Fantastic game on PC

>Fantastic game on PC
>Sub-par Console ports
>New company steps in to rebuild the Console ports FROM THE GROUND UP to fix things
>The new company has been hard at work for over a year now, and having weekly streams to stay connected to the playerbase
>Said playerbase is toxic and assblasted that there have been delays
>Reminder that they're rebuilding the ENTIRE game and adding a ton more content from the PC version to boot
>At the same time they're also porting this new build to Switch
>Console fanbase is pissing and moaning all over the announcement threads that it isn't finished yet
>They disregard every explanation for why development is unpredictable, especially for an indie title
>Start acting like the company is morally wrong for having to delay the free(!) update

It's hard for me to say this. But maybe Console players really ARE fucking peasants. At least in this game’s fanbase.

Other urls found in this thread:

>sub-par console ports

Literally how? I know they're a bit behind the official build but automining was god's gift to terraria and the game plays fantastic on a pad.

i don't like terraria because of all the shilling on Sup Forums

>Autistic game on PC
fixed that for you

Oh trust me, they're alright fundamentally. By sub-par though, I don't mean how they're behind update-wise. They're just buggy and awkward, kinda rough around the edges, and even the PC's controller controls are much better. The rebuild being made right now is going to make it completely 1:1 with PC in these aspects though, and it'll remove all the problems.

when was the last time you played a videogame?

Where can I follow the devs for this? Would be great to play terraria in full on my switch all the way to he moonlord


The Terraria community forums are a good source. Even if you don't participate in threads, or even make an account at all, the front page of here is always the first place you find news.
And it's also the location of the toxicity I'm talking about here. Most of the people there are really chill and nice, just avoid the Console announcement threads.

apoet001 on deviantart

How is it shilling, the reason you see it so often is because it's popular, it's one of the most successful games on steam, at that point you might as well call any thread for any game shilling.

Consoles are litteraly for children. Did you really think this was a meme? Have you ever played an MP game on consoles vs pc?

mostly because you cant criticize the game in any way and when there's a thread for any other game with similar premise terraria fags have to come and shitpost

yes you can, it's just that the majority of Sup Forums likes the game and will attempt to refute your criticisms
sorry you can't handle someone questioning your opinions, but that isn't shilling, and it is certainly not something you should be getting triggered by on this fucking board of all places

Trust me I know what you mean. I love a lot of other games like Minecraft and Starbound, and I can't talk about them without being shot down by "terrarias better" faggots. I mean yeah, it IS better in a lot of respects, but I really just wanna discuss other similar games sometimes

>shot down

people shitposting doesn't remove your ability to discuss things. if you fucking idiots learned to ignore those posts we'd be far better off

Alright I'll lend some criticism, the game is fucking dull as dirt in the beginning and doesnt get better gameplay wise for a long time. Also having to farm celestial towers a ton just to resummon moon lord or shell out celestial fragments is fucking annoying.

everything post cult is fucking infuriating

I can definitely agree with you that the very beginning and very end are the worst parts of the game

Just the prospect of having to grind through the final boss multiple times is really anticlimactic and ruins the impact it could have

And the beginning is always a chore. I always felt that the worst part of the game was struggling to get anywhere with no Life Crystals or accessories. Your movement is shit, you die really fast, and it takes forever to get to a point where you can actually explore places safely.

Isn't the new console port team doing such an awesome job that the original devs literally just handed the development of Otherworld to them?

>god zombies
>oh dear, ancient gods
>why did I unleash hell on earth
>oh no, the very earth itself is mad at me
>huh ancient civilization, let's destroy this threat
>oh god, this cult stuff is spooky

yes, it was shit

Something like that. Shit's kinda clouded, but a lot of people are silently agreeing that Re-Logic booted the old dev team because they were performing poorly

Nigger 505games fucked up years and years of code
Pipeworks spent a year rewriting everything from the ground up just because of them
The 1.3 update was scheduled for almost A YEAR ago

There are no excuses, none at all

Remember how console owners through a shitfit when bethesda modders wouldn't port their mods to console, often because they couldn't due to not owning the console, it exceeded the system requirements or that they were using script extenders? And started stealing mods and telling anyone having technical issues to go complain to the original mod author?

No. But then again I don't care about Bethesda things.

>fanbase is pissing and moaning
Welcome to the world of consumerism OP

>Doesn't remember that time PC players threw a fit because consoles got retextured exclusive content
>Doesn't remember that time PC players got ass ravaged because some dude played 1.2 before they did
>Doesn't remember that time PC players got mad because the dev team starting nerfing all the blatently OP shit like 200 health per second life steal
Is that selective memory you have there OP, or is this just a shitpost?

>make a new character
>all my copper tools are "annoying" n shit making them slow as hell to swing
>Cant find any iron or lead in the caverns connected to the surface in this new world

I just don't think I was around for those

just make wood shit