Let's play a game, Sup Forums

Sup Forums is going to decide the quality of any vidya you post. Post any game that you want to. After you post it, look at the last number of your post. That number will determine the rating of your game on a scale of 10. For example, if the last number of your post is a 7 (you roll a 7), then the game that you posted is a 7/10. If you roll a 0, then your game is a 10/10. 1/10 is the lowest possible rating.

persona 3

Interesting enough and accurate for OP's post/spoiler]

I see that this thread is off to a good start

Deus Ex



*with mods

Banjo Kazooie

These are all accurate. Also, Nier Automata.

Big Rigs over the road racing


Sonic Mania

Dragon Quest VIII

>big rigs
>straight up, no memes
Is Sup Forums itself the most objective person on this site?

This will probably start a shit storm regardless of the rating it gets.

Lets decide which of these two is better.


Or this

Alright rollin

Mario is Missing

>OoT: 8
>MM: 9
Based Sup Forums

MM is more like a 6/10 though. You're forced to spend the first hours of the game as a Deku for the first cycle, it's even more linear than OoT, aside from the transformation masks they're almost all useless and there's only four dungeons. In addition you have to complete the longest quest two times if you want to hundred percent the game, which largely involves waiting around for quest triggers.




That's a 10/10 though.

Unironically GOTY


Unironically also GOTY

Which 7/10 is the better 7/10?

Easy 9

>first hours
>over in 20 minutes or less
>more linear than OoT
>most mask quests
>only four dungeons
>automatically a bad thing even though most dungeons in zelda games are mediocre anyway
If you don't like the sidequests personally, just say so, but don't go nitpicking perfectly fine aspects in order to validate yourself.


A classic


Those aren't nitpicks though, the core of Zelda is based around exploration and when the game starts off with a slog of waiting around Clock Town with the only available activities outside of plot progression being getting the Fairies or the mini game that's a problem, when the only way you can do dungeons out of order is going mid way through them and then leaving that's also a problem when you consider ALttP had thirty three ways to complete dungeons that didn't involve leaving halfway through some of them, that's another problem or that the game is built around masks but the only ones used regularly are the main story related ones and some like the one you get for escorting Cremia from the ranch to Clock Town are literally absolutely useless.

6/10 seems pretty accurate to me, I also don't have a problem with side quests but a good chunk require you to wait around for some sort of trigger and even with the Song of Double time you spend a lot of time doing nothing.

Why did he get banned for that again?

He told viewers to harass an airline for the epic lulz

What's so great about playing dungeons out of order?
It only slightly benefited ALBW and meant absolutely nothing in every other game.
Plus, I can list several fun and interesting mask quests just off the top of my head.
>racing deku butler
>skull keeta
and a lot of the masks are useful
>bunny hood
>blast mask
>stone mask
I get what you're trying to say, but you're heavily underrating it.
Go back and give MM another shot.

>What's so great about playing dungeons out of order?
It's an action adventure game, giving the player more freedom is rarely a bad thing and it doesn't mean there can't be any structure at all and it also allows for more replayability. I can do the Ice Palace in ALttP without the Fire Medallion as long as I have the Bombos Medallion or similarly I can do Misery Mire without the Fire Medallion as the lamp can be substituted in lieu of the puzzle that requires fire. Contrast this with MM where if I wanted to go to Snowpeak I need the bow and arrow, there are no two ways around which requires you to go into Woodfall Temple and either complete it or leave halfway through and I see no point in leaving halfway through.

I'll concede my point about none of the optional masks useless because you're right the three you listed are useful but some like The All Night Mask, Circus Leader Mask or Couple's Mask which serve exactly one purpose and it's usually for a Heart Piece, the Circus Leader Mask doesn't even grant you that. Whereas every item you get in ALttP is useful for progression in one way or another even if it's not required.

I'm familiar with MM, I don't think it's bad but it's terribly overrated. A unique concept is only worthwhile if it's executed well.