Divinity: Original Sin 2

Release date: 14.9.2017

Spotlight: Origin Stories - Lohse

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Combat Spotlight

Reveal of the Undead Stream

Spotlight: Origin Stories - The Red Prince

The wait is killing me, what are you playing in the meantime?
Party you plan on having?
Are you going to bone Fane?
Sp or Mp?
Will you go for Thicc Lizard hips?

Other urls found in this thread:


Can I make a human and fuck lizard waifus?

I just saw the combat trailer and it piqued my interesdt. Should I bother with the first one or just jump straight into the second.


>Not boning Fane

I shiggy.

So what are we expecting from Bellegar this time around lads?

I find the humour in larian games hilarious

Sorry user but there are no female lizard companions.

Undead geo/scoundrel dwarf/human
Warfare/necro human/lizard
Aero/hydro human/lizard

They're barely connected with a timeskip for like 1000 years, feel free to jump straight to DOS2. DOS is still good tho.

6 more days until another shit Larian game filled with
>Shitty cliche story
>Boring one dimensional characters
>Retarded meme lol so randumb humor
>Dialogue so bad Chris Chan would blush
>you won't read this line you fucking faggot
>slow as molasses
>constant shilling
>outdated turn-based "combat"

So if getting to 0 (or some predetermined number) causes your companion to leave you do we know what getting higher numbers or max does? Or is it like/dislike system with no nuance?

Romance I'd assume, since we know that's in.

on time

based Eder-poster

Do you simply not sleep to always post this shit on time? Are you a machine?

Reminder that if a game doesn't either give you a completely blank murderhobo slate or provide you with a step by step script on how a character should act, then it's not PROPER roleplaying.

Don't know, I had Lohse with -40 for the most of Act 1 for no reason and she was okay with that.

Most likely a falseposter, either way i got enough ips to report him away with.

>Not warrior Elf
>Not undead caster
>Not Dwarf ranger
>Not human support
>Not lizard scoundrel

So is the story and characters just as shit in this game as the last?

Also does every talk like they're out of a Monty Python skit again, because I wanted to uninstall it after 12 hours of "Oi m8, takin' the piss upb the colloper?"

Would it be viable to make a pyromancer undead?

>What is custom character for $5

I'll probably have a summoner/marksman elf

Sure just stay out if your own fire since undead are more weak to it irrc

It's not that they're weak to fire, it's that they heal from poison, which is prone to explosion.

enemy undeads always have 0 or less fire resistance so that's why.

Oh really? I thought Undead had an inherent weakness to fire for some reason. It would make sense if they had the frost king perk or whatever it's called just for being undead.

DOS is the only isometric I have that I'm truly shit at and I never got far in it. Seeing as how 2 is set a thousand years later, can I just jump into 2 and not worry about the first one for the time being?

Can anyone confirm if the starter pre-set skills are the same a recruit will get if you tell them to be that class? Gear as well.

Gonna make an Elf Huntsman with some Scoundrel and Polymorph points in there somewhere.

Sneaking/stealth, thievery, special arrows (I hope are still in), and Poly for the utility stuff.

I don't know. Gonna wing it. Literally.

Doubt there is more than a few references from first original sin game. Most divinity games are standalone with few references.

Shit, I completely forgot about the romance stretch goals. Is it I'm only companions that are banganble?

To be fair most divinity games aren't direct sequels to each other. But this game does take place 1000 or so years after the first.

>can be an undead lizard


Also, why am I so excited for this when I have no desire to play the first one, even though I never finished it?

Add in warfare for Enrage
Enrage/Chameleon cloak/Snipe is insane does massive damage anything that does have huge armor will get delete

More stretch goals, better combat system, voice acting at launch, playable races other than humans, etc. It's just a generally better game.

So what's the deal with undead social interactions? Do you need a disguise spell or something to keep people from hating you?

I've seen like a billion of DOS2 threads now.

Is it like shill raid time now?

You know what.

You need a hood or the mask of the shapeshifter afaik

you need to wear a chest piece and a helmet to keep hidden. there's also a special item called "the mask of the shapeshifter" which allows you turn into one of the four races after literally ripping the face of their respective corpses.

The first one is a great game and worth playing but not a requisite for DOS:2 at all.


If you mean charm/explosive/stun arrows, yes, they are still there.

Idk, are people shilling Persona, Yakuza, Sonic and MGS?

You're exploring a dungeon and this happens. What do you do?

Yeah I like the first one but the thought of having to go through Act 1 again.. ugh.

skelemen are a religion of PEACE

Thanks bros. This is gonna be good.

Undead dwarves are so petite.

>Make a Kickstarter for a game
>It becomes incredibly successful and makes the dev a lot of money
>Instead of using this, they make people pay their checks to make a sequel
I don't like video games anymore

Welp, just ran to Red Prince to confirm.
Pic related, all starter skills and weapons for all presets.
Happy planning.

>friends will never agree on doing a 4 man undead spook playthrough

>you need to wear a chest piece and a helmet to keep hidden
I think you need to cover everything (hands, feet, legs) don't you?

Holy sweet jesus christ source please

So how many acts are there going to be in the released version? And how long is the current build?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Cleric (according to their latest video) starts with 2H hammer instead.

It's based off the current beta I have, so it's possible it's going to change

you're right



3 acts
act 1 is 25% act 2 50% and act 3 25%
Act 1 took me around 14 hours the first time.

I don't want to be a minmaxer but most of those starting classes seem like shit

Here comes the retard squad

Then you should move on to a new board.

They said during the stream the game will take well over 100 hours
I doubt that

Reminder that you won't start with weapons jn the boat and that they're in a chest after windego does her thing. so might want to start with a caster if you intend to get the exp in the boat.

Checking their undead stream, it looks like there's some changes to a few things, so I'm editing the list as best I can.
Initial checks don't seem to show too much a change.
You'll often see stuff like a melee mage. They basically have the magic for causing surface changes, but focus on physical mostly

Act 1 took us like 25 hours, but we were pretty slow and thorough.

I was really wondering why tf did they let ALL the prisoners have weapons
and why couldnt they make collars to stop all magic not just source

People keep saying this but I haven't been able to find this quote. All I see is them saying that act 2 is bigger than act 1 and act 3 combined.

Doesn't that make it at least 50% by default?

My party:
>female lizard enchanter
>Fane as rogue for thievery without lockpicks
>Beast as 2H fighter for knockdowns and poison heals for Fane
>someone as ranger, probably Lohse

How reliably can rangers dish out magic damage? or can they at all? if they can't I'll have to reconsider my setup as I'd be too heavily invested into phys dmg

She looks rapeable.

She has demons in her head you know. Literally mind fucked all the time.

embrace my spoopy skellington brother

You can always have a hybrid ranger with some point in magic my man

I'm planning on playing an undead human female called Victoria. Necromancy will be my main skill set.

Good choice user, join the qt lizard master race.



Huh, for some reason I was expecting a cockney accent

How the hell did they manage to do full voice acting for such a huge game so quickly?

>Can't stop starting a new game to try new characters

The only cute lizard is a male lizard


looks stupid desu. I will take the flesh eating elf instead

Okay, updated from the undead stream.
Unfortunately, his head is blocking the 3rd skill and he doesn't hover over them all
Things of interest, Witch has a dagger and scoundrel skills and a new necromancer skill that I don't recognize the icon.
Inquisitor got a 2h mace, makes them more a necro melee at start

The saving throw for necromancy skills are physical

Did they talk about the pacing?
In DOS1 the leveling was pretty bad, you barely got enough for anything, what's the max level this time around? 20 again?

necros heal everytime they damage vitality so a warrior necro is actually pretty good and self sustaining its great

So necromancy would pair well with warfare/scoundrel then? Unless it scales with int.

someone stop me from giving everyone glass cannon its too good

general threads goes to

Hard to say it's depend how much mobs there since they don't respawn.


wait enrage works with arrows?

I don't think they've talked about max level, but it was possible to get to 8 or so near the end of act 1 and there's at least 75% more left of the game so it's probably higher than 20.

Pacing was slightly better in 2 than 1, but Act 1 was still painfully slow. No one knows how Act 2 and 3 are.

Won't that make your entire party really susceptible to CC?

Any idea on what are the main differences between the difficulties? less mobs? less hp?

yes it does
height bonus _ enrage + using snipe in cloak does absurd amounts of damage