Capcom here. Sane and sound business decisions are simply not in their box of tools.
>Do you think this means there's hope for a dragon's dogma 2? Or at least a localization for dragon's dogma online.
What on Earth makes you think capcom is doing anything with this IP? Dude, DUDE COME ON. It's been how many years since the original Dragon's Dogma. They had chances to really rework the game or make a sequel, they haven't. Hell, if the Remaster could actually be a reimagining with new shaders, rebalanced gameplay, and better romance it would justify its existence. In the end the Remaster exists because the PS4 isn't backwards compatible.
There is no Deep Down or Dragon's Dogma 2 because you motherfucking PS4 owners cannot stop eating the repackaged burrito shit induced remasters for ONE FUCKING YEAR. You people are the worst and I blame you fully for this hell. Gee, I sure would love to play Dragon's Dogma 1 again, complete with its shortcomings in 2017 but this time on PS4! Why fucking improve on anything, why make a sequel when DUDE. REMASTERS.
Fuck you PS4 owners and fuck you Sony.
no. it's a good game i enjoyed it but the shit they pulled about having to buy a new copy for Dark Arisen and the re-releases on every platform theyre doing right now stinks
>better romance
Over the line, the beloved system as-is is perfect.
If you max out the inn keeper's quests, his max affinity sound effect keeps playing and it's obnoxiously loud.
You can't romance Grigori
it feels like the game was designed for striders
there's no reason to play anything else desu
Daimon please go and stay go
why would you buy this when the pc version is there?
Go assassin. You'll be comfy since strider does a lot of the same shit but you can also use a sword and shield as you want. Or any combo of four weapons.
Shield/dagger assassin is hilariously untouchable.
I don't think they do, user. There's not even an official translate patch and there's been several additions and expansions to the game.
Sounds good, taking a strider pawn with me then?
It hurts user
Best dragon in vidya
Sure! More arrows never hurt, if you're going melee.
man i kinda don't wanna play now that gransys is all grey and deppresing after i killed the dragon
Frankly because the community is better.
No, I'm not memeing or trying to turn this into an autist platform war. The simple fact is that both the xbox and ps3 communities were active and renting years after release. Instead of breathing new life, PC players killed a dying general dead and nobody except like 3 people who were oldfags anyway did any kind of reliable renting.
They've literally stated that they want to bring the game over here, just that they wanted it to grow in japan first
How long ago was that tho
just jump in the big hole, user. theres wonders in there
Because I'm a beaten housewife who hopes that one day her man will revert into the man she fell in love with 10 years ago so she stays with him enduring the pain
I'm currently downloading the PS3 version. I hope it's good.
You fucked up
If you have a toaster I'm one hundred percent certain you can run the game and it'll perform much better.
I don't like playing games on my pc. I get incredibly paranoid about something going wrong or crashing and losing my porn stash.
but will there be nice green places?
I want three copies of Dragon's dogma on my shelf.
>saving porn
Fuck you I paid good money for those private videos from myfreecams.
After what happened with fakku, I try to keep good doujins
>paying for porn
I recently started this game, having a blast but no pawn hires. Not sure if I've done something wrong with her... would any kind user help me out?
Her name is Johanna, level 21 mage. I tried giving her good inclinations but I'm new so I might have fucked it up...
Phone poster, sorry
Because the PC version does not work well for me and it's a pain in the ass to constantly set up my controller with my pc
It's easier to set inclinations when you're farther into the game with some RC for inclination pots
She's utilitarian and challenger.
>set up
U wot, I literally just plug and play with a ds4. What are you setting up?
But you don't gave a rebuttal except for memes because it's true.
Noticed this too
Could barely get any rents on pc and the threads were always dead
Does anyone know if this is still active on ps3? I love this game but I'm just not that into PC gaming.
Honestly best to wait for ps4 if that's the case. People are still playing but barely
But I want to play right now, user.
One more month, right? Sure go ahead and play but you'd be getting it twice
Oh I already own it for ps3, just wondering if there's much point booting it up again.
for some reason sometimes it doesn't work and I have to disconnect it, reconnect it, restart Steam, and fuck around with it. Plus Dragon's Dogma has horrific screen tearing without vsync on but if I turn on vsync I get a black screen and it won't start whenever I launch it unless I play in a retarded tiny resolution.
Sounds like it's time for an upgrade senpai
symone is best waifu
After my pawn.
daimon pls go
There's barely anyone left and you don't want to get burnt out before we get a small active community again for a short while.
Damnit. I feel like I've run out of games, everything is coming out at the end of the month or October.
Finished Yakuza Kiwami and now there's nothing.
Will we need PS+ to hire online pawns and to whore your pawn out? If so then I'm skipping out on this and just keep replaying the pc version.
Got a 3ds? There's Metroid next week.
>caring about faggy shit like your pawn getting rents
literally who cares. im sure you could have gone to reddit and cried for someone to rent it successfully.
t. pcfriend who got rents without having to advertise in generals on fucking Sup Forums.
Never got into Metroid.
This post right here illustrates what i meant beautifully.
Console players had a tight community that rented every day and had fun playing the game with each other's pawns. And then there's this asshole who says "who cares beg Reddit lol" and is completely fine with depending on random who get your pawn brined.
>gameplay 2gud
It's dumbed down to the fucking ground. It feels slow as fuck.
Stop defending this lazy piece of garbage. Alchemist is pay2win and lancer is so unpolised comppared to the rest it's laughable.
The gameplay didn't carry DD alone.
Just beat it and start ng
I'm happy that my pawn was just rented once desu. By someone named ivanka trump, which I thought was hilarious.
Don't feed it.
I'm looking forward to the new release and having threads all over again. Best part of the game is swapping pawns and reading the comments people give.
>getting your first 5 star
Good tier
>getting BBI gear as a gift
>Amazing tier
>getting a personalized comment on your pawns performance
God tier
>getting screenshots of your pawn posted in threads
Elder god
The only problem I have with this game is that only arisen's equips can be dragonforged
Nah player nah
Put on your pawns clothes, dragonforge them, give them back
You may have to kill a cursed dragon as a different vocation is all
pls rent my pawn
Also how am I supposed to dragonforge her gear without switch my character to a female? They should make it so your pawns gear also has a chance of being dragonforged, just make it smaller than if it was on the arisen
>one arm is uncovered
what a slut
Never had this problem since I'm a patrician and both my arisen and pawn are lolis
at least I gave her a proper dress unlike some terrible people
All gear in the game besides the thongs are unisex.
Nope the corsets are female only
There are more than just thongs, plenty of male-only and female-only armors
I thought he wanted to fuck his not!mother's pawn