Reminder that anyone that posts a different chart about modern cRPGs is wrong

Reminder that anyone that posts a different chart about modern cRPGs is wrong

All of those games except for LOG1 are horrible, OP

>Sup Forumseddit hates Grimoire

It was a fun dungeon crawler, albeit made by a hyperbolic troll developer. Still, always do the opposite of what Sup Forumseddit says.

fuck off retard, grimrock 2 is an objectively better game than the first, anything you could say about the quality of the games on this chart can safely be ignored.

What's wrong with Torment?

LOG2 is just a shit rehash with a worse setting

You like garbage and that's okay - most WRPG fans have to admit to this

I've never even heard of UnderRail

It's cheap eurotrash with bad writing. Doesn't even have recruitable NPCs.

Because it' shit.

So this is what being baited feels like. Really makes you think

I know it's an indie dev, but if you can't make a better game than Fallout 1 or 2, then don't even try and keep your trash game to yourself.


Who the fuck plays Legend of Grimrock for the writing?

Grimrock 2 has much more varied environments, MUCH better puzzles, more enemy variety, more everything, it is SO much better.

I played 2 first, loved it, dropped the first game after 3 hours because it's such a fucking drop in quality compared to the sequel, your taste is shit m8.

It's okay if you couldn't make it through Depot A user.

Were your parents related by blood?

>Who the fuck plays Legend of Grimrock for the writing?

I played Grimrock 1 for the gameplay - too bad Grimrock 2 didn't do anyhting new.

>I played 2 first, loved it, dropped the first game after 3 hours because it's such a fucking drop in quality compared to the sequel, your taste is shit m8.

Yeah I'm sure you said that about Fallout 1 when you played 2 first (oh wait you're too underaged to have played either of those games)

Because of the terrible writing, yeah. Fallout 1 and 2 have such an American tone that Underrail feels like EYE or STALKER in comparison.

>reddit has better taste than Sup Forums

>The site that has Bioware fanboys that were genuinely mad people made memes about the animation in Andromeda

Nice try homo

So this is what happens when I stay up late and american come online


Underrail dev, hire me for your expansion pack - your story and characters might be worth a shit

And can you program in some hirelings/NPCs?

I haven't played a single one of these.

part of the atmosphere in underrail is the isolation you muppet

that's because you are a disgusting weeb

>comfy crpg threads

>americunt time
>this faggy thread

>part of the atmosphere in underrail is the isolation you muppet

I felt pretty alone in LOG1 but I still had my 3 homies at my side

Grimrock 2 is an incomprehensible mess and too easy to get irredeemably lost in. The original Grimrock was linear and sweet. My only gripe was the circle strafe combat, but that's a minor problem when the game itself is fundamentally strong. LOG2 didn't do anything new and just took a shit on paper and said "you figure it out, lol".

Pretty much how I feel. Not enough new features, too many similar character classes and what's the point of races? Races literally only matter in real roleplaying games

>was linear and sweet
>Grimrock 2 is an incomprehensible mess and too easy to get irredeemably lost in.
> LOG2 didn't do anything new and just took a shit on paper and said "you figure it out, lol".

So linearity is a good thing now?
Grimrock 2 is pretty straight forward and gives you plenty of hints, maybe you are just a brainlet if you can't finish it without google

>So linearity is a good thing now?

But I thought the new Sup Forums meme was that open worlds are bad and beautiful linear made paths are superior

(Not that Grimrock 2 is open world, it just has a shitty hub)