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>Appears in Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Are they talking about that specific version of Marth or is that an oversight?

I married Marth's wife.

Technically Mystery of the Emblem has both FE1 AND 3. So it's not really wrong.

Of course that's assuming they didn't meant New Mystery or something.

You have no one to blame but yourself.

Every Akaenia character is listed under (New) Mystery of the Emblem.

>release Awakening trailer
>then a Fates trailer
Surely next will be a Sha-
>another Awakening trailer
Fuck Koei. Fuck Tecmo. Fuck Team Ninja. Fuck IS. Fuck Nintendo. Fuck everyone.

That's a fair point. Also it's a safe bet to assume they didn't mean New Mystery since that's reserved for the characters that were exclusive to it like Legion and Luke.

I could've sworn several were listen under Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light but I must've been going crazy.

Every time I reinstall it you fucks tempt me with your threads. I'm a weak man.

You're right actually, I took a look and while I don't have every akaneia character in my catalogue, Wrys is listed as SDatBoL

Warriors looks fun

That's really odd. Is it because Wrys didn't appear in New Mystery? I'm probably overthinking this but it's just so strange to me.

So what are you doing with your extra Marths? Merge them all?

Which CYL are you picking user?

He appeared in New Mystery, there's a comedy scene where he and Luke interact. He DIDN'T appear in the original MotE, so that might be it.

Wrys wasn't in Mystery of the Emblem, but was brought back in New Mystery. The original Mystery had him replaced with a vulnerary which is why you often see him memed with those so much.

She comes with no skills out the box and only ever has neutral stats so I see no reason not to.

I already picked before I uninstalled, picked Lyn. Partly why I quit was because they didn't fucking give me a Lucina or Ike after spending a lot of orbs, and they cucked my pity rate with this bitch

Is that really the best roster they could pull for Awakening?

It's ok, the Halloween banner will have the Brave heroes be powercreeped anyway.

So, in the end, the Tempest Trials are nothing more than a way to give f2p players their first ever 5*+10?

He isn't in the original Mystery, but in New Mystery you can recruit him in a paralogue

Where are you getting this info from?

>not even all of Krom's Vigilantes
What a fucking disaster.

Yeah, fuck this game and fuck this mobile players. You killed my favorite general.

/feg/ was shit even before Heroes, user.

The Awakening characters all had to have a connection with Chorm Hence it being literally the starting group.

>reinstalling the game
The absolute madman.


/feg/ has been a shithole for ages though.

>your favourite general on ukrainian war mongering board got overtaken

Oh wooow how will you ever recover man lol like how shit must your life be for this to affect you lol like go outside man we've fucking freed you.

Frederick looks pretty rad. Give him a Hector costume and maybe it will be worth it if I play pretend.

Reinstalled this game like two weeks ago and have been having a fucking blast OP hope you do to. Remember to save orbs for halloween

Is Karel going to Naruku?

What's in the Halloween event? Or is it just people making assumuptions?

>got all the brave units except Lucina
>feel autism for not having all of them
Should I keep rolling for her even though I have a +Atk Ephraim?

Pure speculation. We might get another leak if we're lucky though.

But Tiamo/Cordelia has barely any connection to him and shows up late in the game.


Lucina is probably worth rolling for, 3/6 offensive AoE Spurs are too good to pass up.

Sorry I meant the original Mystery. I really shouldn't have made that mistake since I'm playing NM right now.

That was my first thought actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Karel's demons were a bit different.

I have neutral Bow Lyn and neutral Axe Ike. 40 orbs on, no Lance Lucina.

Shit RNG.

This is my boy. He is VERY fast.

Lucina is great. She doesn't sound as good as the others, and isn't as much of a direct combatant, but you can seriously see her worth when you notice your units tearing apart things they would have died to normally.
If you S rank her with someone, she's even better.

I like how she's such a beta that she barely even talks to Chrom despite being an elite in his army, judging by her Summer Scramble conversation.

They went on record saying they decided on adding Fred and Lissa so Chrom would have someone to talk to. Cordelia is an anomaly and basically the only part of the roster that isn't just "we played the first 2 chapters and saw these characters, so let's put them in".

I imagine she is in the game since she was easy to make as Hinoka and her share their moveset. It would be an easy way to pad the roster with a popular character.


She's kinda of an outlier.

>ruined because of Heroes
(lol, blame your resident posters for being absolutely despicable people for years instead of the mobile game.

Seriously? I can't believe this.

They could have had Sumia instead.


They need to give exp for dancing/singing.

>no speed boon
>no fury to capitalize on that desperation
you can get 40 speed without buffs if you're trying, 41 with seal

She's up!


I'm hoping for Camilla or Sonya as a sexy witch or vampire and Headless Horseman Eldigan.

>VERY fast
>38 Speed on initiation with Sturdy Blow
Only with Hone Cavs.

This tbdesu

Fucking Tumblr.

>That face

I shouldn't have got my hopes up.

True, but Sumia is not particularly popular. Since they've clearly only played the first chapter of these games, they probably just looked at popularity polls for this extra easy to make character.

I meant the galeforce with quickened pulse and Blazing Durandal, but ok

Or Virion, Sully, Vaike, Miriel and Stahl.

Isn't the only benefit to that getting a turn 1 Galeforce proc on ranged enemies? I mean, there are worse options, but I'm not sure it's an ideal use of QP.

Well I just thought that if you're gonna use galeforce on him he needs to be even FASTER.
Doesn't really matter at all though as long as he works.

You're right, this is a much better idea

I need 2 Takumis. One for my wife, and one to be Oboro's wife.
Banner soon.

Good god all of these are horrid. And apparently it's first come first serve too.

I saw that Sharena wss A Level but it didnt autoplay when she leveled up so i went to the summoner support manually. When viewed it once and it was this, but when i viewed it again it was a campfire scene instead. I cant seem to activate the shooting star again. Is it supposed to be a one time thing only?

I'd say Tharja would be perfect for a Halloween theme, but she has the Christmas event coming up.


Every day I'm a little happier that Sanaki isn't up yet. It tells me that today is a good day.

The last one was the hero fest before last - he's gotta be rolling back soon.



They're just random.

They should add trading.

Don't jinks yourself user.

>Clicked it without fully reading it
>By the time I realize what it is it's too late to stop it

I shouldn't have looked into it any further, every character I like is drawn like shit.


Autocorrect user

I love Snaki. Her hair there is gr8.

OwO what's this?

All Marthcina arena team.

Camillas out already?

It's the cutest dragon! Kamui! Cute!

It's Cipher cards, just post them already

I am so sorry.

That's pretty shit user.


That better be a Cipher box.

I don't like Vaike

Wait I don't get it.
Black Knight never met Micaiah.

You disappoint me.


>not liking TEACH

Did you ever play Radiant Dawn?

>Black Knight never met Micaiah.
Merely pretending to be retarded?
Even the characters that people don't like are shit, just look at this.

Why is Lucina a Quincy now?


Did you even play RD? One of c hapters, the one thats based off I believe, is just her and him fighting a group of faggots. Plus he has a fucking hard on for her during the whole game almost as big as sothe's.

I never played Radiant Dawn - I only said that to learn whether it was true or not. How the fuck does BK come back from Ike killing him?

He has a forest escort mission with just the two of them.

Says the man posting Micaiah.