Which version of Siege should I get?

Which version of Siege should I get?

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None, it sucks

Take the starter edition :) give you some free op and free premium currency to buy cool skin and shit for ur op

the standard edition otherwise its a tremendous grind to even get a single operator


get the starter edition or visit /vg/ but they'll tell you the same


Don't listen to these 2. I got the starter edition before i looked into everything. The grind on the starter edition is MMO levels of grind. Its a fucking mess. Try to get the game itself if you can.


If you just have a cursory interest in it, get the Standard Edition when it goes on sale (next Free Weekend will be in November) or just buy a CD key.
If you read the FAQ on Ubi's site or /vg/, you'll know that the grind is real for Standard Edition with no option to upgrade. You use the renown you grind for to pay for operators(playable characters) as well as attachments, DLC operators (hella expensive already), and cosmetics.
If you're one of those people who already plan on putting 2,000 hours into this then I might say you'd be fine getting Starter but for the average player it's just going to make playing more of a chore than a fun activity.

all you guys saying get the starter
>instant unlock for bunch stuff you wont use and thrus making you spend less time on the game or give up playing sooner then if you was to

get the base game and unlock everything but over time.
you guys will never understand that grinding is half the fun. you create goals to work towords
like i wont stop playing til ive reached a certain amount of renown if i had evrrything unlocked straight away i wouldnt still play siege dailly them starter kits are

>pay an extra £20 to get board of the game quicker

do this

>pay for base game and spend months if not years playing the game working on perdonal set goals

buy the base game. if you really like it after a month or so buy a pack (to buy 2 premium operators) and get good and unlock everything else with blood and sweat

you will appreciate rainbow six ten times more this way then buying into the fast track
the fast track will spoil your over all exprience

Honest question: Are you handicapped?

You're dumb. The FAQ explicitly says it will take an average of 15 hours to unlock a new operator compared to like 1.5 for standard.

>grind is real for the Standard Edition
Sorry, I meant Starter Edition. You'll be grinding (playing the game in order to earn renown) to some degree in both but the Starter increases how much you have to grind in exchange for being slightly cheaper.
Here's the FAQ if you want to know more:

>montagne in the corner
>nobody has any grenades left

Starter Edition is fucking cancer and the full game costs the same in cd key sites.

Frost is cute! CUTE!


are you trolling or just stupid, the OP of the siege general straight up says "Don't buy the starter edition"

Monty is the biggest troll in the game next to Fuse.

being this retarded

>he plays skillbeard


stay mad, nerfbeard takes legitimate skill

>he can't aim for the chest

please get good eventually

>he dies to window peeking

heres the deal, if you want to spend less money buy the fucking starter if you dont wanna blow money on a game you might not end up liking

You can get the first to guys free, and you get enough currency to buy 2 more operators right off the bat (I got the Thatcher/Mute combo deal)

Then if you end up actually liking the game, spend 20 bucks on a currency pack and you can buy even more operators with that
I bought the FBI and GSG bundles, its 20% off each so you are saving more points than straight buying them

if you wanna blow 45 bucks on a game you might not like, go ahead but starter is cheaper and the DLC ops all still cost the same anyway

>he doesnt know how to use the map to his advantage to flank crutchbeard.

its like they finally fixed the game and gave operators buffs and nerfs they needed, but still let the new operators be OP as fuck when they first come out to make the season pass worth anything. Ying is fine but I mean IQ and thatcher are pretty much requirements at this point

Who's the best defender and why is it Smoke?

>Ying is fine
>But he complains about Lesion
Git gud

>He stills thinks that Lesions mines are actually invisible
His mines are easy as fuck to spot if you arent a retard

buy normal edition on cdkey sites, pay about the same as starter edition

Honest statement, you're a fucking piece of shit.

I got standard edition on last sale (some time in august)
after around 25-30 hours by now I got all other standard operators unlocked (they go 500->1000->1500->2000 credits for each unit)
Iirc starter edition means every other operator is 12000 credits? Think for yourself

btw last free to play weekend the price on steam and uplay was the same, but on uplay you got the money back as a gift voucher you can spend on another game.

My plan was to spend that money on the year 1 operator pack,l but it seems you can only get it in the ingame shop, not in the uplay shop, and it's impossible to use gift codes on the ingame shop :-(

Any1 figured out how to use voucher codes on the ingame shop?

Yes, and...?

whats in his smoke bombs anyway?

Exactly faggot.

Any bronzies/silvers want to squad up? I suck at the game and haven't played for awhile, but want to get back into it.


>its an Ash's hit box doesn't exist episode

>it's a "3-speed operator immediately rushes in while last-minute reinforcements are taking place and kills three people" episode
>it's a spawn-peek episode

"We want the Call of Duty audience"

This is why I can't actually recommend this game to anyone. Maybe when they fix the fucking netcode/servers...

But they just introduced 2 whole characters specifically designed around countering the rush strat

>its a "DLC Operator is blatantly overpowered for a few weeks before getting nerfed into the ground"

Can't wait for Ela to stop getting easy 4k's in casual. Why would they say "we care about balance" when removing ACOGs for Bandit and Jager, but then give us a green-haired kurwa who can wreck everyone with either her 51-round laserpointer or her rapid-fire blastgun.

Fucking Ubisoft.

go to instantgaming and buy the standard edition for the price of the starter.

If you like the game get year 2 pass because if you play it it's worth it.

Aiming for the chest really would have saved this guy.

Those characters are pretty ineffectual though. Lesion for example needs more traps right away to deal with rushes.

And on the other hand they nerfed barbed wires pretty hard which just enables Ash faggotry.

Ubisoft doesn't give a shit about balance otherwise they would've fixed the netcode ages ago.

That said it seems like every expansion they release a broken or must pick operator.
Black Ice was Frost with her god shotgun and C4.
Desert Storm was Skillbeard and 4-Cam Valk.
Red Crow was Hibana to completely change the meta.
And after that was Mira doing the same for defenders.

It's an obvious trend and anyone who ignores it is an Ubi shill, plain and simple.

>literally 10x the grind for a single character, in a game that doesn't allow duplicates and where the characters you pick should change from round-to-round based on strategic choice

>And after that was Mira doing the same for defenders.
Mira is actually a really well balanced operator

Guy was a in panic mode. He could have killed that blackbeard easily if he picked up his nitro and waited for the him.

Doesn't change the fact that she's become a must-pick on most maps.

So you are saying he should have just flanked and used C4?

>put a c4 close to the door
>neckbeard gets scared and tries to go around or shoot it
>hear whether he's going around or trying to shoot it
>get behind him based on his decision

>Lesion operating in a t-shirt, shorts, and Nikes
>Leaving dirty needles all over the place

Wrong. She's very situational actually. A really useless pick in some sites and an extremely important one in others.

I really like that poor coordination with teammates can make her completely useless.
I can't tell you how many time I've been solo-queueing only for a rando to shoot out the mirror for a single kill a minute into the round.

>Green hair
>Yoga pants
>Portrait taken in profile
>Bullied in high school
>Dad killed himself
>Art student
>Needs constant praise and prestige assignments or she'll have a bitch fit
>Probably wears a lot of black and listens to alternative music in her off time
Ela needs a hug.

she needs a yelling at.

>special snowflake pistol attachment

>reddit six siegeweenie
gibe me a valid AND detailed reason on why you play this shit
>its fun
>i like it
>it has...

I like it. It's fun.
Environment destruction keeps matches fresh.

>one of the wall is reinforced
>Bandit comes with a battery
>Monty is electrocuted to death

a "competitive" shooter with unique gameplay mechanics, especially destruction plays a huge role

could you elaborate those points?

Go look at the thread on /vg/, also not the starter edition, it's a lot of grinding bullshit.

No. I already gave (You) all I will.

He enjoys the action of playing that particular computer game.
He finds the action of playing that particular computer game to elicit a good mental response, suggesting excitement and/or happiness
One of the central mechanics in this particular computer game named Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege, the ability to physically remove obstructing walls in an environment in order to gain a tactical advantage on your opponent or opponents, manages to keep the game's gameplay enjoyable for longer periods of time than it would without it.


How did those idiots not know the C4 was on the wall? JUST SHOOT THROUGH IT WHAT THE FUCK

at least it isnt dark souls

Because you suck dicks


>literally a tacticool shooter
>no one wants to play tacticool and use mics and callouts
>Everyone enjoys sealing up one room and staying put

Randos are like that, yeah.

>mfw killing somebody with Thermite's breaching charge

I did that once.
Laughed for a minute straight.

>whispering "really big fucking hole coming right up" every time you place a thermite charge into your mic
there is no better feeling

>just using more words to explain the same thing
EXPAND upon those words, why is it fun? why does he like it? what makes it a cut above the rest?

those games seem weird
>unique game mechanics
such as? other than the slight destruction in specific areas ofcourse

not a reason, this statement is also a fabrication

>shouting "GET BEHIND ME" into your mic whenever you extend your Monty shield
>your friends get mad at you for being autistic
There is no worse feeling.

you shouldn't, siege isn't a rainbow six game in the slightest bit

>writing Rainbow Six fanfiction, of all things

someone post that pro thermite webm where he kills himself with his own thermite while falling

what does that have to do with anything

ela is fun to fuck

>Play Rook
>Lay down armor packs
>Say "Make sure you guys get your Jake Paul shirts"

He prefers the older games where you play against bots and use 3rd person to look around corners, they were much more tactical.

I hope you kill anyone that doesn't get their armor.

>no one to play original R6 with
does the Multi even work? seems like a fun time

>someone hates on siege
>must be a LAS VEGAS 2 baby
you do know there are previous R6 titles right? why the hate for a blip in the massive franchise?

I just want to take her and wrap a measuring tape around her thigh!

If there wasn't a hole in the wall I don't think the sound would have bled through, atleast not enough that any average guy is going to think to blast it.

>screaming "TOXIC BABES" as loud as I can whenever I toss Smoke's canisters
>end up gassing friend and foe alike
It's an unusual, but ultimately fulfilling feeling.

Unless there were holes in that wall for the beeping sound to travel through, then you can't hear the C4 from the other side

It's okay, you're just muckin' about user

Just melee his feet and shoot him when his shield is knocked away.

>implying R6 never had third person before vegas

Not the guy you are replying to but, assumptions are great when they are wrong.

You can absolutely hear c4 through floors/walls.

Then move on to the second half of my post.

that webm is old as balls just look at the UI, it was probably taken just after the game came out.