Just picked up one of these and I must say this almost the end game for controllers. Near perfection

Just picked up one of these and I must say this almost the end game for controllers. Near perfection.

Other urls found in this thread:


>offset analog sticks

WiiU Pro is better.

>press button
>apply less pressure to button but still have it depressed
>game thinks button is no longer pressed
shit controller

you do realize most switch owners own other consoles and PC right?

But lets talk about what the Pro controller does well.

Analog sticks feels great. Raised enough and offer plenty of travel distance.

Textured grip on sides of controller make it easier to hold.

Buttons feel firm but are silent to press

Battery life

HD rumble


Premium build quality, no peeling stickers, decent weight ect..


Can we cease with the shiteaters who think that this controller is even passable?
>Diagonals trigger far too easily on the dpad (See above video)
>dpad can be pressed down like one button instead of having something in the center that prevents that, it's cheap as hell, feels shitty, and is the result of cut corners
This is especially upsetting considered the WiiU had the best dpad in recent memory.
>Digital trigger with travel time
Literally the worst of both worlds.
>Gyro feels slippery compared to the WiiU gamepad's
>Sacrificing the WiiU's goat button and stick placement that made it so that when you play 2D games it feels like an ergonomic SNES controller
>Terrible start and select button that are flat against the controller and feel exactly the same as the other two center buttons that aren't start and select
>All the face buttons and bumpers felt mushy
>Sticks were slippery as fuck
The Switch Pro feels cheap as hell. The price they sell it for is outrageous.

OH and
>Half the fucking battery life of the WiiU pro
I mean I guess the Switch pro might be better than the DS4 or Xbone controller, but it's not better than the WiiU Pro which is a bummer.

Not to mention that you can't even have a fucking dpad in portable mode right now.

You're literally the only person who thinks this.


Anybody who really gives a shit about where the analog sticks are has autism. Same with Convex vs Concave.

>near perfection
like to know what you didn't like about it or are you the same user that posted

No analog triggers which is dumb as hell. Otherwise it's a decent controller but it's still way too damn expensive. Also I like the weight of it.

>I've never used a Switch Pro controller the post

Fuck off. The matte finish is great prevents finger prints rather than the Wii U Pro controller.

>Slippery Gyro

>digital triggers
>convex analogs

It's garbage.

>>offset analog sticks

The dpad can be fixed with the tape fix. My dpad came in fine so I guess I am lucky?

>Same with Convex vs Concave.
you're a fucking pleb and i think you're baiting

Matte finish and gyro is not worth 70 dollars and a worse dpad, worse battery life, worse triggers, worse face buttons, worse bumpers, worse sticks, and worse ergonomics.
The gyro feelings like it has a bunch of smoothing. The WiiU Gamepads, Vitas, and Steam Controllers are all much more responsive

>feels cheap

Why does anyone even think this passes for an argument against a controller? You're not going to be using the controller to hit someone over the head. You play video games with it.

>Digital trigger with travel time
what the fuck, why?

>diagonals problem
Easy DIY fix with tape, but yeah it's a bummer
>buttons feel mushy
Hell that's wrong
>gyro feels slippery
That's wrong too
>sticks are slippery
What the fuck

Only point you have is the dpad issues

Stick material>>>>The shape at the top of your stick
You have autism

>worse ergonmics
>worse face button
>worse bumpers
>worse sticks
>worse dpad
no, if you get a working one
>vita gyro better
Now that's wrong

>moving the goalpost
dognose material a shit

>offset analog sticks
Asymmetrical controllers for asymmetrical hands amirite fellow Sup Forumsedditors?

The Switch Pro controllers bumpers and face buttons have no click to them when you press them.
My thumbs were sliding all around my friend's pro controller's sticks, they were slippery.

Have you never played Gravity Rush? They fuck it up in a few other games but Gravity Rush is some of the best gyro period.

Goalposts are in the exact same spot, retard. Stick shape doesn't matter because stick material is 10 times more important.

>people caring about whether a controllee has matte finish or not

WHY? Again, you're using this thing to play video games with.

>>worse bumpers
Yes they fucking are worse, so many times the game will think I let go of the L or R buttons when I'm still pressing the button
>>worse sticks
They're way too loose, not enough resistance
>>worse dpad
>no, if you get a working one
There is no such thing as a "working one," it's a design flaw not a manufacturing error.

Im a nintyfan and i honestly think they fucked up with this one. The sensitivity is off and the d pad fucks up if you dont press it "juuust right"

Dude I dont know. The thing is a fucking trainwreck honestly.

I think the DS4 and Xbone controller got remodels this gen, here's praying the Switch does too.

>all console games are shooters

Most of the time you need the left analog stick and the face buttons
They should be parallel

Maybe your friend should stop eating potato chips before passing the controller

dpad is trash unfortunately

>Buttons on the back of the controller
>Multiple stage triggers
>Multiple bumpers
>Multiple center menu buttons
>5 face buttons
>NONE of these things are standard/widely supported yet
>People honestly thing the ""modern"" controller is good

>Implying you don't use buttons in 3D games.

>all console games are shooters
You bring up a point though, what really matters in the offest debate is whether or not you mostly play fps.

>argue over stick shape
>change it to the material
yeah, nah.

Fix it using the tape fix. Google it
Gyro varies by game, I guess that is the problem

You're actually retarded user

The d-pad could be better, but yes otherwise I absolutely agree. The size of the controller as a whole and the YXBA buttons are the highlights.


Pic attached



Except that D-Pad is literal garbage.
Go play Puyo Puyo Tetris and try to not get hard drops hitting left or right.

>greatest controller
>only one menu button

Go back to The Gaf please.

sure showed me user.

Something doesn't look right on that controller.

aesthetic as fuck. 10/10. controller of the year. would fug

My only complaint comes from my sloppy fat fingers and accidentally hitting the ps4 menu button in high intensity situations.

I prefer the DS2 still. But I'm an oldfag who enjoyed analog face input in MGS3 more than I enjoy squishy triggers for pretending they're gas pedals or whatever the fuck people value that shit for.

>6-hr non removable battery + pointless light bar


>everything I don't like is reddit of neogaf

>use ds4
>stick rubber peels after 6 months
>right trigger falls off after another 6
>so buy an xbone controller
>6 months and rb falls off
>buy steam controller on a whim because it's on sale
>holy shit this feels like garbage and why does it make such an annoying noise when it vibrates
might kms desu

Not the user you replied to but honestly it's a pretty reliable assumption to make.

Sounds like you exceed the reccomended playtime for these devices user...
Have you considered doing volunteer work? It's free.

Def my current favorite controller, makes me wanna get a cronusmax just so I can use it on my ps4

No your post is just a shitpost. Don't try to pretend like 1/3 of Sup Forums isn't hardcore sonyfags.

through many years of furious masturbation i think i have achieved a grip strength that exceeds normal humans in my right hand.

DualShock has never been a good line of controllers. DS4 is an improvement over the last three of though. At least they made the d-pad someone bearable this time

Use this to your advantage. Whenever you shake hands use your grip strength while maintaining eye contact to attain dominance over lesser males.

>Whenever you shake hands use your grip strength while maintaining eye contact to attain dominance over lesser males.

user, males only improve grip strength to jerk off other males.

What's the best controller I can use for PC games? I use the logitech f310, but I want something that doesn't feel as cheap.

What do you think about my antique 14 years old controller, Sup Forums?

I unironically prefer the steam controller.

>No your post is just a shitpost.

Oh if I was shitposting you'd know it.

Honest to God I think the XBone controller is fantastic all-around controller. Microsoft has almost always made decent PC inputs, their controllers are no exception. Also it requires little to no setup which is a huge plus.


Wii U Pro controller

inb4 butthurt fags come in and claim that good things like it's d-pad are actually bad

Why hasn't there been a controller that has an N64 styled Z button on the underside? It can be a third shoulder button located on both sides of the handles.
I know the Steam controller has something similar, but it doesn't feel quite right. I want a smaller button there. It'd just be neat as fuck.
Plus, that way, you could have two analog shoulder buttons(don't have to be triggers) and people who hated those can just use the Z buttons on the underside instead. Just seems like a good idea to me.


Honestly I think the Z trigger was one of the best buttons ever. It was perfect for shooters. And it kind of made Star Fox 64 feel like a flight simulator.

3rd party controllers do this user.
You can for instance remap right buttons to back triggers so you never have to take your hand off the right stick.
But at the moment these controllers are expensive as fuck.

>Terrible start and select button that are flat against the controller and feel exactly the same as the other two center buttons that aren't start and select

No. The home button and screen shot button are flat. That's good I do not want accidentally press them during game. The + and - buttons do stick out.

still having PTSD from playing P5

Sony really needs a controller revision with a better battery

>an Xbrick controller plus gyro, minus analog triggers
>add $10 to the price in an already tripleretard controller market because fuck you

It's a sidegrade. It's probably the best controller you can get for FPS but mouse already shits all over any controller for aiming so it's a bit pointless, meanwhile offset sticks are shit and loss of analog triggers makes it shit for racers.

Concave offers objectively better traction though since there's a physical ridge for your thumb to grip not just depend on the coating material. This is a valid point even without spewing some memeshit about sweaty nerd hands; concave stick tips feel and control better than convex.

Asymmetrical sticks are better for shooters (while kb+mouse are better yet) while symmetrical are better for general use.

Tantalizingly close. It needs about quadruple the battery life, removal of that FUCKING gay ass lightbar or at the very absolute minimum adding the option to FULLY disable it in the system menu rather than just dim it, the track pad is a useless gimmick that functions more like a combined Select+2nd Dpad, Options button needs to be slightly taller or textured so it's not a pain in the ass to hit without looking at it, and the Dpad needs to go back to the DS2/DS3 version that had better diagonals and rolled semicircle inputs better. I'd personally also move the triggers down so they're actuated by your middle fingers (basically where those fingers rest now just under L2/R2) rather than sharing index with the bumpers and maybe give them a slightly shorter and stiffer travel, but I know that position shift would be incredibly unpopular.

I can't believe people are genuinely defending the Dualshock.

>Just buy this 70 dollar controller then take it apart and start modifying it with tape and cutting pieces off.
You fanboys are like battered wives, you will put up with any abuse that ninty throws at you and come back for more.

>trying to go back to using PS3 controller after using a DS4

Jesus christ, how did I find this acceptable.

>still uses cheap rubber for the sticks meaning they build up a thick grease if you don't use them for a while like the previous DS versions and the Vita
>symmetrical sticks that are still way too close to each other
>touchpad in general
>flimsy triggers
>extremely creaky material
>worse D-pad than the previous dualshocks
>poorly placed and shaped option and share buttons
>abysmal battery life
>internal speaker is somehow worse than the Wii Remote
>Lightbar you have to break to turn off
>developers can't decide if the options button or touchpad is the pause button
It's the worst controller not made by a third party or literal who.

>Asymmetrical sticks are better for shooters
I have never and still do not understand the argument for this. Why is it better for shooters, exactly?

>dpad can be pressed down like one button
can someone confirm this? because Nintendo has been making d-pads with the pin in the middle preventing you from pushing it down since the NES. and I've only ever seen bootleg Chinese controllers that let you do that

Is the gyroscope better than in joycons?

>stick travel time
>mushy buttons
>zl zr triggers
>that terrible as fuck dpad design
Why us this shit so highly praised? Its far from perfect.

It's true.
There's no pivot point, so the whole pad can be mashed down at once.

that's fucking retarded. in what situation would you want that to happen?

Have you tried to play Puyo puyo tetris with that hot pile of garbage?

Git Gud


does it even make a difference?


Offset is generally better than symmetrical because it means your hand are in the same position on both sides for most games given that the analog is the main method of movement.
With that said symmetrical can be at the very least manageable if the analogs are far apart and not within close proximity of each other like they are on the dualshock.

I have it, but for me the joy-cons plus grip are better.
I'd say
1) GC controller
2) Joy cons plus Grip
3) Switch Pro Controller
4) Dualshock 3
5) Dualshock 4

This one looks much better.

Well, that explains why the diagonals activate so easily

If you are moving in 3d (as you generally are with a stick), your hand is on the other stick controlling the camera most of the time, not the face buttons.

>Glossy d-pad
Into the trash.

>your hand is on the other stick controlling the camera most of the time, not the face buttons
no it isnt

Yeah it is. Why do you think most games have the right shoulder buttons as the attack buttons?

>most games
only shooters do that