What the bloody fuck?
What the bloody fuck?
Other urls found in this thread:
truly the golden age of gaming
When did you guys start feeling like Grandpa Simpson losing touch with what's 'it' and what 'it' now is? For me it's the mass consumption and commericalization of memes.
now THAT is a rare pepe
It happens in tv [emoji movie as an example] so why are you surprised that there are people who'd ruin things via games
After the Great Catastrophe that came as a result of Advice Dog and the sharp decline in meme quality ever since.
It's just the symptoms of a world gone bonkers.
fuck man this is just...
i don't know what to say
>features to come: dabbing
God you sound like those faggots in YouTube comments.
stop over reacting, reddit
I fucking hate you people.
You fucks can never stop memeing in other places can you?
All you have to do is take a cup of flour, put you in trances!
Then you take a little something sweet not sour, so, what do you say?
>literally shaking right now
Stupid faggot
It's a good thing though. The media used to have way more power over public opinion, now anyone can use the internet to inform or influence others and while it's not perfect it's still better than 3 or 4 companies owning everything.
Shit like memegames are a sign of popular culture shaping media instead of the other way around.
not overreacting senpai, relax
I wish these reddit fucks would just put Pepe and wojacks to rest.
i hope the pepe creator sues them
you okay?
I'm cool and I hate this
I can still hear it
I lost my livelihood in the meme crash.
Steam is a piece of shit that approves any game, no matter how blatantly shit or fake it is. It would be nice if they showed any quality control, but ultimately they're far too Jewish to bother. It's crazy that HL3 being never ever is what got people riled up at Valve and not their lack of dedication or care for their existing services.
It's not like all the shit being poured into the market is preventing new slightly better shit from popping up
You're dumb, YouTube comments read nothing like that.
Is this the purest expression of irony?
is this just some out of touch dude trying to cash in on memes or what?
why would gaben or steam dictate what you can or can't buy?
This isn't "it". Nobody's laughing at this
I can never guess what's going to trigger the gays on Sup Forums the hardest.
But you're wrong though, the Internet provides even greater control for the media and governments and it's a ridiculously effective mind control tool.
Even steam is frogposting now. god dammit
How do i become a papi, lads? Is it fun being one?
No one will buy that game
Speaking generally, autists.
This is 4chans fault though
>quality pc exclusives
>Speaking generally
What did you mean by this?
So this is the power of PC gayming when it's not chained by those filthy consoles....
>being a Papi
yes please
Yes they will, "ironically" or because that one kid saw the streamer screaming at it.
Literally free ammunition. This is why everyone calls us PÇucks
I guess around the time I heard chan memes IRL by people who don't visit chans.
Not the literal existence of the game and the expectation that it will sell, but the pure mass-market appeal of internet culture so visible that even the most disconnected suit will attempt to catch its audience with awkward references in AAA games and poorly made greenlight cashgrabs.
Isn't the owner of Pepe trying to shutdown/sue anyone using his creation commercially?
some point in the last 7 years or so, I'd say
of course, i can't take myself seriously about it and burrow the thoughts deep because i'm fucking 25 and should not have the mindset of a 60 year old when it comes to current culture
even if thats true, think how retarded it sounds
Top KEK Sup Forumsros, vape weed every day 420 69!
Sieg Heil to all my Sup Forums friends! See you on our next meet up :ok_hand:!
>Top KEK Sup Forumsros, vape weed every day 420 69!
>Sieg Heil to all my Sup Forums friends! See you on our next meet up :ok_hand:!
I'm not him.
But did you think maybe it's possible to find memes obnoxious and not be a feminist?
For two years now, all these new memes are painfully unfunny and I don't even care about knowing more about them
It's probably some underageb& redditor
>Advice Dog
we didn't know
we just didn't know
Fuck you I will.
Because if there is too much garbage on the storefront that it gets too inconvenient to find products that aren't shovelware then people will generally not wish to use that storefront. Gabe obviously has an incentive to prevent that from happening else he won't afford to keep eating so much.
>the absolute state of PC """""gaming"""""
Did you know that the store page is tailored to your calculated tastes using games that you own as an example? Shit meme games like this won't even be visible to you unless you're specifically looking through all unfiltered new released. Same goes with everyone else
And whose fault is it for "ironically" buying these games? You have only yourselves to blame Sup Forums. You approve of garbage like Disgaeia and Senran Kagura, so the west is simply pandering to your tastes.
Suck it up and lap it up kiddos.
whats wrong with vaping and memes?
> raised by strong woman
> his mom never taught him to brush his teeth
in addition to this you can filter shit out
This will never beat the GOAT
God damn it Japan why do I want to fuck that bird?
>premium member
But you get a cool golden spinner and vape
Seems so obvious now, a meme easily made into a template that could be churned out for minimal effort by any talentless hack and twisted to any kind of topic you wanted. It was the first mass produced meme.
it doesn't just look gay, the word is gay itself
If he drinks coffee and tea daily, no amount of brushing will help.
Looks like a dank pure kino game for epic t. memers such as myself
>being confused by meme games on steam
Hello son, how is your first day on 4chin?
so this is the power of PC Exclusives...
Is this a shitty Fidget Spinner simulator clone?
Sometime between Cheezburger and Minecraft happening.
2013 was 25 years old then and i had to pick my sister up from highschool
Who's that anime
Papi and the seven sins
>VNN claims Steam direct will likely improve content quality
>More meme games and censored hentai due to cheaper entry price
That faggot praise Kek shit. Sup Forums is full of teenagers desu.
I sometimes wished I had no morals so I can be rich like this asset flipping card farmer.
It's not us user, it's the combined autism of /r9k/ during 2014 and 2015, Sup Forums since 2015, and Reddit (specifically r/the_donald), more than half of which phoneposts into oblivion. Then again, there is a lot of crossposting from all three of those into Sup Forums, and Sup Forums has been bottom tier trash since 2011 (arguably earlier but it reached new lows later on)...
Will it ever end?
When gookmoot rangebans phoneposters and imposes a month long lurk before post law
This is actually pretty funny.
I'll probably buy it and support a fellow Sup Forums bro.
somewhere around being explained snapchat a few years ago
>this triggers Sup Forums
Pepe seems to be more used by the_donald, pol and, r9k over any v poster.
You'd likely just be supporting some redditor who found pepe funny on the news.
you know that he made that post for these exact replies, right?
harlem shake