"I only play on the hardest difficulty!"

>"I only play on the hardest difficulty!"

It makes you a kang at the game

unless it fucks with the story immersion, there's no reason not to try the highest difficulty

Depends on the genre.

Only when I play Kingdom Hearts. It's too easy.

Most of the time it just stretches the time it takes to do things...that's not precisely challenging or entertaining.

>being bad at video games

Are there any games that just make the AI smarter on harder difficulties instead of just increasing enemy HP/damage?

>not playing at the default difficulty in which the game was designed around
anything other then 'normal difficulty' is literally artificial


t. D. Pedro IV

the entire game is literally artificial

Why is he so smug?

it's a south park reference, I get it

Why wouldn't you play on the hardest difficulty? Games like streets of rage used to punish normal difficulty shitters with partial endings for that. Why is Sup Forums full of reddit garbage who are always compensating now? Can't afford all systems? Reddit rule: brand loyalty. Game too hard? Reddit rule: call artifi difficulty. You guys are gross

>"I only play at the hardest difficulty"
>find out he actually plays at the easiest difficulty

>Why wouldn't you play on the hardest difficulty?
Because many games have terrible difficulty settings where anything above normal relies on bumped numbers instead of proper playtested changes involving enemy attack timing, animation speeds, AI changes, enemy placement, XP gain or anything else that would actually change the way you play beyond
>if you fail to dodge, you die
>enemy is a bullet/sword sponge

t. alberto barbosa

>Games like streets of rage used to punish normal difficulty shitters with partial endings for that.
That's fucking wrong you twat. Only easy difficulty cut out after level 5 or so.

sometimes hard becomes tedious depending on the game
there should be ONE optimal difficulty for every game to give you the best experience with varying grades if difficulty depending on the enemy you're fighting, and one hardmode difficulty for masochist posers

Dishonored 2 has a problem with this. very hard makes some mechanics completely fucking pointless like peeking around corners and standing above people. the game tells you and leads you to believe these are useful strats but very hard makes you completely visible when peeking and for some reason standing above people still gets you seen. Hard fixes the problem though.

>game is actually easier on the hardest difficulty

While I don't think Crysis changed the AI it did almost have the right idea by changing the amount of assists you got from the game as well as cues from the enemies' spoken language.

Then they fucked it up anyway by scaling damage and hp on top of that

I play on easy modo because I suck at video games.

>play on hard
>the numbers are all pumped up so nothing's really harder, it just takes longer
Artifical game length desu.

>playing a game on a difficulty where 1 direct hit to the head kills you

what bullshit

lol no
Fuck Krauser on hard mode

A lot of the time its just "everything takes like 3 times the hits to kill but they're still easy to dodge"
the megaman zero series does hard mode right, restricts the amount of health/elfs you have and gives bosses new attacks, without making them have double/triple the amount of hp

becuase he's a king

name one

Because reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit and reddit.

>The hardest difficulty is the only way to play

I have nothing against hardcore gamers, obviously. Or playing on hard (or easy) mode exclusively. The "my way is the only way to enjoy something" mentality is dumb

Normal is for normies. Everything higher is designed for gamers.

Every game is artificial. You aren't literally going to the Mushroom Kingdom when you play Mario

the first Deus Ex

I just pick the option which had the description "the way its meant to be played"

>I never play on the hardest difficulty

Only a fucking retard would play on Nightmare mode

>people got offended by this

>always play on easy as a kid
>reach teen years, discover Sup Forums around this time
>fucking casuals was a big meme around this time
>start parroting said meme, play every game on the hardest difficulty just so I could feel cool
>years pass, get older
>stop playing on hardest difficulty all the time, just like to relax and enjoy my vidya without getting frustrated, play on normal most of the time
I still play on the hardest difficulties occasionally if I really like the game or something though. Who here /gone full circle/

Bite me.

It's literally a joke difficulty that ID made to shit on people who didn't think Ultra-violence was hard enough

>"I only play on the hardest difficulty!"
>hardest difficulty is miles easier than most other games in the genre
Guess the series.

UV with fast monsters is fun

You could at least try it. Not every game is like that.

UVMax is the only way to play

Games with different difficulty mechanics typically have difficulties that are like this:
>so hard that it's like hard for people who finished the game on hard once

So whether it's just bumped numbers or genuinely designed difficulty, you should play on second hardest difficulty, unless there are only 3 difficulties.

Twisted metal did this too

Use the knife, kid

I Silent Hill 2 the higher the difficulty also raised the difficulty of the puzzles, and not just the combat and item location. Is there any other game that did this?

System Shock 1 did it too. It had 4 separate adjustable difficulties: one each for combat, puzzles, mission (I believe that just changes how many objectives you have to do), and for the cyberspace minigame.

Waiting for a Fractured but Whole mod where I can play on hard mode while also being yt

Probably not the best example but Double Focus changes the way enemies attack. It isn't really too much though -- there's a loli gundam that has slow attacks, but on hard mode moment before it strikes, the lolis peek out at you causing the timing to get fucked up.

Reddit the thread. Strive to be better or stop playing games. What's the point?

Well actually puzzle difficulty was it's own set of options. You could have normal combat and hard puzzles for example.

i havent seen the phrase artificial difficulty since das2 came out

Every third post in this thread is "muh artificial difficulty"

Harder difficulty is only more fun if extra shit is added to spice up the challenge and more rewards are given.

For example Skyrim on harder difficulty just equals every enemy taking 10 minutes to kill while the combat is the same but Touhou has a bunch of extra attacks to dodge and enemies plus you can't beat the game on easy.

Blair Witch Project: Rustin Parr had separate difficulties for combat and puzzles.

I enjoyed gameplay of Alien Isolation on hard more because the alien is more dangerous but the fact she is always where you are breaks the immersion so I set the game to medium where the alien roams more. I hate the fact that androids and humans aren't scary anymore though. Can't even download unpredictable AI since I am a console peasant.

>easy: enemies deal half damage and take double
>normal: standard
>hard: enemies deal double damage, punishing mistakes harder
>hardest: everything dies in one hit, even enemies
objectively the best system

dmc right?

Hard Mode should make the game more complex, and require the player to create more strategies. For example, Hard Mode should have enemies with high Armor and low health, which would call for armor piercing weapons, and vice versa.

Is this what you tell yourself when you play very easy? Fucking pathetic.


You have to go back.

I really love the God of War 2 approach, finishing the game was hard but rewarding and fun

>you get less XP so you have to decide what to level up
>healing chests restore less health
>enemies do 5x more damage
>since enemies do 5x more damage their collision damage also does 5x more damage
>if you can throw an enemy to other enemies they take massive damage
>only some enemies can be thrown and this only becomes available only for a few seconds after they are staggered
>fights become a strategy where you have to use enemies as resources to defeat other enemies

>mfw i exclusively play on medium even if they game is too easy
wish i wasn't autismic

Now this a good bait.

This, I went afk on the last boss in DoW 2 Retribution. 15 minutes later the boss died, did nothing.

I do this for games like EUIV and Civilization, and basically any other game that gives the AI bonuses like extra production, extra money etc. I prefer everyone to have equal shit.

>mfw i exclusively play on the hardest difficulty even if it actually is artificial difficulty
i'm fine with this autism desu