South Park's difficulty slider makes your character's skin darker

lol, tbqh

Other urls found in this thread:

Could you please stop posting threads about this """controversy""" just to get people to talk about your game, ubisoft worker?

did you have a stroke while hitting the quotation mark key?

Should be inverted to be realistic but is a south park game so its k.

It doesn't actually change the difficulty, it's just a skin color slider.

>being white is SO HARD

hi ubisoft

Marketeers need to fucking hang.

It doesnt change anything other than the way cartman speaks to you and how much money you get.

>like difficulty
>hate niggers
Fuck this game, dropped

You have to know that isn't true.

you're on a board dedicated to the discussion of commercial products.

it doesnt actually change the difficulty of the game. its literally a joke slider


>being anything is SO HARD

Ubisoft, have you been hired by the Trump administration? Stop this madness now, I implore you! We can't lose another meme war and presidency...

>you make less money if you're a dumb nigger
Seems realistic, don't get the big deal.

Maybe you should try Neogaf for your shilling, Yves.

Not him but excessive quotation marks are a sign that this issue is a fake problem that effects nobody. Sup Forums is not the best place to spend your first day on the internet

>a single game reveals to us again that nu-Sup Forums crossboarders are the infestation ruining this site

they said that it doesnt affect combat difficulty , but the way money is distributed and how some npc's might interract with you ... theyre basically saying that if you have to be a nigger to enjoy high difficulty .. what the shit

You're legitimately embarrassing yourself.

lurk moar fag

you asked

Here comes another 500 post thread!

>Be a nigger
>Don't get an education or a decent job
>Get mad because of the 'cards society has drawn you'
>Act like a monkey in public and riot
>Get maced and blown the fuck out with fire hoses


stinky thread haha stinky thread!

I wonder how much Ubisoft is paying people to stir up "controversies" like this about their games.

bait too obvious

Why do jews hate white people so much?

When an indie dev posts about their game they get banned for shilling.

When Ubisoft posts about theirs they get bumped for hours.

Welcome to /v

in the end you get like 20% less money and if it is like the first game you have to much money anyway. The interactions also will be not so much different, to much work to change things up much.

Maybe another black kid will talk or not talk with you, simple stuff like this. The combat will be affected by a real difficulty setting like in the first one.

here's a free (((you)))

Isn't this common sense? Blacks are more likely to partake in criminal behaviour, thus making their own lives harder. This feature is based

No, you don't get if. Life isn't harder as a black man because of society. It's because black people are literally stupider than all the other races and possesses no self control. It's like playing with fucked up control and limited HUD.

they literally just put a non-white main character into their games and Sup Forums takes care of the marketing as they get triggered by it

>be white, uneducated and fat
>don't get education or a job
>black guy in high school got laid, and i didn't
>hate black people
>shitpost relentlessly on vietnamese trading card forum

someone post furry porn please i wanna fap

t. nigger

How convient... somehow a ubisoft insider showed up in time to clear things up...

I don't think they're paying anyone, I do think they were fully aware that this was going to be focused on so they made sure they gave access to the character creator for previews for reporters to find. It had to be completely deliberate.

yeah this

t. biblecucks

it's fun to watch these threads evolve in tone as time moves forward

>Get shamed into joining the army by all the women around you
>No right to vote in any way
>Get sent into a pointless clusterfuck war of pointless Alliances
>Die of trench foot as you fight for a pointless field of grass
Truly the easiest life.

Although I'm white, I identify as black and even i find this pretty funny

It does make sense though. Niggers are inferior to white people, so they have a harder time in the world

Marketing is a bannable offense

I genuinely don't understand why the creators go for things like this.

I understand it's for social commentary or whatever but it seems pretty shallow even by Matt & Trey's standards no matter which way you interpret it.

>n-no u!
>m-muh dick
>still have no job and can't support any woman with standards

enjoy your ghetto trash, nigger. lmfao

AYO HOL UP.....*smacks lips profusely*....WHO BE DIS DERE....*colludes with communists*....YOU....YOU BE.....*checks for nearest KFC*....YOU BE SUM....SUM FINNA.....*instinctively looks around for SS officers*...SUM FINNA....LIKE....SUM FINNA......*lynches indiscriminate white person*.....YOU BE...SUM FINNA.....*throws black power sign*....SUM FINNA.....LIKE SUM FINNA.....*kills white babies*.....AYO SUM FINNA.....*opens a up a 40 and pours some for her homies mr goldstein and tyrone brown*....LIKE...*pulls pin on dud grenade to prove how big much white "males" are pussies*.....SUM FINNA WITE BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-*evolves from primate*

>i am anonymous therefore i am allowed to be a racist
no wonder america is going to shit.

Gonna play as a transgendered nigger who identifies itself as “other“

We bix nood now muhfugga

>spend years making a television show that capitalizes on controversy
>over time, the tolerance of most viewers are much higher, leading to less controversy
>move over to videogames
>infested by volatile social groups that will get mad over anything

t. nigger


>easy doesn't give you a Jew nose
missing out here, you guys

>I'm not allowed to show any differing opinion on the internet or the government will revoke my internet license

no wonder UK is cuckingdom

It's made to make people talk about the game.


what do you have against south park offending people?

I watched some gameplay, cartman said that it doesn't effect the games difficulty, just everything else in life, it's just a joke, not the best joke but still a joke, everyone knows that niggers have it easiest, you could be dumb as a nail, but as long as you show up to class you will still go to college and still land a 100k a year job in marketing or something.

>Sup Forums is not the best place to spend your first day on the internet
>>my secret club

Pathetic post

t. nigger

>abbreviations means you're from reddit
Keep grasping at straws, nigger. You're doing a better job proving niggers lack intelligence than I am.

Pretty interesting that most people will end up playing as a beaner, because it's the equivalent of a 'normal' difficulty. I don't ever play games on 'easy' so it's kinda lame that I can't have my character be white.

Just look how much attention this is getting from stupid virgins from both sides of the fence. Poltards are mad and doing free publicity work. Neofags are glad but also mad at poltards. Ubosoft did this deliberately like this user said:
It's a genius move, really.

>"Black people don't have it harder than anyone else."
>Dozens of posts in this very thread mocking black people, calling them genetically inferior, etc.



it's just one joke out of presumably many jokes in the game

>be american
>country going to shit because culture glorifies being uneducated and believing in magical man in the sky who will punish me for touching myself
no wonder america is retarded.

Enjoy your stay then :^)))))))))))))
try not to get too offended

>calling someone with common sense a biblecuck, which is also not an insult
spotted the nigger

marry 1
fuck 4
kill 3

>skin color correlates directly with IQ level
>being stupid generally makes life harder
Checks out.


>still leaders of the free world
Ouch. What has your country done for the planet lately?

It's not the same as "kind of". It's short for "fixing to", as in "going to". For example;

>we finna be kangs and shieet

>your country is being infested by subhumans brought from abroad
>politics is getting polarized to two far-left pseudo-fascist camps that allow no deviation from their sense of social justice
>economy is fucked
>environment is fucked

Do tell me how 2017 isn't harder times than 70s-80s

nice projection cuck

>south park offending people
lmfao at your life

Love to read about the hardships of someone like jaden smith has to go though. Me on the otherhand am working a shit job, in a shit apartment with a shit life... oh but I'm so privileged

>someone shit talking you in a chinese dollmakiing forum makes your life harder
end your life user

spotted the retard who believes in the magical man in the sky.

>>politics is getting polarized to two far-left pseudo-fascist camps that allow no deviation from their sense of social justice
i thought you were winning though and all the liberals were crying and running scared

absolutely hilarious. you must be a teen

>muh dick
spotted the nigger

Whoever made that picture is autistic 100%

Oh, I get it, you're hoping I get all pissy because South Park is "SJW" now, huh?
Does sage still work on this site or what?


You're unemployed, on your computer all day
Sounds so hard


>i dont have things as good as this particular black person, therefore my anecdote defeats the rest of the data

Can we just ban these type of threads on sight? This is another manufactured controversy that spawns nothing but off-topic garbage.

>the literal 0.001% of a population is reflective of the entire demographic
get an education and maybe you won't have to work a shit job you fucking senseless moron.

>anonymous public forum does not reflect the opinion of greater society
does it have to be spelt out in big letters for you to understand, manchild?

It's Sup Forums, what did you expect?

Still haven't told me where you're from. Hope you got a TV license too

Being white is easier because white have higher IQ than africans and it shows

>y-your data doesn't count!

>recognizing the massive threat of irresponsible immigrant-hoarding makes you alt-left
>SJWs are liberals
So... this is the power of american understanding of politics?

>i am unable to refute a single claim so i will claim the author's mental retardation

magical man in the sky is more realistic than a nigger who isn't a criminal