Why do people get so violent in online games? They tell you really mean things to you when you make a mistake...

Why do people get so violent in online games? They tell you really mean things to you when you make a mistake, and I don't like that.

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You suck at this

I want to bully hair sniff girl

What the fuck do you mean? Nobody uses voice chat anymore or are in private parties, they can't say shit to you.

>yfw "he" doesn't play Portal Knights

theyre frustrated user, you need to help them like the good gurl you are

Im tired of you sissy faggot. reported

P-post vocaroos..!


I dont know user, I just want to play nice and talk to other people while we have fun

This isn't the vocaroo thread, you whore. Don't you fuckin get it? This is the thread where we find people to play Portal Knights with. Fuck off.

What if I dont have portal knights

Ugh, you're USELESS to me.

>"""Portal knights""

S-sorry avatarposter...


Fuck off sissy white bois.

i'll play nice with you

I'm gonna pull that hair while I fuck you

There will always be nice and caring people too.

Sauce on that cutie? I want to pat her head and spoil her.

I wish that was me in the left right now...

Are you ?

I wish I had a cute boyfriend.

dripping precum os sexy

Shit now I worry if OP is alright

You alright OP?