Why does Sup Forums hate Dark Souls 3?

Why does Sup Forums hate Dark Souls 3?

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roll souls

I think content wise DS3 is the best soulsborne game, but it's linear and came out at a time where everybody was getting sick of the formula.

I enjoyed it a lot more than Bloodborne, that's for sure. BB had better lore and was more original, but I got tired fast of dark city streets and big hairy beasts as all the bosses.

DaS III still gave me that great feeling of adventure, and it has the best level design in the series. Cathedral of the Deep was fantastic, best Souls level.

DaS > DaS III > DeS > BB > DaS II

my problem with it was the fact it fell on a flat note

seriously the end of the final dlc was so boring and dull, it was hard to believe that *this* was the end to the entire series

Its "dark souls 2" 2, in that it was the second time a souls game was just disappointing

>strength build not viable, neither is heavy
>spells have become 1-shot meme builds
>invasions are 4v1 slaughterhouses where invaders get gimped instantly

best DS3 build can be summed up as: R1 spam weapon (katana, rapier, longsword) + heaviest armor you can wear up to 69.9% weight so you can still light roll


>didnt get it at launch because of DaSII's shit poise making my favourite heavy armoured playstyle silly since they get stagger locked by fucking rapiers
>threads on Sup Forums respark my interest in the series
>check price
>still $66CAD with two $14.99CAD DLCs

what the dicks

>>strength build not viable,

Stopped reading there. You don't know shit.

it's not Bloodborne, Nioh or Demons Souls.

All the enemies and bosses feel like the same thing

But it's still fun even with the lightroll swordspam meta. It's a solid action game.

why does Sup Forums hate, user-kun ?

its DARK SOULS of souls series


Because it continues the trend of "Make invaders worse every game".

I wouldn't be surprised if the next Souls style game by From didn't even have invaders, since they clearly hate them.

because it's good

It's on sale all the time, at least on UK PlayStation store it has been on sale twice in the last two months.

they got invaded in their games and they couldnt beat the invader even with 3 phantoms on their side

Because half of Sup Forums never made it past Pontiff Sulyvahn.

What' s at the bottom of that beam?

no poise made heavy armor useless

this made the new meta devolve into heavy weapons

lmao2lock in pvp is horseshit

all the fucking screaming by enemies or jump scares

>powerbottom shitters complaining that invading is hard
get gud

Except I did


his lucky charms


>Hand it over. That thing, your DARK SOULS® III: The Fire Fades ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / ©2011-2016 FromSoftware

Seriously? Sony never would've made them do this.

>mentioning the game's title inside the game breaks muh immersion

when will this meme end?

wrong, I love strength but every build in this game can be improved with a dex weapon

I stopped playing after a month cause it was just ridiculous how badly strength and armor got ruined in this game

It's nothing but recreational outrage over nothing.

It was never anything more than a meme.

Yet another level up waifu and linearity.
The game should have started after the events we caused. Felt like wasted potential. I expected the dying sun imagery to be consistent through the game, it rarely mattered.

Invading into a 1v1 or 1v2 is common now and not so bad.

Invading into a 1v3 or 1v4 like you regularly would on release was impossible to win unless you abused the map or enemy locations somehow.

Still fun, but definitely a lot more lopsided than it's ever been.


Not even an invaderfag. Reds being shafted hard in 3 affects other people too.
>Be sunbro
>Host gets invaded
>Smear him across the floor with the help of the thousand other phantoms with me
>Exactly zero satisfaction because invaders are gimped to hell and back
Fending off invaders used to be fun at one point.

Also blues get assfucked as well because one of the myriad of gimps invaders get is being almost completely barred from invading solo players, so there's a massive backup of fun police because all the invaders are in worlds that are already jammed full of a gorillion phantoms.

because Sup Forums is full of contrarian faggots. Everyone shit on dark souls 2 when it came out, now everybody loves it and shits on 3.

>now everybody loves it
...do we?

>Not pointing down and dropping dung pies when you totally own some noob invader with your bros

>now everybody loves it
No, I still hate it. For all the good that game did, the bad overshadows it completely.

Still way more shitting on 2 desu

Lothric was a very uninteresting place lore wise. Some of the levels just kinda felt forced. Like oh here's a knee deep water area, oh here's the poison area, oh here's the lava area. Like some kinda checklist. It's a shame though I really enjoyed the combat, I prefer souls with a faster pace and this hit the spot.

Lothric being Lordran doesn't make any sense.


I hope the next soulslike we all know there will be one has more color
the 18th almost monochrome dungeon with colored lighting starts getting old

Dark Souls 3 had two modes: sepia and blue. It wears on your eyes.

DaS3 is pretty fucking good. It just lacked the novelty of the first ones. You can only pull it off a couple of times before it gets predictable.

I liked it but it didn't feel like it had the same passion and heart from the previous games and the throwbacks were too frequent

The end of the final DLC had 10/10 atmosphere and lore for me. I thought Gael was the most "kino" boss in the whole series. It's funny how so many people either love it or hate it.

That image is really cool.

natural Sup Forums progression

ds2 was a huge pile of shit, so they hated it and sucked 1s dick, and the sonyfags hated both and sucked DeS's dick. then 3 came out and obviously it's popular and generally well regarded, so obviously the natural course for Sup Forums is to declare 3 a pile of shit and retroactively start sucking 2's dick. 1 is a 50/50 on whether the average user is contrarian enough to start shitting on it (second half!!). they also shit on it for having callbacks to DS1 and praise 2 for being different, even though when 2 came out everybody shat on it for having callbacks to 1 and said it wasn't different enough.

>Not constantly using dried finger
>Not having massive brawls across a level

People who summon are the same kind of people who jerk off to the thought of invaders being nerfed into oblivion/removed. They never do something fun like that.

>strength build not viable
What are you on mate? There is no better cheese than heavy weapons.

>neither is heavy
That you're right about. No poise = no reason to wear big armor.

I liked the end of the Ringed City, and Gael is by far my favoutrite boss in the series.
I'm obviously biased but I really think that that battle at the end of times between two nameless undead that nobody will ever know about for the last scrapes of power left in the world is powerful and poetic, and the music makes me rock hard in femtoseconds.
It is fucking exciting when in the third phase Gael starts jumping around with his sword and crossbow, pieces of humanity and lighting falling around and the music escalating.

Fuck, I need to open steam now, excuse me.


you have no idea what you're talking about dude lol. strength builds dominate now,

I was really sad that they couldn't pull off the level design of DS1, but on another note I thought the bosses were really good and I actually enjoyed the multiple phases meme.

I don't know why, fighting waves of invaders in the Cathedral of the Deep as everyone weaves in and out of the grubmen is the most fun. Almost as fun as Anor Londo once the silver knights are cleared.

Sup Forums hates games, are you surprised?

This only happened a handful of times but damn it was fun.

It is trash

The aldrich faithful area was excellent for this, don't know how it is now. But you got summons, invaders, crazy phantoms, faithful servants, the blue police, and all kinds of crazy npc shit going on

what if people fought like this in real life?

I've put some 200 hours into this game. That's a hell of a silly fight, but you know you're cherrypicking so whatever.

He's cherrypicking but rolls do have a bit too much invuln in DaS3.

I think they tried to overcompensate for the DaS2 complaints.

I would agree if everything else wasn't faster as well. If there was any less invuln PVE would be a nightmare.

Hating dark souls 3 is a meme you meme.

We don't hate it. At least most of us don't truly hate it. It just didn't exactly fit the mold most of us pictured when we think of dark souls. It had it's up and it's downs, which is fine, there is no such thing as a perfect rpg. But it didn't have that magical "feeling" of playing a dark souls game for the first time. That feeling of finally breaking through that wall that most players get to when they just inexplicably put the controller down not to pick it up for weeks or maybe months from the first time you start dark souls. When after not playing the game for so long, you start to think about it all the time, then you go back and pick it up again and realize just what an an amazing game it truly is. That's what most people want when they think Dark Souls. Its a feeling that takes us back to the days when we first started to become gamers. But, unfortunately, it's a feeling that's very hard to replicate.

Dark Souls 3 isn't a bad game.

It's just not a good Dark Souls game.

I would have preferred if they made enemy attacks a bit less active on the hitboxes rather than touching rolls.

Feels like a fan made BB romhack. It's like they asked an average DaS player what their ideal Souls game would be.
>I don't got a ps4 but I want a fast paced game too so make it fast like BB. DaS was slow and boring anyways.
>bring ma nigga Andre back too
>I got too lost in these games. Make it more straight forward so I don't wander into a place I'm unprepared for.
>Yeah the world don't gotta be interconnected just let me teleport everywhere. I just want to get to the action faster and I also don't want to die before I go level up.
>Mimics are hilarious. I want 70% of the chests to be mimics.
>I want twice the amount of enemies and they all gotta be cuhrazy.
>I love Anor Londo, bring it back. Just place it wherever and put a boss in the same room you fight O&S.

There's only a couple good ways to counter this whenever you see this shit happen during invasions

1) Put on the skull ring when the host uses a giant tree seed
2) Fire bombs
3) Dragon Slayer sword spear's weapon art
4) Get a greatsword with Tsorig's ring so you can stamina break
5) Use sacred flame to kill anyone that tries to parry spam, or use a short sword

They just kind of changed what I like about Souls games to fit a more actiony picture. I know people are gonna shit on me, but I find the fact that facefucking enemies with big armor and poise in DaS1 and DaS2 is somewhat doable with the proper preparation to be pretty nice. You can do it if you want to even though it might not be optimal, and a lot of those games are about that. But in DaS3, the devs like acting like they know what's fun and what's not fun for me contrary to what I want.

Anor Londo was the high point of Souls multiplayer. I spent more time cooping and invading there than I have playing the multiplayer in all of the other souls games combined. It was perfect.

Shite areas.
Recycled content.
Excessive level of fanservice than feels borderline 4th wall-breaking at times.
Hamhanded Berserk "homages" in a franchise already rife with them.
Far too linear.
Gameplay is a sort of horrible amalgamation of Bloodborne plus Souls.
Terrible balance.
Ultra-conventional bossfights mixed alongside stale "gimmick" bossfights where the gimmick is often an inferior redo of something from previous souls games.
Ugly art style that tries hard to be "bleak" but just ends up looking dull.
The one "new" thing it introduces (weapon arts) is basically just an inferior answer to weapon transformations.

Mediocre game. Even DaS2 was better.

>Even DaS2 was better.


It's popular.

Popular things attracts falseflaggers and shitposters sadly. The best days to discuss Souls was before Dark Souls became a hit.

I enjoyed it alot more than Dark Souls 2 but the problem was with the lack of content, there wasn't much to find or even kill especially in the enemy department. They missed their opportunity


DaS2 wasn't even particularly good, DaS3 was just that bad.

Because it never should have existed. Not only did Dark Souls get yet another unnecessary sequel, they didn't fix literally anything that was wrong with 2 and focused on all the parts that needed fixing the least, and decided to make the combat a DS-BB hybrid that wasn't nearly as good as any other soulsborne

Soul Memory alone makes DaS2 worse, not to mention half the things you listed apply to it as well.

No poise and no magic, thanks to pvp assholes.

>Have a good formula with DaS1
>Don't fix any of the things people complained about
>Add new mechanics that cause even more problems

A decent summary of 2 and 3

Remember when twinks were an endemic problem to DaS1 that required a game ruining mechanic just to combat?

Me either

You could twink harder on DaS2 release with how completely botched infusions were.

I remember having a +10 Dark Uchi around 50k soul memory and just rolling the shit out of people.

It's pretty watered down and plays it safe the whole time while leaning far too much of nostalgia and previous games. Gameplay wise it's stuck in this weird middle ground between BB and souls games which feels like jack of all trades and master of none. This is nitpicky since the second DLC is quite good, but the first is objectively the worst DLC from has ever done, too. I like the game and have played it a ton, and will continue to do so, but that's largely why.