Party members no one used
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only if you like going slow
Like OP's brain?
I used Cait Sith for a good chunk of the game because I'm probably one of the few people who like his design.
Switched him out eventually though for Cloud/Cid/Yuffie masterrace
are much shittier than the rest of the playable characters. the game did do well making you play them and they're not even bad characters
Fuck you, I used her because she was cute
Protip: if you didn't like a robotic fucking cat riding a robotic fucking mog, you're a faggot.
Makoto. Bench party healing slut. Never saw the light of day on battle.
Cloud/Tifa/Vincent is the true master race.
Not true it was required to use him when you made your escape from Junon.
He just wasnt that good
cool as fuck looking tho from a character design view
I love how this useless bastard appears in any thread about useless party members on and off Sup Forums
>not Cid
>or Shish kebab for her leet heals
Barret would have also been an acceptable answer.
I used him and like him. He's the star in Lost Number boss fight. However I've rotated everyone in every JRPG I've ever played. Except Ken Amada.
Literally the worst combination for a party in FFVII.
Cloud/Yuffie/Barret is the best.
SP inefficiency-the party member.
And yes, she still sucks in golden because she gets no boosts/amps.
He will, next patch when the Frog buffs his passive again
I love this guy, he's such a positive character. I'm only half-way through FFVII but he's in my main party alongside Aris.
Cait Sith is one of the best characters in the game. He is the one that can relate most to Cloud, as they are both puppets and clones being controlled by a higher power. The death of the first Cait Sith is also a great moment and personal triumph as he breaks free from his bondage, using his final words to affirm his individuality and set himself apart from all the other Cait Siths, again alluding to Cloud's struggle with his own identity. Even Cait Sith's design, with the cat itself controlling the giant moogle reflects the many layers of manipulation, Shinra>Cait Sith>Moogle and Sephiroth>Jenova>Cloud. It's genius and everyone either hates him or overlooks him altogether.
Mog is literally the best character in the game. Snow muffler/paladin shield/dragon boots and dragon horn with a good spear and he cannot even be touched. There's a ton of ways to make characters overpowered in that game, but continuously jumping invincible Mog going solo completely breaks the game.
Spotted the shitters. Kimahri had access to the best sphere grids almost right away. If you spent the short amount of time it took to fill out the +str spheres, he was a monster. I don't understand this meme.
In the World of Balance, he has free, party wide healing AND full enemy party attacks in mountain dance. Great for long slogs
I see you never knew about the bone club trick.
Eh, what? Are you serious?
If you knew what creatures could do what, you could take advantage of all enemies weaknesses and see spells the player would never actually get access to. Using Meteo in WoB was possible.
You are generally right about the rest, but Strago could be very useful if you put the work in.
>liking khimari
broken horn runt detected
I think he might mean story-wise, since they're relatively less important compared to the other characters.
I use all them from time to time, especially Mog. If you're talking shittier gameplay-wise, most of them have something good going for them. Relm has a good magic stat and Control is a pretty nice ability (glitches with sketch can be fun too).
>hits as hard as a feather
>nearly all moves have debuff/status effect
>effects last 1 turn if they manage to ever hit
>enemy resistance to another status rises after each successful one
>nearly all bosses immune to status effects anyway
All dex and no strength isn't good, and limiting her one redeeming quality just makes her worse.
Did anyone use NeoFio? Seems like a bunch of Chrono Cross characters could fit this.
>I think he might mean story-wise
Nonsense, otherwise, Shadow would have been on the list, along with Cyan, who were both fairly low tier on the use.
Hot damn he was annoying.
Yeah, good point.
FF is piss easy and your power is 99% dictated by gear so who teh fuck cares.
like your mom lol
>your power is 99% dictated by gear
Depends on the game, user.
Gear is a matter of necessity in order to meet the level relevant challenge, so outside of the swingy weapons, it doesn't actually matter.
Personal character ability matters most because gear stabilizes.
Jack Sparrow is more applicable.
All those Lucky Lucky abilities though...
Before his novelty wore off (and wore off hard), I'd bet most people definitely used him.
Not even worth it.
I did for all of 20 minutes.
I used Aladdin because he had better offensive potential than Goofy, but Goofy was stepped up in KH2 so he wasn't an auto replace.
pathetic to the very end
>Seems like a bunch of Chrono Cross characters could fit this.
90% of the cast can fit in this thread
Well you had no choice but he was still useless
Take a seat. I'm calling the FBI.
Your loss, she is better than Morgana and has a place on every team.
Why did you didnt you use everyone on FFX? You can switch party in battle ffs. Thats why i like the combat, it makes you use everybody depends on the situation. Everyone has its use and you pretty much switch party most of the time.
>pk starstorm
Only useful thing about him
>not OG AVALANCHE Cloud/Tifa/Barret
OG Avalance is Barret/Tifa/Wedge/Biggs/Girl person
Cloud is literally NOT OG
Vincent is literally the worst party member in the game unless you autism grind.
None of those fuckers are OG Avalanche
>Doesn't even know Jesse
And people whine about what's her face being too good to die.
I killed him first chance I got and left him dead for the rest the game, faggot mog.
Played through FFX like 6 times in my youth and never once used this furfagot he'll keep being posted in these threads till the end of time without a doubt since he was shit too.
>None of those fuckers are OG Avalanche
The fuck you talking about
I couldnt think of her damn name OKAY
my nigga. it's a deceptively effective party because it rides on Tifa and Vincent not using their "ultimate" weapons because they actually suck ass.
>give Tifa those gloves that power her up when she's suffering status ailments
>self-cast Poison with high level Added Effect in armor; it is now Regen and she hits like a fucking truck
>give Vincent his weapon with 255 hit%
>dickblow materia
>hits 99.99999% of the time for 9999 damage before the end of disc 1
He can kill anything in one hit
contrary to what an VIIIfag would have you believe, there are intrinsic stat benefits to using certain characters, pre-materia equip or buff items. aeris and vincent have ungodly high magic stat, natively. they are the best casters. give Vincent quad cast Ultima and MP absorb and emerald weapon becomes babby mode
I guarantee that 90% of this board reliably used at least 1 of:
>The fairy who is the only wind character for like, half the game
at least 50% used at least one of:
>Gene Simmons
>One of the boss guys you get about halfway through
>Spent a gorillion hours for permanent Harle, didn't finish the playthrough where you actually used her
>before crisis
what is this gay shit
Your favorite game getting raped by it's creators.
Did anyone know true suffering by being really good in Mag Def?
>Want to use red and blue innate characters that aren't Kid and Fargo
>but muh boss steals
REMAKE is going to suck balls isnt it..
not-Frog is a given. I can't remember who else I used. probably whoever, I wasn't concerned with stat building and actually strategizing when I was a shit kid
>suddenly remembering the arguments I had with people who couldn't comprehend that the Mastermune was a better weapon than Rainbow because crits galore
Cait Sith was my nigga. I used Cloud/Red XIII/Cait Sith as a kid.
I think Aeris and Vincent also had high mag def. Struggling to remember the affinities... Tifa and Yuffie have high dex. Barret has high VIT. Cait Sith has high luck and I think Spirit (which Red XIII also has high of). To this day I have no idea what Spirit does. My best guess was resistance to status ailments. Cid is not-Cloud, just a beast all around.
>pierces through defense
>can heal Mario
>can steal items and even badges from enemies
Nigga, what? Flurrie is a much more useless character.
On that topic,
Bowser may be an inferior choice to Geno but he is by no means useless
Nigga she's like the best person to make a white mage in the game.
>not running Mario, Peach and Bowser
Go play final fantasy if you want OC Donut Steel
her nose was necessary for finding all those bullshit flip panels but I never got much use out of her in battle other than when she was being CUTE
nigga Dream Team was my rollout as a kid, whatchu on about? Geno is better though, he hits just as hard and Geno Whirl's timed hit one-shots bosses. only detriment compared to Bowser is not being as much of a damage sponge, but that's a superfluous niche to fill in a game like SMRPG
not fully disagreeing but isn't Mime exploitable as hell in every FF game?
>he didn't grind for the sword of kings
middle tier was my loadout except swap Strago for Setzer. offering + dice, one way or another everything's gonna die
this is a given for any sane and rational minded human being
She's only bad in boss fights. She's great at cleaning up the random mob trash.
As an addendum, in Golden she's actually great for any boss fight after January including Margaret because she learns a move that nullifies all damage. Plus she has no weakness.
No, Vincent is the best character in the game hands down and can literally 1 shot anything in the game.
Even if you are a casual retard who has no idea about overflow, no idea about mug+rifles, no idea about maxing his kill count in a single battle he still has some of the best stats in the game with high magic and magic defense, 255 accuracy, long range making him the best D.Blow user early game and an extremly strong caster. also his limits are pretty much "i win" for the vast majority of the game.
I used Norris, he's the best yellow character for a good portion of the game.
He was useful in the Stonehenge Base for free healing and in other places as a meat shield but yeah, worst by far.
I play through every 3 years or so and always swap everyone out constantly to get even stat boosts across the board.
I've been surprised multiple times at how much characters can grow on me over the course of their scripted dialogue, people that say Chrono Cross's characters don't have any development or characterization just haven't replayed it enough.
It only one shots 1 1/2 bosses.
are you sure? I know it one shots culex.
>One shots Culex
It does not. It only one shots Exor and the Yaridovitch clones that the real one makes in the boss fight.
90% of the cast
ah fuck, I think you're right. it was exor I recall doing it against
nonetheless if you think one shotting an endgame subboss isn't the tightest shit you can get out of my face
>think this too like a fucking retard
>give vincent his linked 4 slot gun with double growth and wizard's bracelet
>use him purely as a mage
>destroy anuses on a level nearly comparable to tifa's utter reaming of fucking everything
Cloud is a healer/omnislash user only.
I never knew the game was so stupidly fucking easy.
Spirit did nothing.
It was SUPPOSED to be the magical counterpart to Vit, but due to a bug, it did nothing.
You don't need to tell me that late game Geno is the third best party member. The thing with Geno is that he starts out TERRIBLE. He has pretty much no HP, he is around 3 or 4 levels lower than you when you get him, and his attacks have weird timings especially in the US version of the game messed up the timing on Geno Beam so you do what the game tells you and do shit damage. This all gets mitigated later on but I don't blame people for not seeing his use at first.
This game was shit.
well that explains it
in that case Red XIII is basically useless besides letting you cast haste before you get the materia
Every character in FFVII's steam version has an achievement for unlocking their strongest limit. Cait Sith's require's only 40 kills.
More people have beaten the game on steam than killed 40 enemies with cait sith.