Tfw this is actually a contender for GOTY

>Tfw this is actually a contender for GOTY

What the hell happened?

Other urls found in this thread:

Its not

>actually thinking this has a chance for GOTY when BotW, Persona 5, and Mario Odyssey exist


It's a solid 7.5/10 and honestly a decent gateway to proper TBS games like Xcom, but nowhere near GOTY

the rabbids are the Bubsy equivalent for the 2000s

not a contender for game of the year but certainly a good sign for the increasing amount of 2nd and 3rd party support coming to the switch

Delusion is strong in those nintentoddler

>Persona 5

>persona 5
Nothing like starting the morning with a hearty laugh

Thats implying that Bubsy was even on the same level.

Bubsy sank like a rock and nobody really cared outside of memes

Rabbids floated around and ended up overshadowing Rayman and stinking up the waters which is why people hate them so much.

>Contender for GOTY
>When Odyssey still hasn't released for people to kiss up to it enough to become Nintendo's actual GOTY

It might not be GOTY material, but it's pretty darn close. Rabbids shouldn't be enough of a reason to entirely avoid this game. Due to that, people have entirely avoided Rabbids Go Home even though it's a remarkably solid (not perfect, just decent enough) collectathon game done mostly for laughs.

BoTW was fun, but also felt kinda overbaked since we've had open world games forever nowadays

Persona 5 is boring and its writing makes me want to wince up my fucking asshole

Mario Odyssey isn't out yet, but looks promising.

Rabbids go home is a weird mix of Katamari Damacy and racing, it actually was pretty fun and was before Rabbids became over used to the annoying nausiating effect.

Plus, its soundtrack is perfect hangover music.




I did not expect Peach to be a tank.

>Persona 5


man imagine the butthurt if Odyssey turns out to suck

It's obviously to facilitate her damage share ability
Which is a really weird skill. Due to the fact her heal is AoE, it's actually better not to level the damage share up all the way to 100% towards Peach

>Persona 5


oooo you can do this

I doubt it'll suck
It's mario, even if they don't try something radical new you're still left with a very solid gameplay base, serviceable cartoon graphics you can't truly fuck up and a story nobody gives about to begin with

Odyssey isn't out yet, that's what

But it's 8.5

I like the game but no way is it GOTY.

It could be if they add a map editor with online sharing.

>Nintenbros still this mad they won't get to play Persona 5

>a modern sonic game that's good
>a fucking rabbids game with a mario in it that's good
Truly the greatest timeline

It's good but it's not a contender for GOTY

FFS, X-Com 2 War of the Chosen came out on the same day

I just hope this game introduces enough people to this kind of tactics genre that more than just this and X-Com exists.

really fun game and the amount of content is surprising. the fact that you can go back and get secret chapters is really cool.

yeah same. Codename Steam was Nintendo's version of it but caused a lot of bad press internally in the fan community and yet people who played through it loved it. I'm happy to see this one is more accessible for others to start getting into this kind of genre more.

You have to stop and ask yourself the very important question:

"According to who"

Then you'll realize why it doesn't matter. Stop letting average people with jobs dictate what is and isn't a good game to you.

Nintendo is dead to me btw, so don't assume I'm defending that shitty game.

this game is better than xcom

>hated the idea at first
>buy it because I love X-Com games
>it's actually great

I really wish someone other than ubisoft made this. Then I could pay money for it without feeling guilty.

How can I beat many of these big Rabbids?
I almost finished this game but I'm having trouble.

Looks like you fucked up on your upgrade tree


People are saying Rabbids is X-Com for babbies, and to a large extent it is. Yeah there are certain additions that give it some flavor, mainly the slide/jump mechanics, but it's still remarkably shallow for a tactics game.

War of the Chosen is legit one of the best games I've ever played. X-Com 2 was just ok, but the overhaul is a masterpiece.

Use luigi and Mario and jump on each other to get to another platform. If you do it right it's actually pretty easy

fun games come in all shapes and sizes, even unexpected ones

>contender for GOTY

Yeah, if you have obscenely low standards. Too casual for my tastes, and being a ubisoft title it automatically gets like 50 points taken off.

Why would we be mad? We get to play SMT5 which is an actual RPG instead of your dating simulator disguised as a real game.

how do those sour grapes taste user

It like a phone game, casuals love phone games.

Why is Luigi so based in this game?
>long range attacks
>triple shot overwatch with 1 turn cooldown
>sentries for hitting around obstacles as well as radius damage
>can jump off both teammates to fly across the map
>has ability to increase team's movment range and is almost always helpful on the first turn
The only bad things about him are lower HP and his dash attacks are weaker.

So what can I do?
But those big enemies always follow them every time they shoot! And many of them appears from the ground!

it's nothing like a phone game though

>So what can I do?
Nothing. Restart.

>implying SMT5 won't also get a PS4 port.

>Persona 5 is the most RPG Persona has been in a very long time

Idk man, how does it feel that you are stuck playing the casual, dumbed down, waifufag pandering version of a series?

>But those big enemies always follow them every time they shoot!
So you focus fire and kill them and escape the ones that get too close.
>And many of them appears from the ground!
So move away from where they appear. They big and strong but they're slow as fuck. When I did it I thought I had to sacrifice Mario to win but Mario easily ran away from 7+ of them because they couldn't even catch up to him


Sup Forums in a nutshell. I feel sorry for all the anons who fell for the very obvious shilling here on this board and posted about their Switch purchase regret.

I don't know, how does it?

Honestly dude, I love Persona 5 and its close to being a GOTY for me too, but it would never be accepted in the game awards due to all the western bias. Not only that, SJWs hate P5 (muh homophobic, muh no female mc) and the game awards is filled with them.

Shoot less and dash attack until you know you can finish one off. Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Yoshi are good at that. Don't forget to use Mario's jump stomp.

Just like Bayonetta 2, am I right?

He's great, but I rarely have chances to use him.
Usually I've got Rabbid Luigi for applying vamp to everything to keep my team health while doing damage at the same time, and Rabbid Mario for magnet + large AoE damage.

>it won't win because of bias
Yeah right. P5 will win some RPG awards at least

Thanks! I appreciate your tips.

I bet it will win a few from some game journalists, but definitely not from the big event.

FE Series is just shit on its own, everything that has its name on it its shit.
Besides, thats just one game, Persona has been a weeb shitshow since P3

They already got those HD demon models on PS4 thanks to P5. Would probably be a waste if it didn't get ported. Also as far as I know, Nintendo isn't funding it like they did with Bayonetta 2.
Do niche JRPGs like that ever win any awards?

Peach was a tank back in SMRPG too once you got the Lazy Shell.

really anyone was when you put the lazy shell on them, that's cheating user

fucking lazy shell is beyond god mode

Not it's fucking not.
Dude the latest Xcom 2 expansion is better than Mario x Rabbids.

>Do niche JRPGs like that ever win any awards?
It has sold over 1.5 million, I wouldn't call it niche. But I think they've gotten more recognition over the years.

uh other way around, sweetie

Yeah but I'd be surprised if anyone wasn't running Mario/Geno/Peach by endgame and she's the one to make best use of it since it'll compromise Mario and Geno's offensive output.

If you are 8 years old.

R.Luigi has vampire and R.Mario has vampire. Free full heals every turn. Also use Mario´s buff, tackle enemies with R.Mario, use R.Mario´s magnet and kill everything around you with your hammer.

>use Mario´s buff, ... R.Mario´s magnet and kill everything around you with your hammer.

This kills so much stuff.
It's weird though, it seems like some stages/challenges where made with the knowledge that the player would do this and are balanced around it, and other times it's like the possibility went over their heads and you get an easy win in 1 or 2 turns

>I le hate le Ubisoft le maymay. The games great faggot. As much as ubishit sucks the game concept actually worked

>uses "le" three times and can't greentext properly
go back

M+R will prob get SOME kind of award at game awards but doubt it for GOTY. GOTY will prob be Zelda, Mario, Wolfenstein(?) and two others but no idea what

Best RPG of 2017, yea Persona might be in that, but GOTY, no way.
