Not bad Shoryuken, HOWEVER

Not bad Shoryuken, HOWEVER

What a complex input, it's made for no purpose!
Down down punch would be the way better!

I'm still not entirely sure how you do a delta input
I never play charge characters aside from Balrog though so I never really had to

I firmly believe it's stupid bullshit. Charge back forward back forward is fine.

That's Guile's and Vega's inputs, isn't it. Game design wise, it was made to synchronize with the common directionals.It would be stupid to give character characters a shoto style directional cause it would be slower than just going into the movements you already can do. It serves also to allow someone to still keep a charge in case things dont go well in execution.

sum: stop being pussies

This motion is quite easy on stick.


The diagonal is an illusion. All you need is just up.

So downback, downforward, downback, up.

That's it. Don't believe that diagonal line.

They got rid of it in V, for good reason.

Same with Cammy's weird tilted half-circle.

This. Charge supers are dumb. Even 720 inputs seem unnecessary.

There was no good reason to remove it. It makes it harder for charge characters

Balrog, Chun, and a lot of charge characters get much less use out of their down up charge moves, so the super is just an extended back forward charge. Guile and Vega have the down up charge move as a core part of their kit as well as having an important back forward charge move. Thus the super movement tries to incorporate both charge moves at the same time, it can be simplified as Sonic Boom, Sonic Boom + Flash Kick.
Don't talk shit about tiger knee

>9 punches

down back, down forward, down back, up

it isnt hard.

Yeah Guile is definitely struggling without it

wait he's not he's one of the best characters

The rocking back and forth for Guile's super feels way more intuitive than the triangle charge.

that input is really easy.

Finding good thing to combo into it requires a little more thinking than most shoto stuff, but it's actually better than a shoto input would naturally be.

He's talking about the hooligan input
Which deserved to die along with tiger knee

artificial difficulty

>236 A B 646 C


I don't remember this bitch what the fuck

it's blanka's super

what inputs actually require you to return to neutral to be read anyway?
I can't think of any off-hand in a game, but I'm probably wrong.

Wind/Thunder God Fist moves in tekken do, f n d d/f. It's represented as a star in the notation.

Oh no wonder. I never played him. Accurate representation of Brazilians too.

Chicken wing isn't hard to do wtf

>Sup Forums struggles with basic fighting game inputs


>white guys trying to play fighting games
kekkles of the highest order

you don't need neutral input, SRK inputs are just terribly represented.

I will be legit about this. I could never read this shit and I'm 28. I actively avoid fighting games with complex combos that label everything as 'punch' 'kick' 'power' whatever as their buttons. I don't know what it is and I don't want to spend the time to learn the damn moves in the first place.

I'm very good at smash though. Though that game doesn't require button combinations but a more fluid way to do combos.

How do I read this Sup Forums? Someone have a guide or a pdf for this or am I retarded?

forward, down, downforward+punch


okay why's it say Hold.
Why does it say 3x over one of the 3 punches. is it 3 punches or is it 3 punches and then 2 more somehow separated? I don't know. If the 3x is there and there are 3 symbols of punches why do they need to illustrate it with a 3x over the first punch? I am literally retarded when it comes to this.

>I'm very good at smash though

Don't know what this has to do with a fighting game thread.

Many different games use many different notations, but lets stick with street fighter for now. For ease of use since you are only on the left for half the time, directional inputs are referenced as forward and back instead of right and left. Streetfighter has three different strengths (light, medium, and heavy) of punches and kicks.
If the strength of the attack doesn't matter, people will just use P (punch) or K. If the strength does matter you will see people use a prefix of the strength like mp for medium punch or hk for heavy kick. When you need to press all three punches at the same time to execute a move you will just see PPP or 3xP or something similar.

There are resources out there that can help you learn whatever common notation is used for a game just by searching "GAME notation". hope this helps. Fuck smash

Hold means you have to hold that direction for a little under 2 seconds before you can do the rest of the motion. It's called a charge move
3x punches means you press all 3 punches at once

Why are white people so bad at fighting games? Is it because you are afraid to lose at something for once in your pathetic life?

They prefer being able to blame others for their loss, hence why they love MOBAs so much

Fighting games reward dedication. When you can only afford 1 game or you are super rooted in an environment of competition you will dedicate a dickton of time to it. If you can get new games any time you want or aren't in a constant struggle you won't give 2 shits if you can only beat arcade mode on easy.

Why are you trying to bait this into a race thread you sad act?

I really fucking hate white guys. Before you cumskins say anything, I'm 2nd generation Japanese-American. Fucking Caspers, I swear.

Fuck off, jizzskin. You people are still on the top of the food chain. There's no need to be mad.

>am I retarded?

Yes, also Smash is not a fighting game.