Re-install New Vegas for the 50th time

>re-install New Vegas for the 50th time
>start new character
>get burnt out after 45 minutes

This ever happen to you? What game?

No, I don't replay mediocre games like that.

I reinstalled red orchestra 2 like 8 times, never played it more than 3 hours

I tried to replay new Vegas like 5 times. Always dropped after "I won the lottery".

Great game. Never finished the Ulysses dlc tho

>drop the game every time I go to Nipton
Don't go to Nipton.

Diablo 2

I always get bored when I reach act 2.

Morrowind. Come up with new build. Leave Seyda Neen. Get bored.

Could never finish Skyrim because this kept happening, I started a new exciting character but wasn't interested when I started getting somewhere

I did finish the DLCs and Dark Brotherhood quests, those were good

>Decide to come back to WoW after 7 years after my glory days in a ranked raiding guilding
>dwarf pally
>get to gates of Iron Forge
>think of what professions i want
>hit esc.

its ogre.

Nah, the trick is to not touch those games for months and only start them up when you really want to
Really helps to put in a lot of hours

This happens to me with fallout 3, nv, 4, and skyrim, but it takes me a little longer. I drop it after i get overpowered and all the vhallenge leaves. If there is no challenge, what's the point? Not like the story is interesting enough to keep me playing even when no enemy stands a chance

Dawn of War (1) games, I can't stand the visuals, it hasn't aged as well as WarCraft 3.

I wish there were mods that added some nice shaders, proper widescreen UI etc.

DMC4. Fucking loved this game. Beat every dfficulty, bloodpalace ect. Even then sometimes wanted to reinstall it and sometimes i did. Then remembered the fucking ice castle or whatever
and changed my mind. Can't fucking stand this level

Mother fucking Red Dead. Loved the game the first playthrough but then every time I try to play it again I quit once I get to Mexico.

Try doing the impossible and go through the Quarry Junction. That would provide a whole new experience of the game.

after playing 500h of new vegas that happens some times. just try new personality, be dick steal everything and back stab everybody.

Every time I start a new playthrough in Dark Souls i stop playing after killing Ornstein and Smough. The first half of the game is just so comfy, while the second feels like a chore.

>re-install New Vegas for the 50th time
>Mod it for several days
>Play for 45 minutes and don't touch for months
>Repeat several months later

VtM: Bloodlines. I love that game to death, but I've played it so many times that I practically have it memorized, so there's no sense of surprise, tension, or anything.

It's a new experience up until you reach new vegas.
I did a 10LCK-gambler run earlier this summer with the sole intent of skipping the entire early game in order to cash out at the casinos.
The northern path to NV was pretty fun albeit short.

warband... after taking over the sassanid empire and half of swadania, you just get bored....

I love the expansion Fire and Sword, because of Muskets but the game always seems to get bugged, and I lose my bank deposits or my followers skills seem to get reset to 1. after a save.


cause thats where they ran out of money yo

>tfw never done a Legion run
>kinda want to do it today
>remember that finished the game again like 5-6 months ago and all the things that i need to repeat kill my mood
it doest help that legion content is scarce as fuck so you are forced to do most of everything else

also, what the fuck is wrong with me?every playthrough i decide that ill do house/legion/ncr/whatever run and mele/gunslinger/laser weapons/etc character, but i literally always end up with a Yes man Egoistic character wearing the Elite Riot Gear and the gobby desert campaign sniper rifle.
i just cant help it, it feels so good

>install and play new vegaz
>immersion broken because shit engine
>mods will fix it
>spend more time searching/installing/troubleshooting mods or getting distracted than playing
>install Fallout 2
>install Killap's RP
In short, a 20 years old game is more enjoyable than an overrated 2011 game.

Every single Bethesda game
Path of Exile

>maybe Fallout 4 wasnt so bad as i remember, time to replay
>drop it before i even get the first Power Armor
Every time.

with every DLC