Surely, you arent such a filthy criminal to support the stormcloakniggers, right user?

Surely, you arent such a filthy criminal to support the stormcloakniggers, right user?

I kill both and live like a Raider.....errr wrong game "Bandit"

Whats the appeal of this game

i fucking hate Sup Forumss contrarianism so fucking much

What contrarianism Im just asking

You are supposed to accept without questioning.

if you dont see how such a game can have huge appeal to lots of people, then i dont know how to explain it to you

but lets be honest, Sup Forums loves to shit on skyrim because of its not saying its a perfect game, it suffers from shitloads of problems and retarded decisions by bethesda but it most certainly doesnt deserve the hate it gets on Sup Forums either

I just gave up pretty soon into the game and seeing this thread reminded me of it and how big it got
I can see the mass appeal in GTA, but in this one not so much, its slow and clunky and not pretty

Skyrim is my favorite game.
Fight me.

Fuck off Impericuck. You have to go back.

Some people just like having a massive sandbox world to explore and fuck around in. Most just like it due to mass marketing.

its a perfect combination of the open word action games that "normies" enjoy and the rpg setting that the "nerds" love.its from a big company and famous franchies.its easy to see how it became so huge.
also, have in mind that we didnt have the witcher 3, bloodborne, breath of the wild, etc back then, for what it was, it was amazing game when it came out.

i do agree that it was far from the "10/10, once in a lifetime experience, best game ever created" that most of the sites shilled and it does get boring relatively fast, but its still a really good game imo

What is so wrong about wanting independence from a crippling and dying Empire? Talos' dynasty is no more.

>fighting for the people who were going to execute for no reason

That's what the Thalmor want. A broken empire and an isolated Skyrim are far easier targets than a unified empire

Holy fucking shit, I am so fucking tired of still seeing Skyrim everywhere.

Now we have fucking Skyrim for the Switch and in VR. Can Bethesda just move on and make another new game rather than milking this one over and over again, holy shit.

nords are the niggers of cyrodil

no, i support the imperial because the true enemy is the thalmor. banning talos worship was not cool, that i agree with. the thalmor should be destroyed quickly, to make things right again.

salty humanshits

No, the Thalmor want the fighting to continue for as long as possible. It says in their books that a Stormcloak victory is to also be avoided at all costs.

I choose neither Stormcucks nor Imperiballs. I am Aldmeri Dominion.


purge the humanshits from the world

lizzard holocaust best day of my life

Thiere really should have been an opition to join them in the game.

>Imperials are introduced trying to behead you because lol fuck paper work
>Stormcloaks are so shit that Imperials are still the favored choice
How did this even happen?

At the very least you should have been able to turn over The Blades to get the info you needed in that one infiltration quest. Then they could have replaced the Thalmor kill teams with Blade remnants.

>tfw no qt Thalmor gf


>Can Bethesda just move on and make another new game rather than milking this one

There is still milk in the teet. Business 101. Milk it until profits run dry. There are still many people re-discovering Skyrim thanks to so many great mods. Skyrim is an enormously rich game with many ways to play. A second playthrough can be even more rewarding than the first. Also, because fans of Skyrim are still speak passionately about the game, there are many people who are only now just discovering Skyrim for the first time. As long as that dynamic is in play, Bethesda isn't going to step on its toes and rush out a new Elder Scrolls game.

Hopefully though, Bethesda is working on a new Elder Scrolls as we speak. These things take five years or more to develop. The next Elder Scrolls needs to be industry changing. I can wait. I want it to be complete and I want it to be brilliant.

Yes you heard me. Some of the generic Thalmor Justicars are very good looking in the face compared to the Altmer female NPCs

>I just gave up pretty soon into the game
Do you understand how dumb you sound? So you played it for a few hours at most, and yet you're stupefied that people who actually put time in enjoyed it?

>tfw the only reason you don't go Stormcloak is because the people of Whiterun are treated like shit

>1 bitch Legate represents the entire Empire

fucking kill yourself shitskin

I don't really dislike the Empire because of that, but you can't pretend the current Empire isn't corrupt to the very core and is dying. It would gladly sell out every other province to secure Cyrodil. Even High Rock is in the same position of Skyrim with all the in-fighting. The Empire cannot maintain order.

>getting this mad

It's not even a question of Empire vs Stormcloaks. Emperor is emperor by his divine right. Divine right manifests in the dragon blood of the Emperor. When Martin Septim died, so did the Septim dynasty physically and Empire's divine right, metaphysically. Empire has no claim on anyone nor anything. The illegitimate institution needs to be abolished.

On a completely different level, there's this argument. If you're woke, you know it's Dragonborn who needs to usurp the empire and reforge it anew. And only a cuckborn would do that by allying with the Empire instead of killing Ulfric and descending into Cyrodiil, shouting, with nords behind him. History repeats and this is how it happened the last time.

Also a reminder; you assassinated the Emperor. The Empire ain't gonna win no war anytime soon.

She's a captain which isn't worrisome, but the General overseeing the entire war was right there and just as arbitrary. That's a very bad sign

shit game, shit choice, shit thread

back to redit


Imperiniggers can go to hell together with that powergrabbing criminal Ulfric. Who else neutral masterrace here?

>what is spam filter

>Stormcloaks for the short term fags
>Imperials for those that don't want to be ass raped

skyrim for the nords!

Doesn't matter what side you pick gameplay wise, just choose which faction has cooler armour.


>"m-muh Empire is only way to s-stop the knife ears!!!"
Empire consists of absolutely fuck all provinces at the moment, and has very little way of regaining them. The idea that they are going to "gather strength" to re-fuck the elves is utter nonsense, every thread there is some nigger using the "pls be friends with us while we recover to REMOV ELF" while providing ZERO evidence as to how the fuck they're going to ever do that.
That being said, Elves fighting Nords in Skyrim would prove very difficult for them since Nords are THE elf-removing race and Skyrim isn't exactly an easy land to keep a hold on.

>"m-muh talos!!! m-muh nord elf removers!!! skyrim f-for the nords!!!"
Talos worship wasn't even really banned, people openly practiced it all over Skyrim, it was only when Obongo Niggercloak decided to kick up a fuss that the Thalmor actually started to give enough of a fuck about that snowy shithole for it to be """"""""banned""""""" despite the fact that a preacher of Talos is yelling out pro-talos shit in fucking Whiterun for the entire game. Ulfric is also a faggot and arguably just a knife-ear lapdog who can't rule for shit and got captured by Elves in the Great War who realised who he was and how they could use him to fuck the humans. He was then allowed to fucking escape SPECIFICALLY to go fuck it up for humanity.

tl;dr- The Lore is so utterly retarded that neither side makes a fucking lick of sense because Bethesda tried so hard to make choosing sides a "difficult" choice that they made choosing either side fucking nonsensical so that they only person with the right idea in the whole game is that one Jarl in Whiterun who doesn't give a single, solitary fuck.

God Skyrim is so fucking bad.

>become a werewolf
>it's absolutely terrible, the damage is mediocre and it locks me out of using any weapons, items or magic
>become a vampire lord
>it's actually not bad but the disadvantages are annoying to work around, transforming is really clunky and the powers it gives me access to are things that i don't really want or need
i don't really understand the point of having these superhuman transformations if they're not really any better than just hitting things with a flaming sword, especially because neither of them contribute to levelling up

>God Skyrim is so fucking bad.
its not tho

If Skyrim's bad, it's definitely not because they wrote some really good lore on Empire and Skyrim.

You need to make a choice though, the war continuing with no end is exactly what the Thalmor want and if you take Balgruff's way of action the Thalmor will win regardless.

>No qt Dunmer gf


Anyone who supports the Stormcloaks are helping the glorious Altmer Master Race to achieve dominance in Tamriel.

They were trying to make the decision a morally grey one but Bethesda is complete shit at writing any story that isn't Pure Righteousness vs Literally Stalitler.

"Fifth age was a mistake"
-Martin Septim

Stormcloaks, Imperials, Dragons, aint no matter to me what I kill

>Humanity literally on their way to get removed from reality by elves
>Empire needs to recover before they can try again to wreck the Dominion
>Ulfric cannot understand that they need a break to recover, immediately declares civil war that will severely weaken both sides and open up to total conquest by the Aldmeri Dominion
>Literally no imperial agent actually enforces the "No Talos worshipping" rule, only people to do that are Dominion agents
>You cannot actually convince both the stormcloaks and the imperium to make peace in order to focus on the elves
>Only thing you can do is a ceasefire because the fucking dragons arrived, dipshits on both sides still want major cities before they can come to an agreement

>ask Clavicus Vile to bring an end to the civil war
>he contemplates just killing absolutely everyone on both sides

Based as fuck.

But I didn't assassinated the emperor, I fucking decapitated that bitch with my legendary imperial sword the moment I woke up, wearing my full imperial armor with the spartan helmet, nobody kidnaps me while I sleep, I also punished Lydia for being such a shitty housecarl

He wasn't wrong.

He never is


Plus, transforming means you won't increase any of your other skills

>Imperial troup carrying a stormcloak soldier as a prisonner
>"That's not fair ! I'm a hero of legend and will fight the oppressor !"
>Kill all the Imperials, wait for a thanks from the prisonner
>Tries to attack me

Stormcloak can fuck themselves.
Also, they're taking argonian as slaves. Who would do that ?

Immunity to disease is pretty good.
I think werewolf has a downside, something minor like going to sleep doesn't give you bonus exp or something but it isn't that big a deal.

Being a nationalist stormcloak was easily the funnest run in the game. Killing any non-Nords was a blast.

Most fun I had was being a Thalmor Inquisitor. Going around the Imperial holdings looking for Talos worshippers. Proceeded to kill the people with anything implying they were a Talos worshipper and put a skeever tail on their beds.

There is no nuance to the conflict in this game. The actual catalyst for the Stormcloak rebellion is completely inconsequential to the actual narrative presented and Bethesda basically boils down both sides to a pack of rapist barbarians who are technically right and the highly organized straight laced Empire who have no actual motivation to fuck over the Nords and are basically shoehorned into having a conflict with them rather than just taking one of their already per-established faults that have been established for over two decades.

Basically, OP is a faggot.

>Immunity to disease is pretty good.
when has disease ever been an issue?
the only reason you'd want immunity to disease is to avoid becoming a vampire in the first place

Talos outright speaks to you in Morrowind at the Ghost Fence stating the empire would die soon and perhaps it's for the better.
Real empire died during Oblivion after Martin died. Mede has no claims.
On the other hand, Hammerfell has proven to hold it's ground against Thalmor though, it could be Hoon Ding helping them.
If you take Kirkbride seriously, none of it matters; Thalmor win

Why does Kirkbride have such a fucking boner for Elves in TES, good thing his word is not law.

>tfw I just played this for the first time
Stormcloaks ftw
Imperial niggers plz leave

Well Thalmor win technically in the sense that they return to the stars eventually. Not in the sense that they exterminate humans. Unless you have your own "c0da" in which case you should go back to that other site.

Good job following a sleeper agent of the Thalmor, you retard

Skyrim might've been hailed by Sup Forums if it wasn't a TES game. It's not just popularity, although that ties into it's mass appeal, it's the fact that it had predecessors that did the 'RPG' part better.

Beth games NEED mods for any sort of longevity and now they're trying to kill even that, probably because of how arrogant they became after Skyrim's success.

And with how aggressive they've been with reselling the same game over and over...

Ulfric pulled a Bin Laden on the Thalmor. Traded information for resources, then when he got strong enough on his own he abandoned them and cut ties.

Reminder that the only good elf is a dead elf.

Redguard LITERALLY aren't humans.

Skyrim is shit and the writing between the Stormcloaks and Imperial army is retarded. Why keep bringing it up?

only a Dovahkiin can save the empire, good thing there is one in skyrim

Im not a cuck or a liberal thanks


Empire for frail stability
Stormcloak for blind nationalism

But it doesn't matter. If the Thalmor get their way, everyone's fucked

There is only one answer

Thas rite. We wuz yokudans

The men writing this wrote truths and his interpretations of them, but is still a liar. He's decieving you by spinning it in his way and not talking about what happened but would be inconvenient to his empire sucking position.

Oh look it's another one of these.

Reminder that the nords have every right to secede from the shitty 'empire' of cyrodiil & highrock.
The humans aren't holding up their end of the bargain as far as a nation's responsibilities go, and the emperor is a fucking dunce.

Stormcloak rebellion might not have the best leadership/ideals, but its cause is just.
Once skyrim's free it can decide who gets to lead it.

What morrowind mod is that

Elder Scrolls lore threads are fun.

Morrowind also seceeded.

>I agree imperials are cucks that do dumb shit and won't do what's necessary
>we should support them anyway

>another choice that doesn't matter in another terrible game

>seceding only to be conquered by the thalmor
alright bud

Oh they will user.
But only when they'll take everyone else with them.

fuck the snowniggers, hail the empire

High Rock is also experiencing tons of in-fighting at the time of TESV. There is no Empire anymore.

The only difference is you dont have to align yourself with a house at all.

What the FUCK is Akavir planning? The reptileniggers are planning something. I know it.

I side with the Stormcloaks because they didn't try to have me executed out of convenience.

The gameplay of the war was shit as well

do you have to align yourself with a side in the civil war for the skyrim MQ?

buy skyrim

Skyrim is the game where we see bethesda's shit writing gimmick of morphing the lore to the point player's choice doesn't really make a difference. In this case, either way, thalmor win regardless of dohvakiin's preference of imperials vs stormcloaks, which is gonna be the setting of TES6. Some writers want to be deep and intellectual so bad they overdo the " there's no good or bad people" and "everyone's right in their own way" theme that they forget that there are fucking wrong people, there are retards and there are bad decisions. Eliminating such major factors only results in a shit plot and shittier lore. Not to mention the gameplay was shit normalfag catering crap which isn't even an RPG.