ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

ITT: Subtle vidya clothing

Not clothing but subtle

i have this shirt, most people dont know its form a game




nice images you mong

He said subtle not turbohipster fag shit



How gullible are you


t. smelly Mexican kid

Add exani hur sneakers and I'll take 8

In my country it wouldn't be subtle since everyone has played Tibia.


I know this is fake but I want this

The best video game shirts are the ones the normies want even if they don't understand it

>normies wearing graphic t-shirts
Lmao go outside more

I would unironically wear this daily





umm no sweetie, it's a hardcore reference

mario doesn't actually have tattoos




>Howling wolf t-shirt
>Shirts that normies want

>Cool looking sweatshirt on the front
>Oversized fucking back graphic ruins it

>cool looking


That's not vidya.

Adidas logo?



my sister bought me this for Christmas a few years back, I use it as a bedshirt


>Wearing clothes in bed
>Not sleeping in the nude
How does it feel being a beta?



pretty comfy desu




Not that guy, but how is it beta?

I also sleep in the buff. Shirts always try to choke me and PJ pants or boxers always end up bunching up in my taint. I ask because that is a very bizarre thing to go LEL BETA at.

what's his name again?


I see Mexican kids with this shirt all the time. I hate it.

It is scientifically proven that your balls will produce more testosterone if they are allowed to hang free at night.


Cite your source.



...your balls don't produce testosterone. Women have testosterone.

pic related i saw a guy with this shirt on but the colors were swapped, said "half life?" and he said "yeah", then we went on our ways

Great, where's that scientific proof?

Testosterone is produced by glands in the gonads, meaning the testicles in men and ovaries in women. Did you pass your high school health and wellness class?



I was just shitposting I'm sorry if I have caused some confusion

you are half correct. try to find out which half is wrong

HINT: there is a reason bodybuilder's balls shrink when they abuse steroids

ive got the sweatshirt, no ones ever said anything about it though

>not letting your balls rest in a glass of bleach for a good 10 minutes once a day to increase bloodflow and testosterone levels
trust me im a doctor and a reliable source

I would get irrationally angry if I saw somebody in this

I kinda want to see this.

Guess the vidya character Sup Forums
Protip:you can't

Why is /x/ scared of wind turbines?

I wouldn't worry about it

It's not fake

Saw a chick wearing this once.


Kind of just looks like a clothing brand.

I'm kind of scared of wind turbines and I have no fucking clue why. They are just kind of creepy. Like if you're standing near one looking up at it, it is just super creepy. Maybe it's because they are so fucking huge and still move or something but yeah. I'm creeped out by them.


Well good on you for admitting to it instead of prolapsing while pulling some sketchy link out of your ass.

Yep you're good at this user

Does this shirt also come in Mens?

I'd wear this if i was buff and not a lardass

No you wouldn't you pathetic memelords

buff or lard

But I wear vidya and anime shirts all the fucking time. Even to uni or work

If I was fuckhuge I'd unironically wear it in the gym

prove it friendo

the only thing subtle about this are the floor tiles

"is that the sweater my aunt gave me for my 13th birthday?"


My NEET brother wears shit like this unironically. Must have about a trillion loot crate shirts that are just "x pop culture franchise crossed with y franchise haha only gamers will get it"

>Not wearing that shit
Plus it's nice material so it's comfy as fuck



>House is on fire
>Have to evacuate immediately
>You are now naked outside
but more realistically
>Package delivery at the door
>"Hold on I gotta get my pants"
>After two knocks delivery driver speeds away
>"Better luck next time kid"
I just don't see any advantages to sleeping in the nude.

Wearing this right now. I'm extremely average at Quack but I love the logo.

Never clicked on it, never will.

This makes me angry

>delivery guy doesn't ring the doorbell drop off the package and leave
What ghetto country/city do you live in

i own this

I can smell the beans from over here

If it's not front and back than I don't want it.

>mfw I know the source to half of these
What has my life come to

Then take a picture of it.

I had an old lady assume it was from the actual Black Mesa in our state and had to pretend I've visited it for half an hour because she got so excited when she saw it and was too damn nice to disappoint.