Are you getting it?

Are you getting it?

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yes if Noctis and Cid(type-0) gets in

If the offline system is good, yes.
I don't play online games

>I don't play online games

Why not? Online is pretty much the meat of these kind of games

first because I don't like to pay for PS Plus and second because online games are always cancer with lag and shit people

If it has customization comparable to the psp ones I will.

Does it have Jecht?

I would totally lay a Dissidia game that is all about Jecht.

I'm the same. I need really solid offline content.

told myself I'd get the original if either Locke/Vivi/Auron got in

still waiting

>I don't like to pay for PS Plus
>online games always lag

favela dweller spotted

Day one, never played a dissidia game before though, it looks fucking mad good.

I have decent upload speed but everytime I play against someone in japan or nordic countries they have an advantage.
Even if I had 30GB upload speed I wouldn't play offline. Last time I had fun with online was in 2011 or 2012 I don't remember

Will for best boy.

>wouldn't play *online

Probably. Day one? We'll see.

Very yes, the beta was a ton of fun.

man I didn't know japanese jecht sounds like a little sissy boy that gets fucked in the ass by pig nosed fat otakus

i played the shit out of the psp games. played the beta on this, and it was just okay. really hoping for 1v1, because 3v3 is chaotic. overall it didn't really feel good compared to the psp games.

You should play them, they're really great and fun to play. PPSSPP is a god emulator and it can run them easily.
1v1, 2v2 and 2v1 are available in lobbies, but the game is designed for 3v3 and it's really not difficult to get used to, it's just a matter of staying aware of the map. Don't know what you mean by how it felt either, it felt just fine to me and I played both of the old games an obscene amount.

Wiegraf when? Ramza is cool, but I want him as well.

Holy shit. They have Garland.

No Rydia, no buy.

>played Emperor yesterday
>get rank 2 or 3 in any lost games

Great character, but I'm still not good enough to carry shitters.

If they include Beatrix. Her song's in so there is a chance.

Not sure if I can cancel my preorder on Amazon, but I can't find any information about receiving a nail bat from them.

>final fantasy game
>named after best windows
Of fucking course!

Is this like Gundam Versus where it is completely unplayable without a good connection? My upload speed is probably the worst on Sup Forums.

Day 1. I loved the beta and the previous two games

Edgar when?

Also Reynn from WoFF.

>still no Wakka

Come on. Using the blitzballs would be so fun in a game like this.

Well, to start, the Dissidia 012 & OG were GOAT offline games. I know this shit is not the same, but he does have a point. I might if it has a good story like the previous ones. I loved how it all tied up to FFI which is my favorite one of them all.

i would join the Wakka crusade


I like Firion so yes

>All these people hoping for 1v1
Enjoy getting your ass ravaged.

They've said there'll be offline content and a story of sorts, but we don't really know how much they're going to have in there. That said the game will be great online so it would be worth it for that.

>everyone just picks Jecht

>No Summons
>Sephiroth Only
>Porta Decumana
I don't see a problem

Yeah, I don't know how people can't see how it would clearly be unbalanced in 1v1, on the same scale as the old games, plus it's really not that hard to adapt to the team pace. The 1v1 scenarios that happen during the normal 3v3 fights are so fun precisely because they're against the backdrop of the larger battle going on.

yeah probably
they fucked the combat hard in this one though, so its going to be hard to enjoy it beyond the fanservice/singleplayer

Sephiroth vs Jecht would be fun I think even though Seph outranges him by a lot.

I was looking at a long battle with a shitty squal double summoning Bahamut. I see your point. It looks like a scaled up og Dissidia. Shame on the combos, though.

What the fuck did they do to my boy squall, he looks nothing the psone fmvs, no homo

if it's 40 bucks maybe. If it's full price then no. I don't really see it having a lasting player base

God no, it's awful. I played it in an arcade when it came out and I want those 200 yens back.

Video games have been $60 for years I dunno why people still complain about th pricing

Noctis, and probably Ardyn too, will most definitely be in

What do you mean? There are plenty combos possible, perhaps more than before since you can combo off of wallrushes yourself and a teammate can act in place of an assist.

Was super hype until I realized its a port of an arcade game so it'll be lacking all RPG elements
>No equipment
>No customizable movesets
>No custom skills
>No 20+ hour story mode
I'll wait for Dissidia 011 instead


I really need a reason to play single player.

It's much better than his English voice and suits his character. He speaks with an Kansai dialect, it works with his type of character.

I didn't think people would care about all that boring stuff so much.

If best boys are in, yes

Serieously, I was disappointed they chose Laguna over Seifer

when they let us have more then one hp move, add bad ex modes, or at least show they care about characters like warrior of light and frion by giving them class change and blood weapons as ex skills rather then just saying that they are using said skill and just have them glow.

3v3 is a mess. 3D fighters rarely work when they're more than 1 person against another. Just look at JJBA:EOH, it ruined the game. 1v1 better be standard during the story.

Because juggling multiple people at once or having multiple people targeting you is unfair and ruins the game. 1v1 is the best option. Happened with Smash Bros as well. 4 player+ matches are a mess on that.

The first two had lots of really good content for single player, the story had map challenge type things. There was a mystery dungeon style labyrinth too, I spent fucking hours upon hours on 012.

I care because I most likely won't play multiplayer. I never do for games like this and Smash Bros.

Are they still worth buying?

012 has all the content of the first game, it's pretty cheap and comfy on the Vita.

What the fuck did they do to exdeath?

>1v1, 2v2 and 2v1 are available in lobbies, but the game is designed for 3v3 and it's really not difficult to get used to, it's just a matter of staying aware of the map. Don't know what you mean by how it felt either, it felt just fine to me and I played both of the old games an obscene amount.
I am forced to play one roll on my team and you have to build around your team, it fucking sucks. I hate when I am forced to play in teams 1v1 was way better, but thanks to the retarded decision of only one hp move per match I am stuck playing 3v3 because that change makes 1v1 unplayable

It was rare running into someone with another copy of the game, so all you had was single player really, and it got deep. The labyrinth forced you to make all sorts of crazy builds in order to win, and 012 even had a story mode with the FF1 an overworld and all that. And once you got bored and just went endlessly into versus cpu mode, the customization keep it fresh as you could try all sorts of mixes and matches on moves and skills, especially people like Cecil, Golbez, Prishe, Bartz, Terra, etc.

tl;dr PSP Dissidia 012 was an RPG that played like a fighting game, and NT is just a fighting game

>I hate when I am forced to play in teams
This. I hate being forced to play in teams. I want to rely on myself and fight someone on even grounds. All it takes is for the other 2 people in your team to fuck up and then you're left to fight 3 people at once. That's not fun.

You mean ultimecia over seifer? He'd be chaos

>Japanese arcade players have been playing 3v3 just fine with no issues for two years but amerifats can't deal with it

>012 has all the content of the first game
Nah, Dissidia 1 def had the better Gabranth, he was a true judge among warriors

Is he better or worse than this?

Oh except for balance changes, I doubt it'll affect his experience.

>low-budget spinoff entirely devoted to fanservice pandering
>ends up being the best FF for over a decade

What went right?

>Japanese arcade players have been playing 3v3 just fine with no issues for two years but amerifats can't deal with it
I've heard Japan really like teamwork in games because of their "stronger together" mentality.

It's basically just not balanced and not fun. The only game I've seen it work with lately was Gundam Versus because the maps were big enough and the AI knew to fuck off and not gang up on one player.

HP attacks and Ex Skills are customizable and you learn them by increasing levels, and you can also earn alt costumes, weapons and colours in the same way for cosmetics. No one knows what the story or single player content will actually be like yet.
>these characters don't have these specific things exactly the way I liked them even though they have other new aspects, that means they don't care!

this, they made it impossible to play 1v1 to with the changes to how the gameplays so even if you want to play 1v1 it will feel like shit. At least with games like gundam vs you can play 1v1 and while unbalanced as fuck can still be fun

It's a shame that the script is genuinely bad and how bad the artstyle is. I wish every character was "giant" styled like the twins.

>the preorder-only DLC still isnt available for regular purchase

What are the changes they made?

This game looks like those shitty Naruto one-button fighters. Am I wrong about how it plays?

>that confident looking cloud with a firm grip on his sword and head held high

Did Square finally realize which Cloud people actually want? Could it be?

>locking the Japanese dub behind the Day One/Limited Edition copies on the PS4

And I thought Sony charging for the Japanese audio track for SSD was out of the ordinary.

Though it's free on the Vita version, weirdly.

Nah there's a bunch of actions, you gotta time shit right.

You can spam attacks but you'll get punished for it, even by the AI.

Only if

>there is a 1v1 mode
>the UI is drastically changed
>rail grinding is back
>all the old villians are back
>they dont try and sell us old characters again as DLC (like Laguna or Tifa) and offer them free when available
>they somehow include Dissidia 012 in the game secretly and I can just play that instead

So basically. . . no.

Is Kain still in this shit?

Kain is so fucking cool

Okay, so I haven't finished FFVII. What is the problem people have with Cloud? Isn't it understandable that he's "emo" after losing a good friend and having his whole identity destroyed? He doesn't seem to cheerful in the game either.

>these characters don't have these specific things exactly the way I liked them even though they have other new aspects, that means they don't care!
you are a retard but nice try, let me explain why
one of Firions ex skills is blood weapon, his ex mode in the old games. in the old games it made all his weapons blood weapons like the name implies, in this shit? he just gets a red aura great! same with Warrior of light one of his ex skills is changing classes to his advanced class, does he get his other armor no, he again gets a shitty aura.

Now lets look at Terra, she turns into esper mode, Butz, he gets his master class 3 star thing, why the fuck do Firion and WoL get shafted in the fan service department and why the fuck should I not complain. I am not asking for special treatment I am asking for equal treatment

Depends, will it be just another remake like 012 or have it's own plot?

I don't know why they did, maybe the licensing was expensive or they didn't have faith in the preorders? Japanese audio is free in games like FFXV, FFXIV, FFXII, Nier Automata etc.

They stated that they wanted the entire roster of Duodecim to return along with new characters like Ramza, Ace, and Y'shtola

How is it unfair when you both have an equal amount of people on your team? You just need more awareness for when someone tries to ambush you. It also doesn't ruin it at all since it allows for new interesting strategies and coordination with your team.
One HP attack is not what would make 1v1 unbalanced, you are not forced to play one role because of the smaller team size and characters having quite a few options. Or you can let the team be built around you and play well enough to carry it.
The grounds are plenty even, if you can't trust your teammates or help them then find people you can work with.

I simply do not understand why they aren't adding in a bunch of single player content when this game has been out for years in arcades.

About the only thing you said which is an actual complaint is the lack of Quick Move, everything else is uninformed whining. You admit yourself you only want to play the same game again so why did you even bother to post?

basically forces you to become one member of a party and play a role in the team, so now in 1v1 certain characters are at massive disadvantage because they are built around that system.

Every piece of dlc is earnable ingame through gil. Please please tell me what rail grinding would add. Tell me why you want it.

>One HP attack is not what would make 1v1 unbalanced, you are not forced to play one role because of the smaller team size and characters having quite a few options. Or you can let the team be built around you and play well enough to carry it.
well you pretty much said it each character has quite a few options, but if you all play the same style you are at a horrible disadvantage so no your forced to play as a team you can not go solo in this game so really you proved my point so thanks?

>How is it unfair when you both have an equal amount of people on your team? You just need more awareness for when someone tries to ambush you. It also doesn't ruin it at all since it allows for new interesting strategies and coordination with your team.
Consider the following:
>I want to fight on person and focus ONLY on them
>If my team mates suck, I'll be fighting 3 people by myself
>1v1 is just more fun; I don't want crazy situations, just a fair match

>The grounds are plenty even, if you can't trust your teammates or help them then find people you can work with.
I don't want to be forced to work as a team or organize people to play with. It's a pain.

I would never buy a fighter that doesn't have a single player story. It's not good value.

That's shit. It's a fighter, making certain characters "support" roles is an awful design decision. They should all be DPS. Once again "muh teamwork" ruins another game.

Am I in a minority in absolutely detesting all that RPG mechanic stuff in the PSP Dissidias?
I say this as someone who loves RPGs and I understand they prob did it because its a RPG franchise but I personally do not want to see that shit when I am playing a "fighting game."

It's like playing Guilty Gear in M.O.M mode or that similar mode in Blazblue, alright for like an hour vs bots then boring as hell.
Never managed to see what it would be like vs people but I imagine silliness.

>people wanting 1v1
>people defending 3v3 saying its better
ever think maybe people hate playing team games?

No one is a support you idiot. Except maybe Ace and even that's a stretch.

He's not cheerful, no. He's just Stoic, which they've exchanged for emo in most things outside of the original. He's confident and strong in the original. He plays the vidya and knows how to beat some ass. He hears that Sephiroth is alive and instead of crying and moaning about shit he just goes "Time to kill him again"

He does have some down time after Aerith dies, which is completely understandable, and him being sad over someone he cared about dying is often what people try to use as evidence of original Cloud being "emo". But he snaps out of it perfectly fine and goes right back to his beat the shit out of Sephiroth plan.

Yes. I played this at PAX and it is just like the PSP games. Knowing that Sup Forums's age remains the same, I am unsure how many have played those games.

Having 3 on 3 matches was fun.

Wait, how does that even work?

>3v3 game where most people would be fighting 1 other player
>One character has to support others with buffs
>A fighter character fights them
>They can't defend their self
>Their team mates are too busy fighting other people

So wouldn't some people have to be fucked over in the end?


But wasn't that confident and strong personality Zack?

>Complaining about missing characters from originals as wanting them not to end up paid DLC
>uninformed whining

It was another movement option available in most of the stages.
It is now taken away as far as I can tell.

That's the only justification I need for wanting it back. Instead of expanding on a feature, they've taken it away and replaced it with nothing.