Destiny/destiny 2 has a black female character

>destiny/destiny 2 has a black female character
>Sup Forums doesn't call bungie SJW
why is this? is it because she seems to be more than just a diversity character? she actually has a personality?

More like no one cares about Destiny 2 here.

back to shitposting

Because she wasn't plastered all over advertising and trailers like other games

She's just a woman who happens to be black. That's all.

Other games are taking the opposite approach.

Probably because she was around before it became the trend to point and screech autistically whenever a cast of characters isn't whiter than rice on bread.
Plus, characters weren't much of a focus in Destiny until TTK onward. Destiny 2 is putting much more focus on them, and Ikora isn't defined or highlighted by her race or gender, both of which are irrelevant in the scheme of things.
Basically, Ikora doesn't trigger faggots because she flew under the radar. She's a good character, Saladin too, also black.

She was in the first game though, it's not like they just put her in.

Bungie have also made the best black character in viddy with SGT. Johnson

Nobody cares about this shit game

Also the fact that skin colour doesn't matter when you're just a resurrected corpse possessed by light energy from the giant sky testicle.

Because theres literally nothing wrong with black female main characters, female characters, lgbt characters, etc. The only thing wrong with characters like this is when they introduce them solely for pandering, which is not the case in here, or so it seems.

Technically Aliens created Sgt. Johnson. Halo just copied him and fleshed him out.
All are equal in the light of the giant space testicle.

>Destiny 2
Oh boy
More horrendous story telling and the same gameplay we've all gotten bored of.

who are you to judge what a personality is? All you have is getting angry at women or getting angry that others aren't. You're a mess.

Because I played the free beta and it was one of the blandest experiences I've ever had. Hard to believe this is considered AAA quality in modern gaming. Uninstalled after 2 hours, so it's hardly surprising no one cares about this "game" on Sup Forums.

No one cares, this isn't the thread subject.

>look theres another black character
>no ones racially shitposting on Sup Forums about it
>better change that :^)

What the fuck happened to this board.

What's wrong with being angry at woman? Ya'll cunts are out of hands

>answering the question is off topic

You piggybacked the question to bitch about your shitty experience. Boo hoo, you didn't like the game, now fuck off.

>I didn't like the answer so now I'm mad!
I guess you got what you wanted out of this thread one way or the other.

Go back to daycare kid.

That's a female? 'She' is so ugly that I assumed 'she' was a man and thus didn't think it very SJW.

Why do anti-SJWs get triggered harder than SJWs these days?

This is probably the right answer. Also that "woman" looks like an effeminate black man.

>these days
you mean every day since this disc we call earth was formed?

Threadly reminder Hunters have NO BLINK lololool

Right us fence sitters are above all of them, come play splatoon with me bro, i want to discuss what its like being so wise

Slightly better picture.
Good fucking riddance, Hunters are godly enough without bullshit teleport spam.

Isn't she just a soulless shopping-terminal that just happens to look like a female? She might as well be computer-display that you can use to purchase weapons and armor.

>Hunters are godly


Golden Gun, Throwing Knives and Trip Mines.

Because we don't play westerngarbage, so how could we know about nigger in that game?

Oh look kids, a faggot.

Pretty much these:
I would also like to expand what has already been said: she's a character that exists within a story who happens to be a woman and who also happens to be black. The former is what's important about her. The last two facts are just parts of a facade that may be appealing to some people.
And this is what most of the writers these days fail to understand. Instead of creating characters that fit within a story and adding the exterior details later, they do it in reverse. What's really distasteful about it is that they do that based upon trends and listening to focus groups. The result of this is a character who's created for the audience first and for the story later. The marketing execs and even devs themselves will pat themselves on their backs for doing that. And they never don't want to shut up about it and are intent to shove their """"creation"""" down everyone's throats.




Like I didn't know that your a fag. Your a fag by default if you even remotely care about normalfag garbage like shitstainy 2

To be fair, there's no whites on the council. Only white NPC of import is the one legged female. FWC leader is a poo in loo robot. Monarchy is chink, and Dead Orbit is a hard pipe hittin nigga. Zero white male representation.

that boy is cute



Being black isn't an indicator of sjw pandering. If you got characters that are mouthing off your typical progressive horseshit that has no place in the game world, then you got got sjw shit.

Still, none of this matters, because they all act like they belong within the game's setting and story. None of them are there for self-insert reasons. The only one who is is your guardian and even then, the game doesn't elevate you on a pedestal compared to everyone else. There is no look at my skin-tone and now look at my status/importance in the world and story in this game. It's how it should be instead: look at my actions and my impact in the setting.

I consider Destiny 2 sjw crap since literally half the cast are "strong" black woman and a muslim woman.


Ikora is cool

>zero white male representation
true. that is why I didn´t buy it

Is it so hard to understand this?

Cayde-6 is Nathan Fillion. Robot Fillion, but regardless.
Oh sure, lemme guess, WoW fan? Or is Dota the hot thing with kids like you?
Or are you some kinda retard who sticks exclusively to niche bullshit from Japan?

he his a robot.
So he is white because he has a "white skin"
what does that even mean
Now you sound racist.
How come black and muslim woman get a part in the story but literally the biggest demographic in the gaming industry doesn´t.
pure sjw trash

She's only a black woman because Gina Torres is a black woman, and Bungie wants the Firefly audience

What even are you on about? He's voiced and acts like a white guy, he's just not made of weak, fragile flesh.
You're really fucking stretching for this idiotic sjw agenda nonsense. You want white representation? Make a white character.

It could have a trans cunt boy Muslim for a lead character who powers up by sucking farts out of small children and I would not give a single fuck

kickstart this shit

She had the best shotty

>threads like this are the face of nu-Sup Forums

How do I get back to the pre-Sup Forums and pte-GamerGate timeline?

If only it didn't sound like a sick man coughing.

Ask the Vex

Played the first one through TTK but never did any raids. Is the second one worth it?

So far so good, it's a lot better of a launch package than the original Destiny, much more refined and polished. There's some fuss over how they handle shaders now, and misinformation about the new implementation of eververse chests (They're bright engrams now, and take place of motes of light from levelling past 20), but otherwise it's going smoothly.


I dunno, OP.

But that's just sarcasm user.

>completely relevant point
>this isnt about the shitty story and same door opening bullet sponge gameplay

Fuck you get standards

this, since no one has any expectation for the game they cant be disappointed.

There's strong characters of any gender and race. It's stated in the lore that people don't really give a fuck about it anymore since the traveler gave humanity knowledge to put them in the golden age. They even acknowledge exos (robots) as people with rights and shit

Cayde was a human being too; white, I suppose (just because I saw some conversation about him above), so there's also that

She was introduced before the SJW meme became popular here. It's really that simple.

>Look it up
>Destiny 2 has already released

huh, there is practically zero buzz for it, I'm going to assume is another dead after a few weeks AAA release?

People are busy playing it. It's actually pretty fun. It feels like they listened to people and fixed every little complaint people had.

I'm more surprised Sup Forums isn't mad that Bungie copied Glados wholesale

Because Ikora's an actualpy decent character. Shit, most of the Destiny cast is decent, even Fillion-bot. The worst one among them is Hawthorne, who's only so for being 'le rebellious stronk independent no-rules' character. And even then, she gets constantly disregarded by othere so the big Guardians can talk.

Wake us up when half of the playable characters are negroes. Nobody here has a problem with black people or women being in games, we have a problem with them being shoehorned in for clearly political purposes as done with Mafia 3 abandoning an Italian protag in favor of "le disenfranchised young black man" meme garbage.

Asside from the lore bits what else did they fixed?

I'm not playing Destiny to be represented I want to shoot aliens in the face and play team death match

There's less grinding, more rewards, a ton of cool new weapon types, improved many small things such as adding fast travel while on planet, not having to go to orbit before going to another planet, and the new subclass abilities are fun. Each weapon class (like assault rifle) now have several different reload animations and different looks, they added thumper grenade launchers and so on. It feels really good to play, and I was pleasantly surprised.

Why is it wrong to have a black person in Destiny 2?

Like, a lot of black people exist in real life and play video games.


Because there was no prequel where this character existed as White (watch dogs, mafia, etc.)

Because Sup Forums knows it's totally impotent to shitpost about Destiny 2 because it is a guaranteed success.

>Nobody here has a problem with black people or women being in games
Yeah right
>we have a problem with them being shoehorned in for clearly political purposes
Existing seems to be shoehorned in for political reasons to a lot of invasive elements on Sup Forums

They did add some more grinding with shaders if people care about that.

Oh yeah, the shaders are fucking stupid.

What did they change?

>Caring about normie games

Wow, get out any time.

>Yeah right

Great rebuttal, faggot.


That's literally it. We've had good female characters for over a decade in games. Nobody gave a crap until people started pushing it as revolutionary.

So now you can apply shaders to specific pieces and weapons. However shaders are now consumable and you get three per drop. PLUS you have to pay glimmer to apply it.

To top it off some idiot at Bungie tried to justify it by saying they want to hear people say "I want to run x again to get more shaders!"

Then why does Sup Forums like to shit on Overwatch and PUBG so much?

>why is this?
becuase its a generic piece of shit game that literally no one cares about except a small cult for this garbage series

why are you so angry about a video game

why are you so defensive? are you part of that destiny cult for this generic ass game? im not angry at all.

>Destiny 2 is coming to pc maybe I'll try it out
>Here all these jewish tactics Bungie is doing to exploit more money
>Lose all interest

In terms of leadership there is a white male (I assume the speaker is due to his voice actor). But really when I played through I didn't even notice any of the characters ethnicity. They wrote them to just be characters with different personalities. No stereotype associated with any of them. Which is how it should be done

Titan is master race.

Agreed. Put as many black, Asian, Indian, whatever characters as you want. Just make them act like normal people

She doesnt have THE hair

The game also has blue characters. Why isn't Sup Forums having a bitch fit about that?

Seems like an SJW reason to not buy the game.

Blue lives matter

Jewish tactics? Educate me

You can drop the here

The first one only sold because "OMG HALO DEVS ON PLAYSTATION"