Pills here!

Pills here!
Grabbin' pills!

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>over a decade ago

Versus in this game and 2 was so fucking great, too bad the community is absolute shit now. Gave up on it because people would chain leave if they ever lost a round.

>this is now a retro game
the fuck

Better grab everything I can.

I think the banter between characters and overall balance made it one of the most immersive games of the genre. It arguably does a better job of putting you in a zombie apocalypse than stuff like Resident Evil.


post anyone else you remember

Absolutely no better game to play with 3 of your bros

Hell even playing with a couple of randoms is great, builds a real sense of comradery among everyone

Luckily people still play Zombie Master on weekends


Holy shit you faggots stop, this is just painful

I want to go back ;_;

first one was good, didn't like second one's cast. game was okay and entertaining through the campaign and like 10 hours in multi-player then it started to repeat itself.


Hunter S. Thompson

best love story of all time

What the hell happened to criken for him to go to shit so quickly

Sequel is still one of the best zombie-shooters out there, the access to Source-modding and silly videos only making it better.

If there's anything games like DayZ or Dying Light could learn, it's proper director A.I. and zombies actually being in (relatively) significant fucking numbers.


why did they not change Coach?

Post more cute heather....


>first one was good, didn't like second one's cast.

Ellis was great, Coach was cool but not really memorable, Nick was also cool but felt kind of too edgy/out of place with the rest of the cast, Rochelle was dumpster tier trash

Post your favorite special infected, mine is the charger

I'm afraid I don't have much on this current PC.

He's already a good match to Uncle Phil.

nice try cuck faggot


In the oven you go (((fellow white man))).

Ive done nothing with my life

Where is he right now?

because he is literally phil

I hate gamers.

>tfw you was living through high school hell when all this came out
>tfw now hs is over but you ended up on Sup Forums alone


Maybe pizza hut in a garage, maybe it's made of chocolate


I cosplayed as Louis back in the day, ended up hooking up with the Zoey cosplayer.
We never had cosplay sex tho, I'm not sure why

posting kino

Back where? Reddit?

*breathes in*


Except shitpost on Sup Forums

I became more and more disappointed as they patched out exploits and strategies in campaign mode.

Who the fuck need to use exploit on campaign mode?

Some of the more pain in the ass finales if you didn't have a 3+ man team.

Holy fuck

This is the best L4D Kino


>tfw l4d3 never ever

i wish we could go back to 2008 ~ 2010 when left 4 dead was the hottest thing still

>black man
>one of his voice lines is "better grab anything I can"
What did valve mean by this?

Raimi gatecrashed Valve and rewrote a load of scripts.
They trashed most, which is why Rochelle has so few lines, but Some parts slipped past


Hes alive under different nick: OLDSACKS


This is giving me a rush of nostalgia fuck

I miss ear rape videos. Makes me wonder if McMangos is still around


This guy gets it.


Jettan still makes them occasionally, although I think his undisputed masterpiece is "egg film," a video so catchy, most people don't even remember the plot. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of breakfast, it's about the egg itself.


Isn't he doing stuff with team 4 star now?



[Spoiler]wazgul is gay[/spoiler]



I haven't heard that name in years

Oh I get it. Because he is a black man, so he is the joke character right. Gottem pill hear right XD??? Ugh.

post l4d3 hopes

>levels are built out of modular pieces, randomly picked together to give a slight variation of each level on every playthrough

Damn, I remember playing on his 32 player servers for L4D2. Crazy shit.

>mfw I'm in one of the videos and my actions alone cause the entire team of 10~20 to die

I'm afraid left 4 rats is the most you're going to get

I hope it exists. Your idea is shit or should be limited to like one campaign, well crafted levels that are the same every time are better than randomly generated mediocrity, just look at Shadow Warrior 1 vs 2.

At this point, my only hope is that it will exist at some point. Even that much is wishful thinking.

>we'll never have Mass Defect 2
God speed

I don't mean fully different sections, just one time you go left at a crossroads and next time you go right

I love l4d2 but I dread how every level just became a calculated slog after 1-3 playthroughs, I'd love if there were slight variations so you don't know exactly what's coming up ahead

whats the name of the guy who made the pillshere meme?

I remember his worked with dasboschitt for a while

>last one to drop off from a place that your team can't come back
>you hear the smoker's scream and his tounge pulling sound

Grabin pills
Grabin puke
