Foolishness Dante
Foolishness Dante
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Is playing as Vergil easier or harder than playing as Dante?
Think carefully.
Does anyone know if the Steam version of DMC3 works better on Windows 10 with the fixes than the retail version?
>DMC5 never
I hate life senpaitachi.
DmC wasn't pure garbage, but god fucking dammnit, it killed the franchise and removed so much complexity and had poor man's Nine Inch Nails as its OS.
Brother.. our guest is sighing.
He has fewer weapons and moves but each is better to compensate.
>DMC5 made by Kamiya never
I thought 3 and 4 were okay, DmC was better than 2 but worse than 3/4. 1 is still my favorite though, combat might be a little slower but that doesn't necessarily make it bad and it feels like everything else the game does it still better than the newer ones.
In terms of defeating enemies? Easier. He can be more technical to play in a way given that he has three melee weapons at once, if that's what you're insinuating. Not like he has significantly more options than any single Dante set up, but he can be weird to play if you're not used to switching between three weapons.
Controls everything
What is "sighing"?
Why is Vergil beloved despite being edgy? What makes his edge better than other edges?
He is motivated
How is he edgy? He barely has any screentime and he's just a guy on a simple mission.
Wayyy easier, specially when you put the fire button on the triggers because then you can easily perma throw swords while comboing smoothly
I actually really enjoyed this game.
post the full thing, you fool
And we're supposed to be twins...
So he wanted to protect his unborn son nero?
Probably pity. He's edgy but it seems like he's edgy and wants power because he feels bad about not being able to stop his mother from being murdered. He helps Dante stop Arkham. He admits he was wrong when Dante defeats him. He tries to fight Mundus like Sparda did. He's edgy but not just for the sake of being edgy, it's kind of sad.
The flinch in your eye calls your bluff
whos younger twin?
Vergil's additional lines in DMC4SE were so good, holy shit.
>Your nightmare begins here!
>My power shall be ABSOLUTE!
>FALL, scum!
>tfw you played DMC3 first and moved onto the other 3 games in the series
Even 4 was lame enough that I didn't finish Nero's story.
Yeah Dante had style switching and etc but making me replay the whole game would just have been awful.
1 was pretty good at times.
he's edgy for a reason, and he's legitimately powerful enough to back up his edge
you're allowed to be an edgy katana wielding weirdo if you're strong
You will not forget this devil's power
how is he so fast
he's motivated
name me a better weapon/design from the series than agni and rudra.
you just cant
This is the power of Sparda.
Simple, but effective.
No, he lacked the strength to protect Neros mother, his waifu
Easier aside from having to switch between three weapons at once. I had a pretty good handle on Vergil in 3:SE but in 4:SE, I had a ways to go.
My dude, but I REALLY like Gilgamesh as well. Too bad the moveset kinda sucks.
His edge is dignified and blue and white instead of black and red.
He's also not just edgy; he's MOTIVATED
Because the series is cheesy as shit.
I did this for both Vergil and Nero. Vergil to make it easier to do Blistering and Spiral Swords, etc while meleeing.
Nero to hold his charge gun cuz it's fucking amazing.
Being edgy is ok if you have cockiness
the only thing remotely edgy about him is his hair. he wears the good guy colors for fucks sake
To this day, Vergil's boss themes and how they change noticeably with each fight while retaining their leitmotif that dates back to DMC1, is probably my favourite thing in vidya.
Why did I have to fall in love with a franchise that had only 2 great games? I really like 4 but I wish it didn't turn out the way it did.
Why did Vergil even team up with this guy when every single scene he looks like he's tired of his shit?
Because he was smarter than Vergil. Vergil just wanted his daddy's sword, and Arkham knew how to do it.
What if Vergil is a boss in SMT V?
That's just his face.
vergil used him as a tool to properly navigate the tower
then murdered him in cold blood precisely because he was tired of hit shit
people defend mvc3
still wondering how this game doesn't have proper anime instead of that ass shit that they made where dante isnt even dante
because he's fun to play. It's the one of the reason swhy iori, juri and kazuya are so popular too.
juri isnt edgy shes just a colossal whore
Nothing personnel, kid.
is it incest if dante fucks trish?
No? Might be an Oedipus complex, but Trish isn't actually Dante's mum.
I'm so sick of seeing this faggot on everyone's team.
This TGS is it; I can feel it bros
Iori doesn't even have that high of a usage rate in KOFXIV though. Benimaru has been on over 80% of all teams during the tournaments this month.
if you go in expecting it to not be there you'll have a much better time
>absolutely loved playing through DMC3:SE
>end up giving up after being stuck of over a week on leviathan's hearton very hard
>could barely last in DMD mode in DMC4
i hate how bad i suck at these games but they're so damn fun
Anyone else go WTF for how un-motivated his VO performance was in UMVC3?
So why does Vergil's face completely change when his hair goes up? With his hair down he looks exactly like Dante, which I get, but why the fuck is it when his hair is up his face is different?
It makes his forehead look bigger?
Hair style can make a dramatic change in your appearance.
No, he is saying that cuz he couldn't protect his mother due to lack of strength, also mocks Dante who rejects his demon side
Because he is THE edgelord, he literally unsheathes his katana and teleport
What do WE think about Trish and Lady?
>local man absolutely crazy
10/10 details
>What do WE think about Trish and Lady?
Daddy issues the "original" and the "copy"
>made to look like Dantes mother
>Dante still fucked her
i love all the cutscenes where Dante or Lady go CRAZY
I NEED Lady in DMC 5. Trish can come too to make trishfags happy
Why do the devil trigger forms in 3 look like aliens?
RIP in piece, sweet sensei
because he doesn't shove his edgyness on how life is unfair
he just kill things to do his stuff and most important, he's not talking
>shes just a colossal whore
While you're not wrong with that statement Juri is indeed edgy as she is a sadist who gets her sexual thrills from slowly and brutally killing her opponents at least that was her character in SF4. I don't know how much they changed her in SF5
Because it's not the only dimension to his character.
>Shooter isn't Dante with the shotgun
baka desu senpai
Vergil is easier to grasp in 4SE and much harder in 3SE.
3SE requires a fuckton of finger work on the same level as DMC4 Dante, while Vergil 4SE is a cakewalk.
>tfw no engine cutscenes for pc / style switcher
What is the original context of this?
Steel your soul for a second chance
But I will never become a man?
Did he even stop the fight tho
>He died
RIP maybe he'll be performing judgement cuts in the afterlife
>Vergil is easier to grasp in 4SE and much harder in 3SE.
>3SE requires a fuckton of finger work on the same level as DMC4 Dante, while Vergil 4SE is a cakewalk.
I call bullshit on this. 4:SE Vergil has some shit like Just-Frame JCs and Concentration is kinda difficult to git gud at managing when you're first starting out. You also have to manage his Summoned Swords for the teleports, which is pretty important. Yeah, he's even more OP than 3:SE Vergil but there's also a lot more to him.
Meanwhile, in 3:SE, he's pretty much brain dead, if also fun as fuck.