Waaah nobody is social in MMOs anymore!!

>Waaah nobody is social in MMOs anymore!!

That's because it all takes place in Discord. Why are you such a loser Sup Forums that you can't join a Discord group?

Well in wow when join low or normal dungeon there not alot of social interaction anymore just pull and dps and que for the next one other then discord and maybe general chat in main city's there not much to be honest and beside discord made for u guild so u can post edgy memes and shit post rip guild chat.

Because I don't feel like fucking with it. Dude keeps pestering me about getting a discord and I don't care about it. Message me on the client or in game ffs

Did you ever play an mmo before, I dunno, Wrath?

wrath had people in ventrilo and teamspeak, same shit as discord

Join a guild and talk to people, same as always. Always always always been that way. Nobody wants to sit around and talk about your life story over a heroic or mythic dungeon, they want to get their shit and get out.

>lying on the internet

I remember in vanilla and bc the game was SO social... everybody was chatting in guild chat, trade chat, general chat... tons of people hanging out outside of Org, ironforge, Stormwind dueling... not anymore. It was a different time I guess.

>game gives you a chatsystem
>people had no trouble for years finding other players for activities with it
>"yah, lemme download another bloated piece of shit software for chat"

nah thanks. i avoid nu-male trends.

People were really social during the Legion launch event, probably because you were actually forced to go out and do stuff if you wanted to participate.

The game gives you no reason to be social because you can experience all of the "content" without ever saying a word.
And it IS the current game
Go play on a private server for Vanilla or BC and everyone is social because it benefits you to actually have friends

I don't even know what Discord is? Is it like IRC?


It's like irc with voice chat attached to it in a sane and user-friendly way.

People are still social. They just don't have anything worthwhile to say.

It's the same shit as YouTube comments honestly.

Fucking this.

>ok time to dungeon
>well shit I need a group, better start advertising in general or seeing if any friends are online
>"hey need a healer?"
>'Yeah sure welcome aboard'
>figuring out which people will go to the dungeon to summon the rest of the group
>10-15 minutes at least coordinating with your new group before the dungeon even starts
>dungeon starts with everyone having some familiarity and ready to adventure together

Anything after fucking vanilla
>ok time to dungeon
>queue for dungeon
>your dungeon is ready teleport now?
>shoved directly into a dungeon with 4 complete strangers
>never say a word as you clear the dungeon

Streamlining is not the way to improve the experience, goddamnit.

You mean the voice service where:
The devs are openly anti-racist,
Users cannot host their own servers, it's all owned/hosted by a central authority,
And said service blatantly leaks your info to the feds as noted in the 'privacy' statement?

This reeks of external meddling and interference.
Plus, Discord servers tend to be full of /vg/-tier circlejerks.

>vanilla letting anyone summon to dungeons
that was warlock specific

Meeting stones were vanilla.

The whole point of MMOs is to be social IN THE GAME you fucking retard.
It's IRC but bloated with memes.

They did not teleport anything in vanilla though.

Discord is fine until I encounter those meme spewing spergs.

so it's fine until you use it