Like Mestroid Zero mission is considered better than the original, what remakes are considered better than their source?
Like Mestroid Zero mission is considered better than the original, what remakes are considered better than their source?
>Like Mestroid Zero mission is considered better than the original
it's basically a different game, and there are plenty of justified reasons to prefer the original
Twin Snakes
I know this is bait but I unironically agree although it might also be because I played it first
Majora's Mask 3D isn't an upgrade or downgrade, but rather a sidegrade. It made a lot of good and bad changes.
Someone might have a different opinion but I hardly see anyone talk about the original
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver
for some reason i always enjoyed the orignals, they have a special place is my heart
I think I prefer the original.
Bombers notebook was a great change for helping completionists, but having the Happy Mask Salesman forcefully give it to you rather than naturally knowing to go back to the Bombers as human Link felt way less organic.
Properly saving at owl statues was handy, but at the same time it removed all sense of urgency because you had the option to reload a save if you took too long. Even if you choose not to do that the fact that the option exists is harmful to immersion.
I hated how you have to consume magic to go fast as Zora link. I had more fun that I should have just soaring around Great Bay. Now I can't do that unless I first get Chateau Romani
Skipping to specific parts ahead with the song of double time was more useful, but I actually didn't mind waiting around for a while for quests. There was always something to do to fill in the time given the amount of sidequests.
The updated framerate and graphical fidelity is nice, but at times the lighting feels way off and kills the mood the original had
Overall the game felt like it didn't trust the player as much as the original.
It's still a decent remake, but I would recommend the original before this
The QoL improvements make this the definitive version, even if the original was a much tighter experience.
No bait, just truth
it is a handheld game so it kinda had to have a better save system
>can't single cycle the game
it's shit
Wonder Boy: Dragon's Trap
Like, holy shit, it's amazing. A work of love. What other remakes should aim to be. It even includes the original game and can be seamlessly switched from old to new.
I'd say FireRed/LeafGreen over HGSS
RE1 is still very good
Basically the perfect remake
They could have still used the owl statue system that they used in the original but had more of them. I'm fine with there being save points at the starts of dungeons:it lets you play in small chunks and easily quit out
The PSP port of Persona 1.
Only because the PS1 English translation is completely ridiculous and shit like pic related happens, and the entire Snow Queen story route was blocked off.
Saves shouldn't have been permanent at owl or quill statues.
i agree completely, its a shitty system
This is one of the only games I can recall really just preferring the original.
Man, the remake for majora's mask is just so fucking bad. I can only assume the people who defend it never played the original
Let the thread die already user.
You can't single cycle it on the new version? That fucking blows.
But why is that so? I understand why certain glitches being removed would make it harder, but it was still possible to single cycle the original without glitches.
Considering the way the game's system works (Slowly moving towards a goal where the only thing that sticks is whether you saved a giant or not and some items) I think the new save system doesn't really impact anything. The game was always about managment not rusing along.
Rest of the changes are irredeemable garbage though. Like I need a to be tweeted every time you talk to a important NPC.
Naw, new art lost too much of its charm.
I played it first, it was my first MGS game and I still ended up preferring the original.
You're so fucking retarded
I think the atmosphere of the 64 version gains somewhat by its eerie low poly models. This is a rather subjective point though.
>I'd say FireRed/LeafGreen over HGSS
HG/SS improved on the mechanics and move pools much more than FR/LG did (compared to the respective game they were remaking), and also due to the touch screen it had probably one of the best HUDs of any game out at that point.
this is really close because it takes gold/silver/crystal's flaws and fixes them. basically kanto missing some content.
still theres a level of comfy on gameboy color that cant be replicated on ds.
I hated the lighting changes and colors they used for the remake. It totally strips the game of its atmosphere and charm.
>The updated framerate and graphical fidelity is nice, but at times the lighting feels way off and kills the mood the original had
I can understand this argument for OoT and its Ganon fight, but what specific parts of Majora's Mask are there where the 3DS version ruins the lighting? I never noticed anything wrong with it.
I think HG/SS is kinda overshooting it with some of the music tracks, but other than the OST I think HG/SS is superior in every way.
Too bad it lacks much of the original soundtrack (and what songs remained in it are in the wrong place). I played the Japanese PSX version and thought the music was great. The PSP changes sound mostly great except for the music.
you unlock can the old ost though
Even with the added Lugia/No-Oh shit and Cynthiaat least it still felt like the originals and not just a new game using the world map of Hoenn like ORAS.
again, do you have a specific example? what exactly do you mean by "strips the game of its atmosphere and charm"
>inb4 muh rainbow staircase
yes we all know about that change. I personally never cared much for that specific part of the observatory's atmosphere anyway. I rather more enjoyed the small details in the observatory you can see by looking around, and this is vastly improved by the 3DS version which adds more details and lets you look around with the 2nd stick.
I know, but only at the very end. I would prefer it to be available during your playthrough.
Exactly this, the good and bad changes MM3d makes cancel out.
also this, it's objectively better or as good in every regard. Nostalgiashitters pls go
MM is my favorite game of all time and i'm a 2deep5u autist about how great it's atmosphere is, and the only location in the game I think this is an issue is the great bay temple, and Odolwa's chamber in the swamp temple.
Everywhere else is more or less at the same level of brightness and has the same visual deisgn
>it's a "let's add a OC waifu and make all the art shit" remake
i cheated to unlock it early
but yeah
Am I the only one who thought the original GSC was better than HGSS? I understand that the remake improved a lot, but the originals were the most charming Pokemon games aside from Emerald. There's something about the devs capturing such a lofty concept and somehow being able to squeeze it onto a gameboy cartridge.
japan doesn't like niggers get over it
Not him but I actually have to agree here. I'm not a nostalgiafag, I actually played the 3ds version first, but the lighting on the n64 looks more natural. My guess is that they made it brighter to be easier to see on the smaller screen which makes sense but still.
It's called nostalgia. And I don't even want to talk down on you. But I do think GameFreak captured the same essence with the remakes.
>this is really close because it takes gold/silver/crystal's flaws and fixes them
>people still believe this when it didn't even address the main flaws
The thing is gen 2 is actually pretty shitty. The level curve for pokemon is shit, the new pokemon are typically rare as fuck to find meaning the average player will only have old kanto mon, the hp bar in battle drains slowly making battles take longer then needed, team rocket again is boring, johto is pretty small, and kanto is cool but kind of lazy with nothing that cool outside the badges to do. Crystal helps a bit with the pokemon distribution problem but still.
I can pick up a gen 1 and gen 3 game and play it fine, even actual gen 1 and it's buggy as fuck, but playing a gen 2 game, be it the originals or remakes, feels like a chore.
It's usually agreed that the models, textures and detail is better on the 3DS, while the lighting and colors are better on the N64.
Yeah nostalgia definitely plays into it, but you could say the same for several other games that have received sequels and remakes. If the game is simply good then the argument won't hold. When I play Crystal its still really good. The minimalism helps immensely in creating an atmosphere of mystery and foreboding even. Updated graphics and quality of life upgrades took that element away from the games.
You can remake the Exorcist with better actors and updated CGI, but nothing will compare to the atmosphere that the limitations of cinema allowed the original to have.
>the new pokemon are typically rare as fuck to find meaning the average player will only have old kanto mon
Nah, not really. I mean distribution wasn't great but if anything that made catching the new Pokemon worthwhile.
Also you are right about Team Rocket--if they weren't as bland, the game could have been a perfect 10. I did like the "Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck" Rocket though.
I prefer GSC for it's graphics and music (Yes, even GBSounds in HG/SS doesn't sound exactly the like originals). Which is nostalgia speaking though
HGSS is far superior in literally everything else for me.
>better than original
The level curve isn't a flaw. There is some non-linearity in GSC and it keeps the games from feeling like every other Pokemon game.
HGSS restored a lot of missing areas in Kanto.
>level curve
That's only a problem at one point in the game. A problem nonetheless, but not a large one.
>kanto pokes
This is only a problem if you dislike kanto or are fatigued with kanto pokes due to playing gen 1 just beforehand. Let the game stand on its own legs. Otherwise you might aswell complain about gen 1 for having gen 1 pokemon.
>hp bar takes long
Legitimate complaint.
>team rocket again is boring
I found it a logical continuation of the kanto plot. I also prefer the more down to earth criminal team to the world destruction anime plots that would overtake Pokemon later on. So it is a matter of opinion. If anything, the plot is non-intrusive, which is a good thing in my book.
>kanto being lazy
I would agree to this complaint if we ignore the development history of the games. Kanto was squeezed onto the cartridge after Iwata swept in late in development and cleaned up all the messy code of gold/silver (because gamefreak notoriously hires the worst programmers in the world) and suddenly they hade twice the place for content, so without having any content planned, they decided to put the entirety of kanto in as post game.
So, again, Kanto in itself is kinda empty, but as postgame content it serves its purpose, and the story behind it is pretty amazing.
Look at things like heracross, you think the average player would know to headbutt trees in a specific area with extremely low odds? If there hints and such this would be fine but there wasn't. Misdreavous and Sneasel come to mind too. In G/S both become available only at fucking Mt. Silver when the game is near;y over, you have had your team a long ass time now, and they are too weak to really use. Crystal fixed this case though.
I guess it was a bit extreme I guess but I stand by my points. I don't think it's a shitty game or anything but I really do find it hard to return too.
I disagree. Every one of the elements in Gold/Silver is replicated perfectly in HG/SS (and sometimes even done better) except maybe the soundtrack in some places. I really do think it is just nostalgia on your part.
I could take the "updated graphics ruin atmosphere" argument if the updated graphics really changed anything like adding facial expressions or whatever (like ORAS does), but that is not the case. The graphics are basically the same, just with more pixels.
not that one, except gyro controls make it acceptable
Gyorg is the only one of these that actually looks better to me. You can't even pretend to think that shitty skybox in the N64 observatory looks better than the 3DS version.
>except maybe the soundtrack in some places
and even if you don't like it, there's still the GB sounds
>Wearing a fish mask
Shit don't make no sense on either of them
Did you even bother reading what the posts were about? It's about the lighting and colors, not the model, ya dingus.
Most of those are improvements though. How the fuck can you think the old observatory looks better?
>better than original
>shows how shitty it looks
What did he mean by this?
The boss fights were absolutely ruined in the remake.
He was using greentext, you dingus.
>The updated framerate and graphical fidelity is nice, but at times the lighting feels way off and kills the mood the original had
The only valid complaint.
>It's about the lighting and colors
What about it? Nothing in those N64 screenshots stands out as particularily good lighting to me. The moon in particular has far BETTER lighting on 3DS, I mean you'd have to be blind to not notice it.
I actually prefer the Observatory basement in the remake. It's more organic and natural.
Odalwa fight and room lighting are better on the N64
Gyorg boss fight and room look great in both versions
The moon looks better in the remake
I prefer the Observatory top room in the N64 version
>still theres a level of comfy on gameboy color that cant be replicated on ds.
I get what you mean user. It's probably nostalgia, but I couldn't adapt to the new design and stuck with the gc version. It's just too comfy compared to the new look.
The remake is too bright and colorful, which takes away from the original's atmosphere.
You can say you prefer the remake but there are a good deal who like the darker look.
>but if anything that made catching the new Pokemon worthwhile.
The large majority of players didn't see anything new beyond the basic mon like Sentret and Hoothoot because they were so rare.
Speaking of their appearances it's also worth noting that only half of the gym leaders used new mons to begin with and of those four they only used a single new mon.
Then there's Lance, a dragon type trainer who couldn't even muster up a Kingdra still only uses old Pokemon.
Wow, you say that team rocket is boring when the new bad guys are boring a shit. Team rocket always felt like they blocked your way for a reason but other teams felt like a chore to get around. Really don't understand how you can enjoy Get 1's bull crap that you have to put up with tho.
The remake's art direction more closely resembles the official artwork, but your point still stands.
So far every FE remake has been better than the original, but I particularly liked this one here.
Have high hopes for the Jugdral remakes.
you're entitled to your criticism but I just don't get
>The moon looks better in the remake
it's so goofy, with the huge fucking jew nose and the larger eyes that concave more and what feels like a smaller general mass
the teeth are more intimidating maybe since they nailed the transition
>Team rocket always felt like they blocked your way for a reason
Team Rocket are the only ones without reasons.
>jew nose
Looks more like a nigger nose to me
They would block off areas and entire towns that they took over. It had a feeling of a gang taking over.
They only did that for Saffron and did you actually talk to those NPCs blocking your way?
You may be right. I actually haven't replayed it in a long while. Weren't they in the radio tower in Golden Rod too?
this is a good post user
They even took over the radio station too. Nice little touch.
They didn't really block anything in Gen 2.
Do you have a translated rom?
Check the OP on Fire Emblem General in /vg/
Red pill me on this game, its supposed to be a sequel?
Yes, to Shadow Dragon.
Hardin's a dick and dragons are back.
not a remake.
literally cancer
the level curve is without a doubt a flaw, as is the absolutely pathetic victory road. The pokemon in the victory road shouldn't in their thirties, and that's not even getting into the crap wild pokemon at claire's gym. Or kanto with its anemic level distribution.
It fixed many of GSC's flaws, and is without a doubt superior imo, but it missed a bunch of key ones that prevent it from being what could've been the best Pokemon game overall
MM didn't make any positive changes outside of the graphics, which don't count because that's a given. NPCs are moved for no fucking reason, boss fights were changed for no fucking reason, time moves faster even with the Song of Slowed Time for no fucking reason, swimming was ruined for no fucking reason, etc.
The people who complain about Dorrie's change obviously weren't alive in 1996. Dorrie's original design doesn't read as friendly, and coupled with the warning sign that he might eat you, there was no reason for someone to think they can just jump in and swim up to him.
yea forget about giving kids any sense of mystery or spookiness. lets just make it a giant gay yoshi
>the main reason to remake a game doesn't count as a postive point in the remake's favor
u wot
The great bay temple is the only area changed even close to this much though