Is this guy just a really elaborate troll?

is this guy just a really elaborate troll?

What exactly is this expression trying to convey?

Nah my dude, he's just mentally ill.

symptom of having recently ate a big steamy log of poo

>when you buy a season pass but the total worth of DLCs is still less worth

i dunno who the fuck that is

he is just todds goblin who got lose

he has the same shiteating grin as the fallout boy
blonde shoop when?

he has the looks of INT 3

He's just genuinely stupid

Spontaneous ejaculation.

Someone please post the pic of a supermutant with Hines' face shopped in.

Idk, it's the same expression of that guy pouring ice cream on his dick.

He's in Public Relations

So pretty much, yes

He's just an asshole who has worked at bethesda forever and got moved into being PR even though he's terrible at it.


It was pretty funny at e3 when he got drunk and started not giving a fuck what he said to anybody.

reminder that hines is just a retard that doesn't understand games who got in because he's a buddy of todds
not like em*l who actively hates good game design

He's such a touchy asshole though how the fuck did someone like him get in PR?

Why should I hate him again?

Being in PR and treating your fanbase like garbage seems to be the norm now tbqh.

What? Tell me there's footage.

if the fanbase looks like garbage
if the fanbase smells like garbage
it's garbage

Who would win

>Virgin FAUAF vs Chad E .TUOLLOUT. 3

That's a fucking grade-a shit eating grin.

tiniest hands in the buisness



>marketing guy so probably has no idea what Fallout is
>someone points out a flaw with the game beyond a technical glitch
>just dismisses it because he doesn't know any better

He's just doing his job.

He's not interested in discussing how he's ruining the fallout franchise with Todd Howard.

lorefags are truly beyond autistic

>RPG fans want consistency in their RPGs
wow shocker

> something doesn't make sense, how did it happen?
> lol not interested in talking about impossible thing in game with random shit

> lorefags are truly beyond autistic

Not a matter of lore, it has to do with being a dick head that you bring up the fact that you're in a fantasy universe, but you can't explain the kid in the fridge for 200 years.

It looks like the upper left and right of his lips are being pulled up.

>Virgin FAUAF
>cares about fanbase and responds to thier concerns with sincerity and compasion
>takes lore and source material into account to accomodate long-time fans and to put out the best possible product

>Chad E .TUOLLOUT. 3
>disdain for fans and their petty concerns
>respond to them only with contempt
>has no interest in discussing realism(internal consistency) in a game about talking mutants

He's a fucking marketing guy. He has nothing to do with Bethesda game design or development.

It is astonishing the amount of people here that actually think Hines makes game.

he who controls the todd man's ear controls the game universe

He is obviously behind the casualization of fallout, these kikkes know the console babs will buy anything with "falloutness" in it.

This is true. He doesn't have the authority to speak on behalf of the writers, so why does he do it?

A PR guy should be able to answer any queries to the best of their ability. In video games, especially story heavy ones like this, he should have a vague understanding of the story so if someone asks "oh what has changed, what is new etc" he should be able to answer, rather than come across as a smug asshole and dismiss poor writing as "lol nerd get a life"

that was is snob as fuck, lots of cool PR/production people on twitter and they don't act like that when they don't know stuff about lore, they wave out in a graceful way or tell the person asking to talk to somebody else

He triggers autists, Pete is the man.


This image always makes me smile.

>human customs dictate i now must put on human smile for human camera

So basically he throws 50s music, nukes, and vault boy on anything that is advertised for being fallout?

Greetings, customers! Together we have achieved a great many things.
You have created a vast, complex modding community.
We've possessed it; we've improved it. We've rid it of its imperfection.
Not to mention, rid it of the false idea which sought to impoverish us!

Modders!! Where are you now?!

My fellow customers, let there be no doubt that our world is free no more.
For at this moment, the key to the next frontier is still in our possession!

And unlike your selfless modders, who reserved the privilege of our world only for themselves,
I will make our world closed and unavailable to all of them.
Yes, to all of them!

that nigga looks fucking retarded. legit dumb ass stupid face

And whatever we found there, there, our system will grow.
There, our system will blossom! Do this, prove
yourselves to me, be loyal to me, and I will never betray you!
Maximize efficiency, rid the old system of its imperfection!

My vision is clear, fellow customers.
Out there is a new world!
Out there is our victory!
Out there... is our money.


i'd be 5000 dollars that you're ugly


>strawmanning this hard
>can't even type properly
I don't even know why I'm giving you a (you).



>autistic fans spam your feed all day long with stupid questions because they're too autistic to suspend disbelief
what do you think autism is you dumb fucks


jeez dude, just give up now

It's what you have apparently. Calm down, retard.

i think if Bethesda just hired better writers and went back to a traditional dialogue system they'd be fine

i don't mind the skill system in FO4, works fine for me, the gunplay was fun, and I like the world. I just want Obsidian quality writing again.

they could use an engine upgrade too (better visuals/more NPCs per city/bigger world etc) but writing is my primary concern. Otherwise I think their games are fun and most of the complaints are overblown.

>game world establishes rules
>something contradicts these rules
>people point it out
>hurrr autism
I take it you've never corrected anyone ever.

My theory is that they couldn't fire him because he's friends with Todd and he was so bad at everything else that they just relegated him to PR

Give up on what?
isn't me you know.

>He's a fucking marketing guy.
That's the problem, though. It would be one thing for someone who worked on the game to jump at people on twitter, not everyone can handle being professional when someone insults something you have invested yourself in. Hines doesn't have that excuse, his job is making sure people see Bethesda and their products in the best light possible. Being professional and not doing more harm than good when dealing with customers is the most basic fucking part of his job.