Is she ever coming back

is she ever coming back

bump for grieve

bump for leafs and hues

hopefully never, that was fucking terrible

vint just proved how this is infested by leafs and huezillians

You're a leaf aren't you.

it helped a bit to see who's who
>canadians are the sjws with terrible opinions
>south americans are pc port beggers
>yuropians are the sonyfags who ruin every thread
>burgers are the manchild nintendorks who defend everything they do just like they do with their goverment

>post during /vint/.
>all my (You)s consist of "A FUCKING LEAF".


>canadians are the sjws with terrible opinions
>Implying that's anything new
There's a reason why the LEAF thing exists

>wanting flag-based shitposting back
hurr durr leaf

We just needed evidence to back it up

The general range of discussion was better but flags ruin everything apart from Sup Forums, ditch that and you're gold

Sup Forums - The Vidya needs to come back though

Burgers were the most prolific shitposters by far when I was on (was their timezone mind you), even to the point of drowning out a thread in flag nonsense for no reason

I hope so. I miss the aussies.

It's okay leaf, your people just wanted to talk 4X in the threads I was in

>be leaf
>vomit SJW opinions
>swim in (you)s

hi leaf


>wanting Sup Forums with more shitflinging
Thankfully no


Bong actually, and you're only proving my point with an image like that


At least it was fun shitflinging


what will be the next mergers?, I had fun with my little politics, vint and spa

If mlpol doesn't come back I'll be really angry

r9k gets left out again because fuck them they deserve to be alone
haha jk I think int9k would be pretty interesting

you'd think people would be more adept at recognizing bait, considering they all perceive themselves as fearless pranksters immune to such things as triggering, but lo and behold:

I doubt they'll repeat the same April Fools joke two years in a row. Seems tacky.

I'm hoping for some /d/ fusions.

Never underestimate newfags.



the only good one was /fitlit/

I think /ck/ mixed with something and it was good too but I can't remember

also was /auto/x/mecha/ a thing or did i imagine that one

/mlpol/ exposed all the fucking newfag redditors

/mlpol/ was one of the best things to ever exist. Prove me wrong

They'll give every board forum-esque skins that force everyone to have a randomly generated username, points, and some shitty FMA/Invader Zim signatures

Based Eurobros

>how can black men even compete


Sup Forums and /ck/

Your "point" was retarded then and so are you.

>4MB gif avatars next to every post
>gay ass quote by some literally who under every post with a 10MB png graphic

Forgot to add
>all set to pre-load