Why was this game so fucking good? The character felt relatable as fuck and i felt everything he did, i was angry, happy, pumped up etc etc. Maybe i just like main characters talking in metaphors back from the Max Payne days
Why was this game so fucking good? The character felt relatable as fuck and i felt everything he did, i was angry...
Videogame characters are incapable of feeling relatable because no good writer ever works on this industry.
the PC port of this is a fucking dumpster fire
i had absolutely no problem with it, everything ran and still runs buttery smooth
>cutting tool becomes the most OP weapon in the game
what other games do this?
Dead Space?
dual rifles were the most OP weapon, it shredded enemies
throw your pc into the window
The gunplay was fucking godtier. Nothing like ploughing through waves of nazis with dual auto shotguns.
I remember that with the scope addon, if you got one of the supersoldier mechsuits to take up the whole panel, the cutter could kill him in one blast.
It's a damn well written game. It defies expectations constantly and goes where no videogame went before. It has atmosphere of a Terry Gilliam movie, noir monologues, constant sense of despair and abundance of justification for shooting nazis.
that asylum scene really got me fucking going, i've never been so happy to see a nazi getting stabbed than in that moment
On top of that it concludes the loose trilogy started with Return to Castle Wolfenstein, so it's not really a reboot, but rather a smart new iteration of a franchise. Wolfenstein is kind of like Alien franchise in this way. Every game feels different and made by different studio, but always good.
i really hope they keep the same feeling in the new wolfenstein, so far it looked promising
>Why was this game so fucking good?
It isn't good.
lots of boring parts and hitscan only fps will always be a little meh.
Because it has the inherent absurdity of modern shooters - the death count, the 12 guns carried at all times - but keeps the emotions serious. BJ is a normal man in a world with giant nazi robot kill dogs who shoot flames out of their mouths, and at this point he's just tired of the bullshit.
It also really hammers in the point of exactly why nazis are fucking bad.
yeah those guns were on point. definitely the highlight of the game's production
>Why was this game so fucking good?
It didn't try to immitate CoD.
Single player shooters are boring and dead for a reason.
It runs bad on low-end hardware, but anything about mid-tier ran it well enough.
TOB was better optimized, though.
>It didn't try to immitate CoD.
Is this a joke? the whole game is the Cod formula TO THE TEE, if it was instead called COD: alternate history nazi warfare none of you fucking
retard drones would care about it
Struggling to get into it desu, just at the point where I jumped on a van to get to the camp.. is it going to get gud soon?
Spotted the AMD poorfag. Get fucked.
Cause it's fun, story is cheesy as fuck and doesn't try to make any needless political statements besides "Nazis are bad guise", every gun feels satisfying to use, from the assualt rifle to the fucking laser cannon, enemies feel satisfying to kill, and the soundtrack is rad as hell too.
Are you at the prison breakout? I feel that things pick up quite a lot once you get to the actual breakout section of the mission.
well yea there is a brief moment of calm in the camp and then you go back to your scheduled broadcast of destroying the nazi war machine but if you didnt enjoy it so far then you might not enjoy it further
You clearly haven't played a CoD in years and are completely blinded by your negative nostalgia.
Not who you're replying to, but you're stupid for assuming he's saying that because of some AMD hardware.
It ran well on my HD 7870.
Even if imitates something, it's Half-Life 2. Not exactly Quake, but not Call of Duty either.
TNO is/was notorious for how badly it performed on AMD processors.
You like eating shit.
some ideas and setpieces are obviously inspired by halflife 2 but the game is designed like CoD only clunkier
anyone praising this game needs to get their head out of their ass
It's a 7 or 8.
Deducted points for having awful sound mixing levels rivaled only by Sonic Adventure games, HIGHLY unstable difficulty curve that spikes from easy to hard at a moments notice, poor boss battles relying on gimmicks, ano the worst offense is disarming you at the end of a chapter. Why? Because it would conflict with its storytelling. Wolfenstein The New Order always has an excuse for getting rid of your weapons, the anti thesis of Doom Era gameplay.
Only Vox Media, Huffington post, and Salon dumbasses will defend that last one cuz XD SHOOTING NAZI. If your story is so good that it has to have an excuse to throw out my inventory you're failing at gameplay design. Once or twice is fair trade off, but New Order goes above and beyond to jerk itself off to its narrative. It's a poor Wolfenstein gsme, but an above average modern FPS.
GTX 1070
Somehow looks and runs worse than the PS4 version
Great game, but there's no reason this shit should be locked to 60 FPS when I can max out Doom '16 and keep my FPS above 80
I like how they used BJ's voice to build his character: whenever he talk with allies his voice is light and plain, he sounds like captain america, almost.
Meanwhile, his internal voice is deep, growling and clearly mentally unstable.
>awful sound mixing levels
TNO, Doom, and GTAV have the worst sounding weapons in modern video games
It's not designed like CoD, you fucktard. It doesn't punish you for exploration or slight deviation from the path. It doesn't even have that many CoD style setpieces.
I knew very little about the game and thought it would be shit.
>that sick ass menu theme
>the time skip while you are in an asylum
This was all it took to convince me otherwise and that I was in for a ride.
Does anybody actually play this for the story? lol
Ever heard of pistol starting? It's a thing people do in Doom sometimes; it restarts weapon progress every level, and the game is actually pretty well balanced for it. Essentially, TNO just forces that, and balances the game around whatever weapons you can happen to have in each level.
It's not ideal in the sense of letting you use whatever guns you want all the time, but it's generally pretty good about doling them out. And once you get it, they never take away the Laserkraftwerk, at least, and that thing is pretty damn fun when you've got it upgraded.
In fact, going through and playing the game again with all perks and weapon upgrades unlocked is pretty fun, too. This game is pretty fun.
>It's a damn well written game
You're kidding, right? It was B-movie tier shlock that got in the way of the gameplay and added a layer of pretense that soured the overall experience. I don't even believe you're an authentic consumer, you're probably a viral marketer trying to generate positive feelings for the series' upcoming game. That's how bad the writing is.
It's a mediocre cinematic shooter
I hope the old blood is better
There was one setting you turn down to it's lowest (PPI or something, it goes to 16 minimum), screen space reflection down to low/med and everything else stayed max - perfect 60fps no issue
i3, GTX 780, 8GB RAM
Campy doesn't mean bad. Especially if you're a hyper violent video game.
>playing games for plot