PROTIP: never never never never never EVER date a girl who streams on twich

PROTIP: never never never never never EVER date a girl who streams on twich

never fucking EVER

haha get fucked cuck

>dating a literal whore

what about guys who stream?

>never date a stripper

[x] new
[x] exciting

What if they're a good person and enjoy your company?

Never ever date a girl ever
Boys are better in every way

I wasn't cucked, but she accidentally showed my real life name on her stream and now I'm getting "harassed" by literally dozens of teenage virgins. I broke up with her when she didn't apologize and now she mocks constantly on her stream. I've already reported her, but twich doesn't give a fuck.

nobody cares, fag
saged ;)

streams are dumb. there's 0 barrier of entry to playing a video game. why watch someone else have fun playing a game when you can play the game and have even more fun?

oh right, it's not about the video game. you just want a friend simulator and your subconscious tells you the person on the screen is your friend and the guys in the chat are your buddies.

>internet relationship

>it's a OP sends a twitch streamer money and she pretends they have a serious online relationship episode

This, girls are gross and manipulative evil creatures.

Sue her.

Please tell me you've actually dated her, met her and fucked her....

fags are disease carrying harbingers of the end times. repent, nigger

>Girlfriend starts raiding with me and my guild
>Literally everyone hits on her in Discord
>She just giggles which makes them do it more
>Find out officers have been sending her pics
>Look through her Discord inbox when she's not around
>At least 60 pictures of shirtless pictures from raiders
>MFW she told me it's not a big deal

Remember, ALL females are whores.

Yes. Only learned about the twich thing after we were dating for like 2 weeks. Was actually cute to look at the vods where she talked about me when we got together.

Might as well drop her name and twitch here faggot

This is why end game guilds on MMOs don't allow females, they cause nothing but problems within the ranks.

>He likes girls.
I like girls too.

>you just want a friend simulator and your subconscious tells you the person on the screen is your friend and the guys in the chat are your buddies.

What's wrong with that? It's the same as Sup Forums.

give us the scoops, poops

if he does that then he'll be exposing his own identity too since she openly mocks him now
I'm down for that as much as anyone else but somehow I doubt he'll go for it

Why the fuck would you?

feels gud not caring about this normalfag shit

damn streamers are cancer. i talk with a dude who practically got shittalked by her ex on a stream and it fucked him up

Bullshit. I'm under no illusion that you people are my friends.

this. females surrounded by males in an internet environment spells drama. its happened in a few discords and wow guilds especially

what about dating boys who dress up like girls?

Either way, what's wrong with a friend simulator.

Literally nothing.

Okay. Not like I watch any twitch streams anyways.

>It's the same as Sup Forums.
maybe to streamtards like you. that's now how i view Sup Forums.

>date someone whose job is to whore herself out to underage kids on the internet
Whoa! Really learned some news here OP.



tell us what happened faggot

>that chick streamer who was live while she was blowing a dude
chick streamers are just attention whores desu familia. why would you want that?

every woman is an attentionwhore lmao, bitches thrive on attention

Give us some insight, tell us what happened

The fact that sooner or later you realize the simulation is just that. It's escapism. Can't you see? It's not healthy.

sounds like a rather convenient fake story for (you)s and it's not even video games

This. When you boil it all down basically every single thing that women do is somehow correlated with getting attention.

Gonna need more info. I love drama and gossip.

This world is a dream, and I'm done dreaming!

>this is the world we let them create

this is true but theres something about streamers that is worse. same with cosplayers who are just crazy

this is really true. had a chick in our discord who was a complete fucking normy who just uses her "hobbies" like drawing and games to center themselves with the boys to sponge attention. bitch sucks at drawing and hardly plays videogames

>I'm getting "harassed" by literally dozens of teenage virgins.

but how? on facebook? what other app requires your real name anyway?

post her nudes boyo.

She did it on pruprose to make you break with ther, having a boyfriend made her lose virign money on twitch

>implying most losers who watch twitchwhores don't have a cuck fetish

Don't worry OP I don't date girls that pretend to like vidya.


Every biological being has the imperative to reproduce.

As the passive part of a sexual dimorph species ofc they try to outdo each other via attention gathering contests, which in return increases survival chance.

Males are in most species the more aggressive part, ofc they attention whore less, when its you who has to make the approach.

>having a boyfriend made her lose virign money on twitch
You are seriously underestimating just how beta twitch "boyfriends" are

what happened OP?

>post on Sup Forums
>don't add details
>add details
This place never stops to amaze me

when its online that goes out the window. hence tits or gtfo

What the fuck are her subscribers telling you that is so mean? You can just teply with "i fucked the bitch daily while you donate money for her attention". Shut them up and be alpha about it you fucking retard.

I'd say don't date a girl who plays in video games ever because there's a huge chance she will turn out to have a massive BPD and will turn your life to hell.

>when its online that goes out the window


There is nothing new to anyone on a stripper


>oh right, it's not about the video game. you just want a friend simulator and your subconscious tells you the person on the screen is your friend and the guys in the chat are your buddies.
Nothing wrong with being part of a community, you can't always talk about your hobbies with people IRL, as long as you are not giving up on reality you will be fine.

Sadly lets players and streamers learned just how exploitable loneliness is, its so fucked up they target children into thinking they are their friends which leads to some fucked up shit

I'd be okay with it. If I were dating one I don't care that she shows off her tits for tips. Shit, she could even bang other dudes. That's cool.

No, I just don't mind sharing. I don't get off on it, I don't get butthurt about it. I just don't care. Do your thing, have fun.
I've been in a friends with benefits with a girl since high school. I don't care if she goes off and bangs another dude, she doesn't care if I go off and bang another chick. It's probably ruined what I feel a proper relationship should be but whatever. Get laid, have fun.

Oh shit, is cuck wordfiltered again?

Marche was ahead of his time

This desu. You already know they're beta bitches, break them with lurid tales of how you were fucking her while she laughed at how pathetic they are.

>this is allowed because twitch gets money form that


No, the filter just caught on as general slang.

you aren't going to reproduce online so that kind of attention whoring is insufferable

cute. wouldn't give money to though.


Being libertine is still being a cuckold, cuckold isn't only the shit we see in porn nowadays where your gf gets fucked in front of you

For some reason it only works when you say it all in caps

i want the real video now

The line between twitch whores and MFC camwhores continues to blur.


tfw you will never be alpha

That's what I thought since it worked otherwise. Weird. I just never use it so I guess I don't know the rules around it.

Why the fuck are you not getting handsy with her on stream, or just sending them messages describing lewd shit you do to her?

You're literally living a NTR fantasy where you can cuck tons of worthless virgin faggots that desperately want her streaming tits.

The end result is irrelevant. The drive to follow the actions necessary to achieve the end result is still an ingrained behavior and isn't as simple to shed just because you're on the internet.
They whore themselves out for attention, and that biological imperative is as easy to dismiss for them as it is for all the beta orbiters who throw money at them so they can feel like they're getting a woman's attention.

I want to date a twitch streamer, live comfy with her for years while she makes money off of virgins then we have enough to not work for the rest of our lives I'll shake my dick on cam from the side while she plays Overwatch.

>implying there was any to begin with
Reminder that twitch globally censored the words nigger and fag for being offensive yet ignore literal porn actresses making streams that manage to be less video game related than the average Sup Forums thread

What's her twirch


Its their imperative it happens subconsciously either way, you cant just turn it off.

Also you might get to know someone online, that you meet later on.

lmao I bet you're the kind of fag who claims to be "virgin by choice"

Of course it's Overwatch. That's the only game camwhores seem to play.

>Sup Forums is one person
heres a (you)

get her back by telling us her stream faggot

>but she accidentally showed my real life nam

So you're a cuck, opinion invalid.

wait, is that it? you're a fucking pussy mate if you can't handle a few internet virgins

Protip for the future: She wanted you to nut up and tell her to tell them to stop. You failed the shit test.

Wait wait wait. Some bitch named CuddleWolf gave this ho $2,787. Are you fucking kidding me?


I think they just forgot to remove it, it still works on one of the other boards I use

what happened to trihex