Historical game

>historical game
>swords beat pikes

Other urls found in this thread:


>historical game
>flaming arrows
>that set people on fire

>historical game
>has a dual-wielding fighter
>and he is not using rapier+dagger/buckler

>historical game
>playable women

>hentai game
>str beats dex

>historical WW2 game
>Spandau beats Bren

>historical game
>Spandau beats Bren


>historical game
>anything beating a halberd

it depends on the combat setting.

>play M&B Fire and Sword
>literally nothing is better than halberds (maybe spears/pikes if you're in a pinch) and muskets
My historical accuracy hunger has been sated.

>medieval game
>French beating anyone

Boudica? Joan?

>futuristic game
>vegans haven't been force-fed lard

Depends, is it a Zweihander-length blade?

Napoléon Bonaparte

>Historical game
>No 14 year old wives

>the French exist

What's his fucking problem?

>historical game
>historiographer had insufficient british bias

>Historical game
>no daughter-wifes

Zweihanders were used to fuck up pike formations in like the 1500's. Some kingdom got so butthurt that they outlawed that type of sword.

>Propaganda pieces






But that's just a theory.


Ever heard of loan words you dummkopf?

>weeaboo game
>konatas are the strongest

>historical game
>giant enemy crab

iu siehm mäd bro :D

Dat's right.

>Roman era
>Swords beat pikes

oh wait they did-en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Pydna

Chopping the shit out of Pikes was basically the whole reason they decided that they needed big fuck-off swords. It's not so much a hard advantage as it was a nice thing to have.

>literal exceptions, only special because they are not the norm at all
>herr derr we can now have women be anything

>close quarters fighting game
>swords can be knocked out of opponents hand
>they drop to the ground
>you can pick up his sword and kill him with it


are pikes viable on a one to one duel with a sword?

>never actually participated in combat
>gets btfo and burned the only times she's cornered

To be fair, the player character can be an exception as well. See: M&B. Being able to play as a woman doesn't mean you see hundreds of them on the battlefield. In fact, the opposite is the case.


>No real evidence of her being a warrior of any kind
>literally just used money and politicing to gather an army
>the army was nothing but men, only called "Army of the Lady" due to her political power

The state of femitards

She did fight in orleans and during the loire campaign. Why are brit faggots so buttblasted about her?
Also lindy beige is a retard and a fake fuck, you would realize that if you weren't underage

>slaughters defenseless villagers and roman colonists in actual legit genocide
>fights one actual pitched battle with the only legio in the british isles
>this ensues en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Watling_Street
>kills herself like the gormless tosser she was
"Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. They are not soldiers—they're not even properly equipped. We've beaten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they'll crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward: knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about plunder. Just win and you'll have everything."

>this is what Kermits actually believe

Your cultural enrichment can't come soon enough

>people like lindybeige

>Hentai game
>Cock beats everything

Complete bullshit. Greatswords were used alongside halberds to guard the ensign at the center of the pike formation.

Sure thing ahmed. Read a book in your life instead of taking your "knowledge" from some retarded dance teacher on YouTube.

>he doesn't like Lindychad

What do you guys think of Skallagrim?

he got a vasectomy. is there more that needs to be said?

what up

All furies must be purged with fire.

embraces his own autism a bit too much

i know the guy's a furfag, but still.

I don't.

Accent annoying as fuck, videos not interesting.


Nothing says historically accurate like gods and monsters running about.

he said historical you fucking retard

>historical game
>it ain't me starts playing

He just gives me the vibe of the quintessential steampunk autist that wears a fedora with a few cogs and likes to act as if he was some British lord like he saw on Reddit.

Now I learn he's a furfag too.

Which "Totally Not a French Imperialist Propaganda" books should i read, furr-licker?

it's got swords and shields you sipping faggot

>yfw russians stole the words “Butterbrot“ and “Schlagbaum“ from the germans after the war

>Sup Forums faggots butthurt pieces.
Fixed that for you.
Women did some fighting the past deal with it.
Yeah, you are stupid

Very strong argument.

So is your smell

He's bretty alright to listen to, at least when my bro's playing him on speaker.

>did some fighting in the past

So did literal fucking children. A fucking 10 year old led a police squad against the Taliban one time, who then hunted him down and killed him.

Can't wait to see little brats run around with armor and broadswords on the BBC channel!

> historical game
> not playing as the English


>historical game
>op makes yet another thread about swords vs pikes
this shit needs to stop



And you all about being a 10 year old

You're literally responding to a butthurt woman. You do get that, right user?

i've got anglo bias and i know we lost the 100 years war, you'd have to be delusional to think otherwise

>still can't make an argument


So you are like him, a retard.
So you want me to post a link so you can say that proof does not count?

Fuck off you underage little cunt.

Threadly reminder that Hellenistic phalanxes had been losing from sword&shield legionaries since the start of the II century B.C. until they were pummeled into irrelevancy.
Ask the ghost of king Perseus how unhistorical it was that swords could destroy its elite agema.

But you play as children and teenagers everytime in an RPG. What's your point?

Heck its very rare nowadays to play as a 40+ year old veteran

No you. You smelly retard.

Made me laugh.

Brits are, on average, the worst historians but the best propagandists.



Why does Lindybiege always look fucking pissed?

>Heck its very rare nowadays to play as a 40+ year old veteran
you mean like fucking Metal Gear Solid

anglo blood boils, it keeps them strong but the pain is constant and unbearable.


Is metal gear an RPG set during medieval times?

Read the thread faggot.

>inb4 but he lost

>t. britbong
French surrendering meme is only valid for WW2, otherwise French people have had alot of military accomplishments.

Witcher then


Lindy probably forgot that the English ultimately lost the hundred years war.

He probably doesnt even know about the Battle of Patay

the weapon worked as intended, if not for his cockiness he would have walked away

it was an unwinnable war, more like a contest for how long you can occupy and pillage france for

I love how he is a pure lionhrarted Englishman at heart and completely ignores the contributions of any Scottish/Irish/Welsh divisions in our many historical battles. England should still rightfully be collecting tithes and taxes from these lesser countries.

>b-but it doesnt c-count

>Greatest empire in the history of the world
>Greatest navy that ever sailed the seven seas
>Lost three consecutive naval wars with a country with no military
>A country that doesn't even have 0.5% of the population

>historical youtuber
>is a pseud