How fucking life-changing will The Last of Us 2 be?

How fucking life-changing will The Last of Us 2 be?



Are you a genderfluid demikind transnigger muslim queer that loves interactive movies?


not video games

>underage interracial lesbian romance
is there anyone taking this "game" seriously?



Pretty much this. Also, she's not even a cute dyke, she looks like Charlize Theron in Monster.

>ywn be a triggered numale trans race faggot queer nigger
Feels good being a proud white man.

Cant wait to play zombie game that is 4% about zombies

What I want but won't get out of this game

>a story about psychosis
>Ellie is resistant and not immune and this causes the psychosis
>gameplay psychosis elements that are randomized like hearing and seeing things that aren't there
>you are trying to sneak on a guy and another jumps at you, when you fight him the other guy just stares and says "what the fuck are you doing?" and after killing them both you see only one body
>"THERE SHE IS" but no enemy reacting to you in any way
>when an infected grabs you you can hear crying whispers "please help me" and when sneaking next to one "I can hear you, please come back"
>maybe joel becomes infected and you have to kill him

Zombies have been boring and played out since forever now anyway.

Honestly the game should start with Ellie killing Joel (for being a white male).

If the game doesn't have a Joel x Ellie sexual tension, it's unrealistic. They are not related and have been together for so long. They have to fuck at one point. Ellie is 18 anyways.

Naughty Dog games continuing to succeed is a very bad thing for the industry.

If you're with someone you're not related to long enough, you're going to want to fuck them?

One was utter shit

Why? I expect something akin to memeing fags who think TLoU or Uncharted are David Cage tier video games.

No. I am just a sexually deprived human being who fantasizes would-be scenarios for a game with a post-apocalyptic arc.

No sarcasm btw.

I mean, come on. If the game is going to explore morality, just dive in the taboo shit.

Dude the first one had themes that have been played out since forever and the game itself was just a bunch of hallways and set pieces with cover shooting and clunky "stealth".

There is nothing life changing about TLoU at all.

Get physical cancer (you allready have mental cancer) and suffer from it you nigger.


The guy treated Ellie like his dead daughter. He's not going to want to fuck her.

If they really wanted to be edgy, they'll have Joel get killed by bandits, who will then have their way with Ellie.

Pretty sexist. What will happen is that Ellie with have her way with those bandits. And by that I mean she'll kill those fucking white males.

Joel has a father-daughter relationship with Ellie, they won't fuck but Joel is also a bit of a sociopath, he might end up honor killing her to uphold the patriarchy or at least try to.

Will it be as predictable and boring as the first one?

That gay dude was the best part of the first game.