So Sup Forums, where do you stack up?

So Sup Forums, where do you stack up?

>only play at 1440
I'm still good for quite a few years yet.

0fps because I don't play shit games, and didn't fall for the windows 10 meme.

HW2 is decent.
Shame it's shackled to W10.

So what about the 970 Ti?



is the 950 TI a meme?

1 frame per gig of vram

There's no 970 ti. You're an idiot. Fuck off.

Aight I'll go fuck myself

2x 1080Ti SLI

Where am I on this chart???

Well over 90 FPS.

i3 540

>tfw poor



1070. still buying an x1x though

Fine as always. On a side note, should I go SLI or upgrade to a TI? SLI seems to be getting much better now than before.

Where 760 brahs?

This baka

>tfw 760 + FX 6300 combo
>it still holds up decently

Mfw never upgrading

Good luck with that.

1050 Ti.

bought a 1070 yesterday
>mfw enjoying video games

>gpu not listed
you tell me

2500k+770 2GB here. It does the job just fine, i'll upgrade for Netrunner if it ever comes out.

i'm going to buy a used 2500k for a 2nd pc i'm having to build. how is performance in games? how are temps when oc?

get a 2700k if you can find one, it'll live longer. Performance is great but if you play the newest AA titles and expect 100+ fps or 4k 60fps it's time to upgrade. It plays pretty much every competitive game at 100+ fps though, as long as you tweak it right.
OC and temps always vary a bit, but mine ran at 4.7GHz without giving me trouble, so i don't even remember what temps it ran at.
One thing you should know, it's not fantastic for virtualization, so if you want xzibit your OS' this might not be the CPU for you.

Unsure if I wanna upgrade to Coffee Lake or wait for Ryzen 2. 6600k doesn't do too bad though at 4k/60hz.

I use an Intel integrated laptop for my PC gaming

Doesn't xox have a really weak CPU?
Even with a gpu at 380X~ it still have some cpu bottleneck.

i'm just using it to pair with this cheap 970 i got for a pc i keep at my uni dorms. will mostly be playing at 1080p60 so i'm not too fussed about 100+ fps or doing any virtualization. the most taxing thing i'd do is some premiere pro work but i can offload that to CUDA anyway

Sounds good then, now all you need to do is shit up threads like this telling everyone you still rock a sandy bridge system. Don't forget to tell Sup Forums either, congratulations and welcome to the hall of memes.

I have a 550ti , planning to buy a 1070

>my 3 year old GPU is more powerful than XB1X

Jesus Christ.

At the top I guess

980 here I was thinking about the 1080ti but i'll wait for 1180ti next year. or maybe 2019 1280ti.

>Xbox One X not even at 970 standards

What happened

>playing in 4K instead of focusing on higher framerates at lower resolutions
>VHQ probably turns AA way the fuck up even though you need significantly less at higher resolutions, murdering framerates no matter the CPU/GPU combo

>Doesn't xox have a really weak CPU?
Yes, same CPU as PS4 and Xbox One just running at 2.3GHz, so it's still a fraction of the performance of a 7700K.

I'm alright.


No. No you are not.

Was gonna buy an XboneX originally for some nice RDR2 and improved performance for everything else, but decided to upgrade my 980Ti to a 1080Ti for the same money instead since literally everything interesting coming out on the bone is going to be a windows 10 multiplat now too.

It's OK I guess. I'd much rather play a game at 1080p 144fps than 4K 60fps though.


The CPU is the main reason why it's having trouble running anything above 30fps.

Those better be 1080ti's otherwise that massive heat sink is over kill.

>not using 1440p 144hz

playing at 1080p with that build is actually stupid

He's an absolute nutter is what he is.

Not a lot of games will run at 144fps and 1440p.

Go up to 1440p, you won't regret it.
Your games will looks so much better.

>having trouble running anything above 30fps.
A lot of games have trouble even hitting that 30fps mark. Cinematic 24fps isn't just a meme, the CPUs in the consoles are straight up turds. Next-gen consoles using Ryzen/Vega APUs will be interesting though.

GTX 750Ti
Literally at the bottom
Luckily I have low standards and pretty much just keep everything at default. I barely even play modern AAA games anyway. Also just have a 1080p 60hz monitor.

RX480+FX-6300 here. I'm sure I'm above XBOX performance.

>GTX 980
Still not bad I guess

HW2 only has like FXAA and SMAA, both of which are extremely light on performance.

Who /IntelHD/ here?

>GTX 970 and 980 buyers all have 4GB of VRAM or less

Nvidia were meg jews with those cards. the 970 should have been a full 4GB and the 980 a 6GB card.

RX 480 8 GB masterrace. Plays HW2 great.

So is this coming to Steam or is it Windows Store exclusive?

It's M$ so probably not.
They'd rather it be dead and sell like shit than not have a stranglehold on the PC market.

the definitive edition of Halo Wars 1 released on Steam so this might as well after a few more months. Quantum Break also launched on Windows 10 and ended up on Steam, as did Dead Rising 4.

yeaa boi
serious /Intel HD Graphics 5500/ gamer over here

I run 1080 SLI at 4K. I don't think upgrading from 1080 to 1080 Ti would be worth the money, especially this late in the game. As for SLI, it can work quite nicely, but isn't without issues, though knowing how to use NVPI can help with custom profiles. Still, it's late in the game. I'd wait until 2018 for Volta honestly, Pascal is already 1.5 years old, it's bound to get replaced sooner rather than later.

>gtx 1080
>still play at 1080p because there isn't enough space in my room for a bigger monitor

GTX960 4gb

That's clearly not the X.

4690 here, I'm waiting for Ryzen 2 to be out and just pick the best one. I WANT to go AMD but if intel are legit better I'll go with them again.

I miss my Phenom II days, it was comfy.

It is.
Currently runs Halo Wars 2 at 4k30 with drops.

1060 6gb

You're retarded my dude. Just give me that money if you're going to throw it away.

If you tried extending this chart vertically to make me fit, you'd get that max memory error from GIMP.

Still running a 970, see no reason to upgrade until the next generation or two of gpus come out. There aren't any games that I'm interested in that I can't max out or play on a mix of high/ultra still.

i have a gtx 1080, but i dont see the multimonitor bench, so i have no idea where i stand.

looks like this old thing just shits all over the xb1x

feeling alright with my set up actually, might upgrade in a few years but this is about 2(?) years old now and still kicking just fine. not the latest and greatest sure but i'll take a minimum 60fps over the "cinematic experience"

R9 290 here

>Doesn't xox have a really weak CPU?
Basically 2 ultra low end AMD quad cores slapped together running 2.3Ghz
Cheap and energy efficient, but its weak
Even a FX4300 runs circles around it
Consoles need far less CPU power than PCs to get the same performance thanks to the fact that you can optimize for a single hardware config, but its still too weak to run a lot of games at 60fps