Hello Sup Forums, which Roll costume in Mega Man Powered Up (or the Roll-chan games) is your favorite?
Hello Sup Forums, which Roll costume in Mega Man Powered Up (or the Roll-chan games) is your favorite?
The school swimsuit
Here's a quick overview
Don't sexualize Roll by rating her outfits. She's not an object!
Vacation because cute belly.
Go to bed Fupoo.
Patrician taste.
The one with the big fat butt
What's this? It looks interesting.
take a good look at the pictures
Go away pedo, this shit is illegal and you know it.
sorry, robots do not have human rights. Even the sexy ones.
have a superior Roll instead
>worse game gets a demake
>Robot feet don't smell!
My hopes and dreams, crushed.
But the demake makes it better though.
There's also an 8FC but it's trash.
well, before reading that, what did you think robot feet smell like?
Unpleasant in a good way.
>obvious crush
It's me.
why do robots need dresses?
good thread
deserves a bump
Hey Sup Forums, I'll let you borrow my Roll for a few days, be sure to take good care of her.
Send pictures.
Which one is cuter?
Which one is more attractive?
go to bed iceman
Left in both categories, but right in left style is also great.
Crushed ice?
>Dempsy Roll
MM8 Roll is absolutely best design. I'm bothered with how her hair looks in that image though.
Is it wrong I wanna lick both haha
why is roll so cute?
Her legs are the STRONGEST
Thicc limbs
Anyone have the Rock version of that?
An imposter.
Choose one Sup Forums
Why would anyone have such a useless thing?
Arrange is too lewd
Which is the superior vidya loli?
>100 years too early to get a Roll sex bot and live in eternal happiness
Well, let's go over Arrange Roll a bit.
>bigger eyes
>shit eating grin
>strapless dress with sleeves, but no shoulders
>visible joints
>obvious navel indent in dress
>seriously look how fucking low-cut that dress is
This is just going all-out. I'm not sure the world is ready for a Roll like this.
Old makes me want to commit a crime
D. All of the above
Sweetsweet delicious roll
>>strapless dress with sleeves, but no shoulders
It's like the virgin killer of lolis
You think you can take me on Sup Forums? Ha I'll kick your ass
Put in an actual navel cutout, and we've got ourselves a deal.
>calle calle
The sign of a patrician.
I'll just commission a picture of you
Why did he have to be fat
And black/weird tan
>mfw I know the end result of that battle
Mating press is glorious, despite the view usually being 90% fat man ass.
Who would win in a fight?
Tree trunk limbs are great.
The larger and more disgusting the mating presser the better it is. They have to be at least somewhat fat it adds to the size difference. Besides if the presser was skinny it would just be a weird missionary position
Best roll coming through.
Ah shit, forgot I set 4chanx to hide names and trips
Fixed it now
The main appeal is the complete physical dominance of the one being mating pressed
>you MIGHT just live long enough to make a roll portable onahole
Are you seeing 100% less faggotry, user?
Roll is cute and sexy in anything she wears.
please sauce roll-bros
SauceNao has it.
True that. Thanks
You should know fupoo by now.
I'm a poor wagecuck that only has a couple of hours a week to loli post
time to post best roll, roll soul (male)