Fallout 3

This is Fallout 3.

We can all accept it is a horrible game, but your task is to say just 1 (one) good thing about it.


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It led to New Vegas

Cutting off Lucy Palmer's head and pretending she's your stay at home GF

I like the music


For all the jank I think Fallout 3 did a pretty decent first stab in the gameplay.

It's not the worst fallout game

>playing FNV
>strip veronica with console commands
>give her that stripper gear that one dancing whore on the strip wears
>lead her to my brotherhood safehouse
>turn on hardcore mode
>kill her
>lay her on my bed
>some time passes
>check back
>she's gone

FNV is no fun.

gave us the evolution of the fallout series which led to new vegas.

It was the last good Fallout game.


Fallout 4 makes Fallout 3 look like a masterpiece of complexity

The wasteland in FO3 is actually really cool and is pretty fun to explore even if the stuff you found didn't make much sense or outright fucked up the lore

meh, it was a good game

It's the best Fallout .

It has some pretty fun mods.

Winner of the 2008 Game Developers Choice Awards for Best Writing and Game of the Year


>have 100's of hours in fallout 3 and fnv
>download (pirate fallout 4 on release) ran like absolute fucking garbage despite 980Ti
>put it down and tell myself I'll wait
>popular opinion shifts and it seems to be a shitty game

Is it really as horrible as people say it is? I enjoy playing Fallout 3 despite it's flaws, the atrocious gunplay, lack of interesting characters and the fact your choices in quests are restricted to 'yes', 'yes', or 'maybe later' is annoying. Fallout New Vegas is a genuinely good babies first RPG in my opinion.

Is Fallout 4 unenjoyably bad if you're trying to play it as anything other than a shooter?

This will never not upset me at least a little

It has free mods.

The National Mall area was kinda nice

Is Sup Forums perhaps judging Fallout 3 too harshly by not considering the context of it's release? I mean, in 2008 did you really have that many choices for half decent open-world 3D RPG games?

The best fallout at getting good metacritic reviews, that's an objective fact.

It allowed me to kill the faggot overseer within minutes of a new game.

>We can all accept it is a horrible game, but your task is to say just 1 (one) good thing about it.

>Rivet City is cool
>good ambiance
>better weapons than FO4
>you can be a slaver
>cool outfits and armours

Too bad 90% of the game's NPC's were invincible.

Sup Forums judges it too harshly because it is the best and most popular in the series. This is also the train they praise New Vegas which is one of the worst and least popular.

It was fun. I played it a lot.

>We can all accept it is a horrible game

the overworld is fun and rewarding to explore

say what you will about pretty much every other aspect i won't try to defend it, but i unironically liked the game because it satisfied my wanderlust in a way very very few games do

makes it worthless for replays though once you've seen everything

It makes sense why it would be so highly praised when it came out, up to that point the only other open world games had all been Fantasy games like Elder Scrolls and Gothic, no one had ever seen anything like it before, I was also genuinely surprised when they revealed it as "Fallout 3" and didn't try to reboot it as something else, considering how different it was to the first 3

>Is Fallout 4 unenjoyably bad if you're trying to play it as anything other than a shooter?

No, it's not bad overall. The guns aren't all cool and some of the ideas in the main story are dumb but it's fun to explore and get into fights.

I enjoyed the base building too.

The fact you could actually role play in it.
The second you left the vault you were free to do anything you wanted.
Also, it had locations that were actually fun. You'll never see another Gary vault in the Fallout series as long as titty face Todd runs it.

Sad part is that it's almost 10 years old and yet it offers more unique characters and locations then FO4 does.

It wasn't a bad game. Only NVFags say it is to blend in around here.

Why couldn't Fallout 3 have the ability to properly side with the Enclave?

Sure, you can take the FEV and dump that shit in the purifier, but it's such a fucking inconsequential choice that all you get are a few dying beggars and a radio message about the water making people ill. It never comes up in dialogue that you can say 'lol yeah I poisoned that shit lmao xddd' to Elder Lyons or someone. You're basically enacting the will of the Enclave, while they are still enemies with you, and you have no choice but to fight them to due to your irrevocable ties with the BOS.

Is it just fucking laziness on Bethesda's part or am I missing something?

All of the DLC is distinctive and fun in their own right

This. NVfags are usually just mouth breathers from RPG Codex. Don't be fooled Sup Forums.

>The fact you could actually role play in it.
My favorite part as well, what did you roleplay as? I roleplayed as an 18 year old kid who spent his entire life in a vault and left to go search for his dad

i enjoyed the music, the theme, the aesthetics. the radio.
I liked the leveling system, the perks, the character building. The before the endgame part.

I don't remember you being able to go around saying "Yeah I'm in the Legion and we took the dam xdddd"

>operation anchorage
>exclusively a combat DLC
>in a fucking game with shitty gunplay
>mothership zeta the same deal

Slow down there sport.

I had a non-zero amount of fun after modding it with Tale of Two Wastelands and J. Sawyer Ultimate Mod.

You're tainted by the wasteland. Enclave will never accept you. They literally will put a bullet in your forehead once you've done all your errands for them like a dog.

The Dunwich Building was spoopy.

No you couldn't, and I agree it sucks shit that you couldn't play the game after it's conclusion. But stepping back into reality for a moment, there are so many factors in FNV after it's conclusion that it makes sense that fitting them all in and not having a total clusterfuck of a gameworld afterwards would be near unfeasible.

Fallout 3's ending was much more black and white, you either poison the water and thus do your bit to kill off ghouls, wasters and supermutants, or you don't. That's not exactly the same complexity as accounting for your billion choices with 10+ factions.

Same. Who did you roleplay as in New Vegas? I roleplayed as a cowboy mailman looking for the guy that shot me.

Sure, but the president was still willing to use you like a dog, he even misleads you into believing you'd be safe from the effects of the FEV, even though you wouldn't due to being born outside a vault. There could have been a questline where you were strung along even further.

>Is it just fucking laziness on Bethesda's part or am I missing something?
It is Laziness, but Bethsda actually wrote that situation pretty well. You are not working with the enclave. The Enclave thinks using the FEV is too extreme a plan. You are following President Eden, who was betrayed by the Enclave.

>billion choices with 10+ factions
NV fags actually believe this.

I'll name a few

>the soundtrack is really nice and reminds me of FO2
>Rivet City and Megaton
Navigating through them is a bitch but the feel, the characters and the quests make them my favorite towns in any Bethesda game tbqh.
>random encounters
This is like the one thing 3 is better at than NV.
>radio stations
Fits into the Fallout aesthetic perfectly. When replaying 2 a few months ago I had totally forgotten that they weren't a thing back then already.
>Point Lookout
is fun
>The Pitt
is so good I'm convinced Todd had nothing to do with it, and probably advised against making it.

They gave zero fucks about postgame, since you originally didn't survive the ending

The trailer.


Be it that i can't say the game aged well, but goddamn the trailer.

If you actually go through this:


You'll see there are pretty damn significant differences written into the endings of each faction. Making all of those play out cohesively in a game world you could play in after the end of the game would be pretty difficult.

Perhaps you could argue if they knew they wanted the game to be playable after the ending they wouldn't have had such big differences, but meh, maybe that would have made the ending shittier.

Most of the side factions have multiple endings to their subplots. And several of them are interconnected.

>this was 9 years ago

pretty sure most of the soundtrack is from fallout 2

But of course it sounds simplistic when you word it that way. It was really about whether you choose to potentially save the people of the wasteland by providing clean water and helping the BoS fragment, or poisoning the people of the waste and infecting them while giving the wasteland to the Enclave.

God, shut the hell up about NV already. Even as an NVfag this is getting tiring.

Is it? I don't recall any instances. Although I do remember FO2 tracks in Vegas, like the transquil as fuck Modoc theme in the clinic.

Which, no matter how you look at it, is far simpler to implement than the differences you'd have to account for after FNV.

Don't tell me what to do, bitch.


>Interplay failed to get the rights to I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire for Fallout 1 and then 2's intro
>It takes Bethesda to finally give Fallout the intro it deserves

Is it any wonder everyone knows the series started with 3?

Of all the Fallout sequels it is the one to evolve the series the most if not the only sequel to not just be the last game with new paint and story.


>[Science 100%] kys

NVfags are literal autistic manchildren from RPG codex. They are the fat guys in fedoras and trench coats who lecture soccer moms if they see them buying the wrong game at gamestop. Is that what you want to be?

>They are the fat guys in fedoras and trench coats who lecture soccer moms if they see them buying the wrong game at gamestop

Almost all of the OST in FO3 is from 2, while NV is mostly 2 and 3 with a bit of original music

That's only because the two games used different themes for its factions, or at least tried. One game wanted a good vs evil story in the wasteland while the other wanted a "see we're all shades of grey" story, but kinda fell short due to time constraints which is why the Legion is made out to be evil and isn't really touched on as much as people hoped. Not really a big deal in a game where there's a lot more to do outside of the main quest.


I played Fallout 3 with my headphones on loud enough to rattle my ears when I shot. Atmospheric as fuck. I started at 6pm and before I realized it was 11am the next day. One playthrough and I was pretty much done with it though. Tried NV and 4 for a couple of hours each but it's just more of the same. I don't know why people act like NV is significantly better.


It's great when turned into a New Vegas mod

You get more options, which leads to a lot more replay value.
You are correct that you can do pretty much everything in one run in 3.

I still don't understand why Bethesda doesn't just dedicate one afternoon to patching Fallout 3 so it can run on modern systems. I like Fallout 3, but not enough to downgrade Windows to play it.

>spend any amount of time patching a game when all your fans will do it for you
I don't understand.

It's extremely fun. Ignore all the butthurt FNV fags.

It's not horrible, just not very good.

At least Fo1+2 are close to where they belong. Fo4 belongs at the fucking bottom though.

I like the subway system and the city atmostphere, that's something NV lacked, a ruined city you could explore

Needed settlements to make it more lively.


>tfw I want to get this but it requires me to have all of FO3's mods and I either need to pirate the GOTY edition which would take for ever or find the DLC by themselves on some shady russian site

Maybe Bethesda can implement creation club into Fallout 3 so mod creators can fix the game to run on Windows 10 for a price haha...


If you like 3, you'll like 4.
It runs well on my R9 290, just adjust some settings.
Settlement building does, in my experience, just werk. Todd didn't lie about that.
Also, I like the companions in 4 more then 3 and NV, so that adds something to the game for me.

You know, I don't give much shits about Fallout, and I never thought there could be someone more annoying than shitendrones, but you guys are really trying your hardest to compete huh?

Nothing may have had any relation to each other, but I feel as though Fallout 3 managed to contain decent arena type areas which were fun for firefights, which both 4 and NV failed at

Is it really worse than BOS? I could see being below Tactics. Fallout Shelter is fun as a distraction for a while but is really just mobile shit.

Just torrent it off tpb, you can find a version of FO3 with all DLC included.

it was fun and i enjoyed it alot, but NV was much beter

>can literally mod the entire game, all dlc and many mods into New Vegas but with the shitload of features and mechanics New Vegas introduced like DT and ammo crafting
>worse then just the game by itself
New Vegas is not only a better game, TTW means it's maybe the only time a game can honestly be called objectively better. You have Fallout 3, or New Vegas with all of 3 and more in it. One has literally all the content of the other and much more.

go play minecraft

its better than 4

>Decent arena type area
>With like 3 raiders in it
>With AI that doesn't even attempt to use cover

No it isn't, Fallout 3's music was composed by Ion Zur.

>can literally mod the entire game, all dlc and many mods into New Vegas but with the shitload of features and mechanics New Vegas introduced like DT and ammo crafting

That's why fans rate NV higher then 3 right? Fuck off F3fag.
