IIT: Games with god-tier postgames

Pic related.

Also, just to kick off some debate, what does Sup Forums think the best way to handle the difficulty of a postgame is? Should it have the same difficulty as the main game? Should it have a small jump in difficulty, essentially making it feel like just another stage of the game? Or should it have a noticeable difficulty spike from the end game?

Hard mode: Post game, postgame, or post-game?

Post-game should just be a step up from the main game, something similar to say, area progression.

Odd choice.

look no further, OP

Nothing I can think of even comes close to this game. There's just so much fucking shit to do.

greatest post game of all time

Is that some sort of Megaman game?

Megaman Battle network 3 emulate that shit right now

>god-tier postgames
You posted the wrong Pokemon game. Crystal, Platinum, HG/SS, or B2/W2 are all better than Emerald's postgame.

He should play 2 first

nothing in the series even compares to 3 whats the point

To go from a good game to even better game...?

Gen 2's post game was atrocious. Same goes for HG/SS too.

Battle Frontier was the shit back then. Does any modern pokeman have something as good as it?

2 is good though
3 is the best but you can't appreciate why it's the best until you play 2 first
2 is like a 9/10 and 3 is a 10/10

I played 3 religiously on my game boy and recently emulated all the other ones and I just cant even, 1 and 2 feel so primitive and 4,5,6 are all noticeably worse.

>get to play through the Kanto
wew lad

6 is great and while 5 is flawed, liberation missions and being able to control other navis is awesome
4 is also worth a single playthrough just to appreciate how bad it really is

i beat a few missions in 4 before giving up and moving to 5 I just hate the the artstyle post 3

>going through a empty region with jack shit to do with all the interesting places like safari gone
I'll give you the Gary gym leader and fighting yourself on mt. silver. That was cash. Everything else not so much.

the only one that comes close is B2/W2

crystal doesn't have shit aside from the tower and silver mountain. And no, kanto isn't post game, jhoto and kanto are butchered and fit as one region together

Platinum's BF is shitter than emerald and the post game shit with team galactic doesn't make up for it

HG/SS fits into what I said about crystal/platinum

>kanto isn't post game
Tell that to the credits roll, Mr. Newfriend.

that's the equivalent of credits rolling after winona in emerald

>ITT Sup Forums makes a better /vp/ thread than /vp/
Good job lads.

Star Ocean 3 had a great post game. Post game should ease you into the harder stuff. Like a dungeon slightly harder than main game that gives good loot/exp then give you the real challenges.

>winona in emerald
That doesn't happen though, so your point is invalid.

its not post game. anything after Red would be considered post game newfag

my point is credits don't mean shit, is everything passed medusa in kid icarus uprising post game?

>anything after Red
Red is apart of the postgame.

>is everything passed medusa in kid icarus uprising post game?
I wouldn't know because I don't play that weeb shit.