I just wanted a Dragon Ball game in the go and this seemed fun when I installed a few days ago.
But now I see after searching for info that its force grinding levels are beyond soul crushing. Is it really that bad? Is there any other option?
Dokkan Battle
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There's no forced grinding.
I'm rank 50 and I can do just about everything. The only forced anything is getting lucky with RNG dupes to make your characters have enough power to do the constantly power creeping content they shit out. I'd avoid the game if I were you, it just keeps getting worse and worse, nullifying the ability of entire times to be worthwhile with a single new event that shits out a new more powerful character that is an absolute requirement. Happens every months or so.
Well fuck, I dropped Shuffle because of endless power creeping and grinding for any chance at the game and this is actually way worse.
I guess its mobile game curse, which sucks since the games have fun core mechanics
it's all gachashit that has that curse, really. it's literally gambling for a chance at good characters. And you need 5 of those ~.05% chance characters to have a strong enough character to salvage an otherwise mediocre team. Or get lucky with 5 OTHER characters on TOP of the 1 good characters, to build a solid team.
If you want a good mobile game, get bloons or some shit. mobile doesn't lend itself to playing anything longer than 5-10 minutes at a time. tower defense is perfect for that. those "online" games are always trash, always gacha nonsense, always mediocre, always grindy. I've yet to find one that isn't.
Only play it if you love dragonball or the artwork.
>295 stones
>Have to hold out for Super 17 and Janemba/Gogeta Dual
Damn, you're so right it hurts. I guess these games are the latest version of pachinko/casino gambling coupled with ever increasing numbers
Reason I downloaded in the first place
Gacha are NOT meant to be taken with any amount of seriousness, just play when you have some downtime, that's basically all it's for
I love the aspect of getting random characters and training them and stuff like that, what kills it for me is the stamina shit. Fuck mobile games and this cancer
Then trust me, for all the shit it's worth it, there's a lot of grinding, but the powercreep can be fun sometimes when the harder events come out.
Yeah the game is not friendly at all for new players, im kinda glad i picked it up early, now that they released ssj4 gogeta early my account will be op as fuck for 2 metas, this is what being beerus must feel like, everything is way to easy when you have an optimal team now im just focusing on getting a rainbow star for all the free LR
same here, if i hadn't pulled ssj4 gogeta i would go for angel goku but even that would be a bad choice since he will also be in the int gogeta banner
Don't get your hopes up, glb may be too cheap for that between pilaf's trove and ss4 vegeta being absent from the past banner.
I played it religiously for about 10 months back when the power creep wasn't as bad. The grinding never stops but it's easy if you have the latest, best cards or lots of weaker ones with good utility.
Just never spend any money on it.
What do you mean, there's meta game in this too?
I haven't dropped it yet because powercreeping is in the essence of Z since the beggining but not knowing how to get other nice characters without Stones makes it really bad and I can't find a single decent guide through some of the Events. Translated jap games tend to not be very easy to understand.
>how to get nice characters without stones
>how to get other nice characters without Stones
The Hero's Legacy event starting later tonight gives the best free character in the game, and all the tools to max him out, but it'll be a long grind.
>Need to get lucky and pull the character you want
>Need 9 copies of the card or elder kais to max out super attack. 5 more if it goes to 15 super attack
>4 dupes if you want to unlock all hidden potential
>Can only get orbs from a type once per week, 1 time only per day
>need to farm medals and shit to level up characters
>all this under a stamina cost system
Fucking hell. I wasn't aware of all this shit when i started playing a few weeks ago, if I was I probably wouldn't have. Now I can't stop
>Need 9 copies of the card or elder kais to max out super attack. 5 more if it goes to 15 super attack
Only Super Strike characters go to 15 and they're farmable every week. LRs go to 20, but if you're lucky enough to pull one, blowing Elder Kais on them isn't gonna be a big deal.
Also, you can use cards with the same name to raise SA level at a reduced chance. For example, SSR Super Saiyan Goku (Dumb Bastard) can raise the SA of SSR Super Saiyan Goku (Banana Hair) at a 50% chance.
Who would that be?
I'm almost getting a SS Goku from this one event, so there is a way somehow.
Which event and character? I'm not finding info about it
Oh, I'm retarded, sorry.
The event will drop
and the medals to awaken him into
along with specific orbs that only he can use for his Hidden Potential grid (if you're below rank 50 still, you won't have access to this yet).
First drop will be guaranteed, but further drops (that you should get to max out SA and Hidden Potential) will be down to RNG.
Goku jr you get him to SA 10 and then you get 4 more dupes for the potential system the you collect his special potential orbs to get him to max potential just like the Teq bulma from a few weeks ago
Which events do you need help with?
Ill post my shit tier f2p box
I can't do the dokkan vegito event to awaken him it's very frustrating
I am getting hard fucked by JP. 350 stones and not one SSR. I got LR trunks and Janemba, int dbs trunks, teq dbs trunks and agl SSJ 3 kid goku. Anyone think I should keep this account? I've basically finished the story, so I'd be reliant on events/free stones.
>more people will play and spend mony on Dokkan Jewfest than DBFZ
I hate gachashit and I hate weebs who support it
Super Vegito? I did SV's event with pic related, except replace SS Trunks with AGL Whis. GG EZ no re.
I think I got everything now with the .space site, but being honest I just don't understand reddit type schedule.
I'm f2p and my box is amazing, it just takes time
gogeta lead, heroes team with gohan and vb friend
Do you mean the events rolling around every week?
Can't find it anymore, but it's a table with week days, each day having different type and characters assigned
>most ssr in 1 pull ever
>didn't get 1 ssr i wanted
That's what you get for pulling on a trap banner.
I wanted tien, cell, and vegito. Would have been happy with ssb vegeta, or future trunks too
not really a trap banner if he gets the SSJ3 Angel Goku and runs a mono Super Teq team wiht Tien
This game can be a major grind fest once you hit a certain point. Up to you if you want to invest the time to waste
This. I got LR goku, duped ss bardock, ss4 gogeta, gt ss trunk. Really wanted that tien but now i save for ss3godtenks/ss3angelku banner. If i get ss3 gotenks I'll save for int gogeta banner for ss3 angelku
Buu's Fury is right what you need op.
It's still a trap banner because the whole point of it is to get people to spend their stones before the SS3/Mask banner in an attempt to get them to buy stones for that. Just because you get lucky and actually get something out of it doesn't make it any less of a trap.
I travel a lot so these kinds of games are great for me
I suppose you're right. The 40 stones and free kais make it worth it to me to try for something. If i needed more TEQ units I might have pulled for it
>everything is a trap banner even if it's worth it!
You fucking retards
Honestly it's not a bad banner to pull on if you need the TEQ units, but it's just better to wait until the SS3/Mask banner and see if you pull what you need there first.
This TEQ banner will still be around after that one starts, just like the PHY banner stuck around after Cooler showed up.
You're the retard, my friend.
Any jap players here? When does ss2 angel goku get his dokkan?
If I'm to plan ahead for the next World Tournament which should be happening next month, what are some units I should be hunting for in upcoming banners to help me steamroll the event?
I know LR Broly is a favorite but it doesn't look like there's a chance to get him until the LR Trunks banner, which isn't for a while. So who else would be a good AoE nuker?
>normal banner released right before a Dokkanfest exclusive
>not a trap
Game is utter shit, don't make threads about it, you will lure unsuspecting anons into this trap. Let this cancer go to
go back
>n-nani? I don't have enough stones to pull on next meta because I pulled on TEQ/PHY banner
>guess I'll have to buy stones
>no way it's a trap banner, though
But keep trying, retard.
It's not like Bamco held a katana to your balls and said "Downloadu nu gameru filthy gaijin"
Revival of cell when?
saving stones for janamba. when is it
koreans cant animate all the spots
2 or 3 months i think
>SSJ3 Goku/Masked Saiyan
>Super 17
>Kid Buu
So expect around Halloween
i fucking hate my LR vegeta account. i wanted a reroll broly but i can't trust that people didn't use mods on it
no seriously go back and stay there
You first, ningen.
Where did the meme that Toriyama hates Cell come from?
>Masked Saiyan and Janemba
holy shit he is coming out soon?. i hear he is OP as fuck and may reroll for him shit
>it's a supercuck
anybody got a fresh lr broly account to give away?
holl up let me check my pockets right quick brohan
Doing the exact same. I need 1 more Rose dupe, don't have SSJ4 Vegeta, and Super 17 would be nice too I guess. Don't care for SSJ3 Goku, or Kid Buu at all.
It's going to be a long next month or so.
am i the only one with a lr vegeta hatred. i awakened him but fuck he isn't like broly.
>its not forced grinding
>you just have to be lucky and land the .7 chance of getting a featured unit
>rank 50
>with a team cost that barely lets you use regular awakened SSR characters
I have Black SA10 and Fusion Zamasu SA5 (Fucking RNG). It'd be great to add Rose to that lineup along with AGL Gold Frieza, STR Zamasu, and PHY Omega Shenny. SS4 Vegeta would be great to my main hero team here
Reminder. And this was just what happened last month
Hello Slugger, I see you found more stuff fresh from reddit.
>implying anyone in a Dokkan thread hasn't gone to the subreddit to get info
The Toei animators hate having to keep his spots consistent between frames. I guess that's just been twisted into Toriyama hating him because people like to blame him for everything.
It's different when someone who calls for the demise of these threads every single day is following the game's sub.
I'm starting to believe he wants a thread on /vg/ simply because he actually wants there to be a dokkan thread on /vg/ for him to go to whenever.
Except the LR campaign rewards went out. If you didn't get them, you didn't meet the requirements.
What card do you need the most anons? Post your incomplete team/box.
Will literally kms if i don't get ss3 goku.
>release two units early that are still beasts on other teams and future proofing
>only other option is we just don't get them at all
You realize that it would undermine the rest of the 120 leads yet to be released if they had their skills? And you guys whine and whine about power creep.
maybe maybe not, nips play phone games more than any other cunt and they have one of the most populous cunts in the world and dokkan and dbz is rooted in japan
>complain about pilaf's trove when the prices are ridiculous overall
fags that actually spend money caused this, also they are giving away a shit load over the next 20 days
>rig 200m
absolutely but they did it in the first place, twice, and don't pretend like we didn't rig the rewards on our end, and they didn't know it
>lr rewards
what are you on about that all went off without a hitch
Now let's see slugger lose his shit again
>complain about getting fucked in the ass from playing gatcha shit
You have no one to blame but yourselves. And I know several of you were dumb enough to pay into this.
there he is
jk he never left he follows all dokkan related stuff
PHY Goku Black and maybe PHY Broly. Could use them for my PHY Coora lead.
But broly is ass.
Do you think this team is good against Gogeta ssj4 on the hardest difficult?
No. You don't have enough defense or hp to survive his strongest form
I didn't even attempt it because I didn't pull him but man even with an optimal super str team, omega's third phase he hit so fuckin hard with a neutral advantage. Gogeta seems even harder because I don't think he has the GT link hits for ridiculous damage gimmick.
Not under a PHY Cooler lead.
I don't get why people are so down on him yet suck Super Vegito off. They're prett similar except I'm pretty sure Broly gets more damage.
You need a god lead and near optimal team. I barely beat him with my super str team that has ss3 vegeta, gogeta, ss2gohan.
>600k on broly/black lead with both supers
He will drop off later on, he's already not a top tier unit to use.
I barely did it with a int vegeta lead and a max sa lr gohan friend.
I fucking want to get to 125 stamina already. This is fucking painful only being able to do 1 super difficulty dokkan at a time. When do you get 125 stam
Super Vegito can tank, counter attack for free damage, and buffs your allies ATK with his SA. Broly has dual attack but under 120% and Crit, he's a monster. I think where Broly suffers most are his links.
Have the android drop rates on the friend summon been lowered?
I swear to god I have done over 100 summons and have not gotten a single one
Not sure but I feel that Mr.Satan's has gone down.
I forgot about his linkage and defense which Broly lacks, SV still takes a shitload of damage on supers though. Actually didn't realize he buffed attack with supers and I have him with a dupe lol
I actually have not pulled one Broly yet and I have a wealth of OP cards. Never even cared for him but I want one at least.
same feeling here
I've actually gotten 3 today alone. Which finally fills up their Super bar to 10.
Now to just get 4 more, dokkan them for hidden potential, then 10 more for when they hit LR...
...you know what? Are maxing out the LR Androids really worth it? Like, are they only good in Extreme AGL decks or is there versatility to these two?
My biggest problem is the grind. They are not worth it for that alone. If they do some sort of campaign like LR Goku then I'll go for it, but until then I'll sa10 and keep 4 more in tow and leave it be.
Someone said that the lowered stamina dokkan events were supposed to be for LR androids except the fact that there was a wealth of shit going on to take advantage.
I really do hope they lower the older events permanently though. OR have a chance of dropping more medals.
Tried for super Buu on the phys banner with discounted pulls, anything to replace bardock would be good.