Okami HD rated for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Korea

Okami HD rated for PS4, Xbox One, and PC in Korea


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Not surprising; this one popped up on a German EB listing about a month back.

better zelda than zelda, also Kamiya's best game to date

Finally an actual good Zelda game after the disappointment that was BoTW.

so what will they fuck up in the port this time?
no vocal credits theme again?

Okay, but does it add in the missing song?

Nice. Hopefully it won't be a blurry piece of shit like when emulated on PCSX2.

Can you finally skip or speed up dialogue? Is the draw distance finally increased?

How many re-releases is this? Good lord I could never stand this game, I felt ripped off the first time, the game sold so poorly it killed the studio, who the fuck keeps buying it.

Amazing, now port God Hand and Viewtiful Joe

Perhaps, 60 frames?

>capcom going all out with ports

I hope they die soon, going to enjoy watching Nintendo buy them out.

The PS2 original
The shitty Wii port
The PS3 remaster by Hexadrive
The PS4/Xbone/PC remaster

I hope to see original DMC at some point on PC.

Man i wish there was more Okami
>Here's a port for every console imaginable
Oh um...that's not quite what i meant

PC always wins in the end.

that will be $45 for 30 fps locked port at fixed resolutions no support for 4k and it's crash-laden. did you rike it
cause I didn't. fucking vanquish.

>no Switch port
What's their excuse?

Capcom are working to distance themselves from Nintendo.

>the money to do anything

Nintenbros already have an inferior Zelda game on the Switch.

>Giving Capcom money for things you can emulate on toasters

Stop that.

But they just released the newest version of Street Fighter II exclusively for the switch?

>not the Switch

Already played like 80 hours in the Wii version, certainly wont be double dipping. Great for those that somehow have not played it yet.

>ps2 emulation

that was a rights issue. Other than that Okami HD on the PS3 was perfect.

PS2 emulation is great
Sorry you're too dumb to test a few settings in the graphics menus.

>Finally a system that would utilize the drawing aspect perfectly
>Isn't released on it.

>PS2 emulation is great!
>you just dum!

>But they just released the newest version of a 26 year old game

It's current year, God Hand runs like silk, looks great, and doesn't have all the quirks and fuckups inherent to Capcom's forward-porting.

Capcom itself is worth 1.6 Bn, before considering the value of their IPs, Nintendo could purchase the company in terms of share value with just their cash reserves. Capcom have safe guards to stop this from happening, but in the chance of a financial failure on Capcoms part Nintendo will be the first in line to buy, and for the most part, it will just be fun to watch.

Ok, now tell me seriously:
1) What in the everloving fuck would they achieve by "distancing themselves from Nintendo"? Why would they burn a bridge for no reason? Having your games on a Nintendo system isn't a stigma.
2) They already have several ports on the Switch. Fucking Resident Evil Revelations 1 and 2 are coming out in a few months. How is any of this "distancing themselves from Nintendo"?

Your post took more effort than Street Fighter 2 Turbo the final ultimate fighters DX portable edition pro, so yeah.

Exactly. They no longer give a damn about Nintendo's shitty hardware.

And guess what happened to Monster Hunter?

Does this mean that announcements are possible at Capcom's TGS?

It's far more likely they'd be bought out by one of the larger Japanese arcade firms than by Nintendo. And this is assuming they don't sell off all their assets separately so the shareholders can recoup more of their losses.

It's just crapcom being crapcom.

Nintendo is too conservative to buy a big company like Capcom.

They ported a game that was already on 3DS on the Switch when they didn't really need to.
Yes they moved to other hardware for World, but we're talking about a port. Capcom hasn't shown any particular aversion towards having ports on the Switch.

Capcom work in mysterious ways, they had early access to the Switch asked for an extra 2GB of Ram which they got and then they released low effort, low quality ports, but not even all of them, just some of them.

You mean for some Okami sequel or spinoff? Fuck no, that would be retarded.

>Capcom work in mysterious ways
I think you meant
>my argument doesn't really make sense but you should pretend it does anyway

No, i mean like other games

Nintendo can both afford Capcom and are definitely interested in owning them. Capcom selling their intellectual properties piece meal sounds more likely though, it would make the most money, their company isn't worth much compared to their IP value.

Nintendo have tried to buy Capcom before, I don't doubt that they are still interested in them.

Vanquish isn't locked 30fps (it's not even locked to 60fps) and it natively supports 4K.

If Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft bought out Capcom, I'd hate to think of the absolute meltdown Sup Forums would have.

Capcom are aiming to support Nintendo last in favour of all other platforms, at best what they are doing is leaving some crumbs to say to Nintendo, no we are still here, evidently they don't believe in Nintendo 1 bit but will ask them for extra support. I wholeheartedly expect nothing but legacy ports from Capcom for Switch for it's lifetime, Ace Attorney won't be showing up on it, Monster Hunter is already pretty much gone with a port being it's final entry, their interest in Nintendo platforms from now on is just paying lip service.

>Microsoft is American
>Sony's too broke
>Nintendo is....Nintendo

Shame we'll never see the day.

It will be an event unparalleled.


Sony would be the most likely to buy them though, they even payed to have SFV made early

user right here just proved other user's point, dumbass.

They can afford them but if it goes to bidding I don't think they'll win over the corporate arcade suits. Pachinko alone would make it worth the investment to them.

Can't wait for the Switch port. The Wii version is one of my favorite games of all time.

>If Ninty buys Capcom, they'll FORCEFULLY retain Monster Hunter exclusivity


In my ideal world Platinum buys Viewtiful Joe from Capcom and finally makes Viewtiful Joe 3 and lets me end my life in peace

Andrew House doesn't even think commissioning third parties for exclusive videogames is a worthwhile pursuit (Yoshida had to fight tooth and nail for the opportunity to front the money to From for Bloodborne); no way he's ever gonna get on board with attempting to take over a company of Capcom's stature.

Is it a remaster or a remake ?

It's just a port of Okami HD

And while we're waiting for the release of 3 they release Viewtiful joe1+2 hd

The wii version was a shitty port

I only played the Wii version, what was shitty about it compared to the others?


Nice, time to replay it for the third or fourth time.


I fucking love remasters, no seriously i do. It's great to experience all these games that i missed out on because i skipped the PISS3 and Xbox 360

Based Capcom

But this was a ps2 game

is Okamiden good?

It took all the worst parts of zelda, the overlong start, annoying NPC characters, poor pacing, too easy puzzles and simple dungeons with poor, repetitive combat

The only saving grace at all is the visuals

Nice, seems to be 100% confirmed now. Day 1 buy. So much good shit coming out this year..both new and remastered.
Wasn´t it downsampled 4k/60FPS on PS3 already?

No, thanks. Also every fucking good game on the PISS3 was a PS2 game

You have absolutely no clue about video games. I hope no one wastes his time on you.

I don't see an argument here user.

Fact is Okami is a version with all the bad points in zelda games magnified.

No. 30 fps.

Well I'm dumb as a brick and got it to work

> interested in owning them

is your dad kimishima


>Giving Capcom money
>what is pirating
>what is buying it used and hoping the user didn't have aids

>downsampled 4k
end this meme, it was just msaa

Alright hang on.

I like Okami too, but seriously, what is this, like the fourth port?

this image is old and probably unnecessary now

>He hasn't already played it on dolphin at 4k 60fps for free

What's wrong with you?

>What is Resident Evil 4
Capcom will continue to port the shit out of anything that seems to have a cult following

So fucking what. Back in the day, stuff like Prince of Persia or Lode Runner had 20 ports each.

Nice. I played an hour or so on the wii but then I realized I hate motion controls in this setting and also that the ps3 version is HD. Now if only those shitty prequels/sequels that come out on ds/3ds only could get ported over. The same thing happened with Lego Undercover and Sonic Colors. It seems like companies just forget to port those