Hurr and durr

>play bloodborne
>"git gud"
>grind and shit until i am basically genociding the furries of Yharnham
>"woah what the fuck bro you are WAY overleveled, you were supposed to self impose difficulty on yourself, you aren't meant to be killing everyone so easy, for the real challange you are playing it WRONG

You guys are fucking weird.

Grinding barely even does anything in BB. Softcaps are pretty easy to hit.
What you have to grind for is blood gems.
But man, I must tell you not a lot of players get to experience a run like mine.
>Gehrman doesn't shut up about the chalices and partaking in communion
>get the chalice from BSB
>get another chalice from this chalice and so on
>emerge from the dungeons in Forbidden Woods at lvl 80+ with like 20% attack gems in my weapon

What are soft caps then? Currently got
>STR 36

And im just in byrgenwerth at the mo

About 40 for damage stats and I think 50 for health. Most people don't level end at all.

Oh fuck thats loads i can still do better then. So what happens? It just stops making a diffrence after that? I need serious blood chunks to upgrade my axe now and i havn't found a single one yet and need 3 at least

I don't know why, but Bloodborn kicked my ass harder than any of the Souls games (during the last like, third of the game anyway). Still fun though except where Brainsuckers were involved.

Yeah, your damage barely grows at all if you put more points into the same stat. From there on you either go for quality build and get more dex, or branch out into arcane to use more hunter tools and eventually pick up HMS, which I think is the only three way scaling weapon in the game.

It basically just makes way less of a difference. Once you hit 40 Endurance you have to invest two points to get any gains in stamina. Once you hit 50 Vitality, you only get 8 more HP for each point you invest.

So if i hit 50HP, 40endurance and 40STR with Axe and pistol thats me done grinding for the rest of the game? Is it enough to finish?

Here is a couple handy charts I made back in the day when I played this game to help visualize the softcaps.


Pretty sure I still got gains from Strength and Skill up to 50, but yeah, basically. Only things you might grind for are gems. And you'll wanna finish the dungeons anyway so you can fight Yas Queen

Good shit, thanks. Could've sworn I got a slight stamina boost at 42 though...

>Ask for advice
>Be told to acquire skill, likely given some good pointers on how
>Disregard this and instead grind like it's a JRPG
>Surprised when people are annoyed you wasted their time

I mean so long as you're having fun it doesn't really matter, but why be so insecure about it?

That's the opposite of gitting gud though.

>git gud
Those two aren't same you fucking shitter
Git Gud


Well, I didn't double check this, I just made the chart using a spreadsheet I found. Either way, leveling end above 40 is absolutely pointless.
In fact Vitality and Arcane are the only two stats that have any noticeable effects past softcaps. And in case of arcane only for tool damage, and not weapon scaling.

All damage scaling stats softcap at 25 and 50

I leveled up vit/end/str evenly on my first playthrough with the pizza cutter. The game was a joke.

I might be confusing it with Souls. 50 str/dexfor BB it is then.

BLT and ARC too, though ARC does continue to scale for tools. 99 ARC tool time is a fun build.

Yeah, I just test leveled it, didn't actually commit since 40 endurance is enough to stunlock any enemy and roll for days. I've just been dumping leftover points into arcane on my NG+ and taking those hunter tools out for a rip. You're already a god when you hit the softcaps so it's just time to fuck around at that point.

Is a fucking crippled meme of a build. Hell it's HALF of a build, because of all BLT weapons literally only half of the weapon's moveset benefits from BLT.

Untricked Chikky and Bloodletter are shit though, and tricked Chikky and Bloodletter are twice as good as most weapons. It also allows you to actually shoot shit and hurt it. Cannons and Gatlings are fun.

>"git gud" means improving your character's stats instead of improving your own skills

Oh yeah user, repeating git gud over and over again and nothing else is really helpful, anyway im doing fine so it looks like i don't actually need help

>is Japanese
>is an RPG

Sounds like a JRPG to me bro

Game should have fuvking bottlenecked me then shouldn't it? In fact with no advice it is basically building its game for me to do exactly this, so if you are just playing how ever you want don't talk shit about a correct way of playing.

Is pretty much an STR offhand, because it barely scales with BLT.
Anyway, the point is - having this sort of split scaling on weapons greatly limits your available moveset. Why have trick weapons at all, if you're only ever using one mode?

>game makes no claim this is not the correct method

Its a fucking RPG, why make a boss fight last for two hours instead of 12 minutes because you are a self imposing try hard faggot? Rolling is ot THAT fun a mechanoc buddy. Maybe the game is shit then if it can't even decide how i ahould exploit it to win.

Then why ask?

It's an Action RPG. A JARPG.

Because the tricked chikky drains health so you need to switch out of it when you're not attacking. Bloodletter is so you're not constantly weapon switching without having to trick it (which takes a chunk out of your life), and for bait and switch PVP shenanigans. I was sceptical of it before I gave it a try too.

>why ask

Read the OP, there is no ask.

Then why were people telling you to git gud? If you made a thread throwing a tantrum about the game being too hard, that's pretty much asking.

Grinding in modern games is almost always there as a failsafe, so that it's possible for people not so good at the game to beat it if they really want to. It's not the intended experience, and not the experience that most of us had. If you had fun grinding, more power to you, it's a perfectly valid way to get through the game. But learning how to play rather than giving up and grinding probably would have been more fun for you.

I'm not the only one who likes quality weapons in bloodborne? Even if it does kinda limit you to Ludwigs holy blade and Saw Cleaver/Spear.

Being a "normal" guy was a lot of fun in this game, I had pretty good damage too.

No when i first started the game and knew ZERO the advice was just play and git gud. Then after Gasgoine the game became a cake walk with all the upgrades and i posted in a thread where they talked about bossess. I said i smacked around Amelia, Paarl and was murdering the unseen village with ease so they asked me to post current stats and all complained i was over levelled. I call it being fucking prepared and the game almost encourages me to do so. I didn't realise From games were one of those "its good only if you apply all these self imposed rules" kind of game before that.

>It's not the intended experience

Single fact to back that up? Im sorry but the game makes no fucking claim to this and seems to encourage it

>No when i first started the game and knew ZERO the advice was just play and git gud
How did you get advice if you weren't looking for it? You're insecure as hell.


So you did ask for advice? Stop being such a woman.

How are any of those things you listed do anything but reinforce my argument?
Having no BLT scaling in untricked mode cripples the weapons, both in terms of damage and playstyle.
Chikage's trick mode drains your health to discourage you from staying in it at all times, yet it's the only one you can use if you wanna do any damage. And staying untricked just means you're simply being passive and not attacking, waiting for a moment to go trick mode.
And Bloodletter's normal mode has access to both blunt and thrust damage types. And the trick attack is actually real good, it has nice AoE, massive knockback and good rally so you can just regain most of the health you spend on it, provided the hit connects. But again the weapon is crippled due to divided scaling, so you're stick with just the two handed attack.

holy fuck, chill on the autistic screeching. No one really gives a shit how you play the game ffs. What are you trying to accomplish here?

Also, please tell me you did your grinding by getting through the chalice dungeons at least.

Grinding doesn't do much for damage dealt, but for damage taken 20 or 30 levels can make the difference between a boss obliterating you, and you being able to tank all its hits while faceraping it. I'd argue grinding does more in BB than even the Souls games because of that.

Chikage's tricked mode drains your health at a very low rate. It's designed for you to trick attack into a combo finishing with an untrick attack when you've eaten your stamina; you'll lose like 4hp at this point. Anything the bloodletter can do untricked it can do much better tricked, if you want to use the trick attack then just untrick it and attack.

You're theorycrafting and idea-wanking over something you haven't tried. A pure BLT build gives you access to those two weapons' tricked forms (plus Bowblade) at full scaling and all the guns as viable damage sources. If that's not enough for you then don't do it, if everything has to be super-optimised then grab a Memeblade and Cleaver and have fun doing the exact same thing you already did all over again, I don't care.

>Also, please tell me you did your grinding by getting through the chalice dungeons at least.

I just used the unseen village, its easy and fast enough and drops about 30,000 a run

>I call it being fucking prepared

Nice argument my man

I'm not making an argument.

Or much sense to be honest.

Epic burn.

>he actually replied

Just as i thought.

>She actually replied to my actual reply

All according to keikaku

I'm going to bed now, stop being so insecure about whether people think you suck at video games you fucking punk, or else stop sucking at video games

Getting good isn't grinding. It means learn how to play better. Using your skills and tools in a more effective way to clear obstacles.

Then why make those skill sets part of the game? It's not like the game said, "oh by the way, here is our easy mode selection of stat raises. Its not like conventional RPG wisdom is to get these up or anything, so only use these if you suck at the game otherwise play pure vanilla stats plz"

Skill sets are so players can play the game to their playstyle or customize how they want to play. Leveling is part of the game but overleveling is the easy way out. You're not actually playing well, just overpowering everything for no challenge.

But the game makes no claim that this is wrong. You are making an argument that bloodborne is a good game based on where you subjectivley feel the challange is "just the right amount of challange" you are just making the game up as you go along. Ita like people who say a game is good once you have modded it to shit. I could understand if bloodborne made an attempt to bottleneck me as i progress like many RPGs do, but bloodborne didn't even make it hard to over level. I hadn't even realised i had until an user told me i was way over.

playing the game with total efficiency is all speedrunners do and they're considered the absolute pinnacle of players, and the legitimacy of 'skill sets' is undermined by imbalance and broken mechanics.At the end of the day 99% of Bloodborne plays take ludwigs as their favourite main, because it's broken.

It's always fucking Soulsfags who say you're not playing the games right and that "you didn't really beat the game unless x/y"

1) I wasn't making that argument since I just joined this thread.
2) I said that it is viable but it's the easy way out.
3) If my argument is anything, it's that you don't know what "git gud" means.

A game shouldn't have to tell you things that are obvious. If you're one hitting enemies that you didn't one hit before, it's time to move on to the next area.

Some bizzare methods out there. Saw a quick clip of this guy who had like NO endurance or HP at all, but he ran right up to the shadow of Yharnam and literally ONE PUNCHED them all to death simultainiously.

Id say the only people im one hitting are basic yharnam furries and their dogs. Big pigs go down in about 5 normal ace swings. I get what you are saying but still...

without a doubt they are all broken, which has always been part of the allure. People feel sagely if they can figure out hidden methods and exploits. Pretty much why other soulslikes get criticised, they can't be exploited so there's no mystery, just a skill ceiling.