Hey Sup Forums, what's a good game for someone who is feeling pretty down (and probably will be for quite some time)

Hey Sup Forums, what's a good game for someone who is feeling pretty down (and probably will be for quite some time).

Stranded Deep. Gives you time to yourself while remaining productive and creative without much asking of you but you're own will to press forward. Like, some psychology of the mind or some shit.

Village games are good for depression. Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing games. Those are quite happy, simple, and you can unwind and it's relaxing. Helped me through my hard times.

Also building/crafting games. Call it autistic, but Minecraft really got my mind off suicide when I was at my lowest. Dragon Quest Builders would work, too. Good game.

Whether you're just bummed about something, in a rough spot, or actually depressed, coming from someone who has teetered on the edge of that cliff, there's so much hope out that and any kind of sadness is just a passing shadow.

Hope you find joy and peace, user. Maybe Harvest Moon or Animal Crossing or Minecraft or Dragon Quest Builders will help with that.

Thanks user, I'm trying to look ahead to the future but the future is going to be dark for a while starting now

Shantae and the Pirate's Curse
Fun but simple gameplay, hot girls, funny writing. What more do you need?

Lose yourself in a good story. A solid RPG that takes you somewhere else for awhile.

Well, just take note of what you said: "for a while."

Ever hear the difference between a cow and a buffalo? See, when a thunderstorm looms and the rain starts coming, a cow will run away from the storm, and a buffalo will run towards it. The cow will run and run and try and try, but the storm will always reach him, and he'll keep running, but by doing so, will stay in the storm longer. The buffalo, running straight into the storm, sure, will hit the rain and it is tough, but he gets through it twice as face because he faced it head on, running in it's direction.

So be a buffalo, user. You're doing fine. Good luck.

Yeah, I was thinking about starting up Persona 4 (because I just finished 3) but I realized I probably won't have enough time per day to play something like that.

Story is overated, Atmosphere, lore and worldbuilding are more important. I got more lost in morrowind than any other game and the actual story is really barebones.

Thanks user, this is actually super inspiring to me right now

Story IS atmosphere, lore, and world. Plot is what you're thinking of.

Yeah I totally understand that. I recently beat Dark Souls and I absolutely loved it. But I'll never pass up a straight up good story though. As I said, I also loved Persona 3.

Honestly when a storm is coming cows just stand in a circle, they are really dumb.

t. iowa farmfag

I get what you are saying but I disagree. I think of the story as the main characters, plot and setting for the "main quest". The rest is what really pulls me in, the side characters, the towns, the government, religion, etc.

Nothing lasts forever. Keep your head up OP. And play some MUTHAFUKKIN VIDEO GAEMS!

This'll sound really pretentious and uppity, but my undergrad is in screenwriting, and we always learned that story is the world and circumstances of a work, and plot is the specific narrative of the work. For instance, the story of Star Wars is that an evil empire, born of a corrupt democratic republic, is exercising totalitarian reach across a galaxy, and ancient order of monks use magic to keep the peace. The plot is a farm boy gets wrapped up in an adventure where he finds himself fighting for a rebellion and learning the ways of an ancient religion.

It's really just semantics, so it's whatever. Just what I always learned throughout the years.

no idea post more coffee link tho

More link in general would be quite nice thank you user



post coffee link

Splatoon 2. So much innocent and cute fun.

stardew valley

So whats your problem OP? Goin through some stuff myself.
Just turned 20 and i havent had a single GF. Most girls i get into and hang out with are all trashy LA bitches that cheat all the time and just play me like a fiddle.
Im in a culture where i was supposed to be married by like 18 and right now im seen as a disgrace and looked down upon because im not married yet (not indian or paki)
Im depressed maniac who has a hard time talking to people and my life is going into a brick wall.
Now my family is going through a tax audit and to save money for the incoming bills we have to move from LA to AZ where i know fucking no one at all.
I hate myself and i hate everyone around me and i ask god everyday why im the one with the shortstick.
Whats goin on with yall