Is skill your fetish, Sup Forums?
Is skill your fetish, Sup Forums?
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Pastebin it you tard
my fetish is girl punching each other
what's your fetish Sup Forums?
Cuphead reminds me of that scene in SMT IV with the demons boring small holes into the skulls of humans and drinking brain fluid through a straw that's inserted into the hole.
I find competence majorly attractive, but I'd put it more as a kink.
which one's winning?
>Game "journalist" clique all banding together in a big circlejerk
Wow what a surprise.
the article in the op doesn't even say anything, this guy just writes in circles... what the hell is the author even getting at
"I'm bad at video games and don't like that the audience my chosen field is targeted at keeps calling me out on it, now watch these mental gymnastics"
well someone is definitely winning
man I need to get into drawing for obscure fetishes, there's clearly no expectation for any kind of quality
>Dante Douglas is a writer, poet and game developer
i despise pseudo intellectual authors like the one in the OP that fluff their work with superfluous words and phrases to seem smarter than they are, despite the fact that they have nothing to say..
stuff like this:
"It’s… frustrating, as a critic, to have to rehash the same argument about once a year, but in a way it helps keep your thoughts fresh."
"To be more specific,"
"Games have a long and sordid history of difficulty and the balance of challenge to satisfaction."
"Videogame culture, writ large, fetishizes skill. "
" in most common spheres of discussion"
"There’s nothing inherently good about a game that’s hard, just as there’s nothing inherently good about a game that’s easy."
"Or, for that matter, anything inherently praiseworthy or dismissable about critics who have a preferred style of game—even if that style is a game that’s not “that hard.”"
"After all, they’re just games."
he is literally saying nothing.. even when he introduces his "skill fetishization" problem, he doesn't explain why it's not a good barometer for a critic, he just says that people enjoy games in different ways (which is true, but he doesn't explain the connection so it just sounds dumb).
Furthermore, he says it has other adverse effects (by affecting developers opinions), but he doesn't explain that at all either...
this guy should have failed highschool writing compositions or english or whatever. he can't write his way out of a paper bag
Cuddling and hand-holding
>sports need to stop fetishizing talent
>military needs to stop fetishizing effectiveness
>surgeons need to stop fetishizing percision
>Games, especially in the modern era (with the aid of Let’s Plays, streaming, and various other methods of content absorption without mechanical interaction) are no longer simply puzzle boxes to unlock knowledge of by solving. Games are stories, conversations between player and world, and conversations between designers and viewers. The act of play itself is but one method of experiencing what we call a “videogame” in modern critical discussions.
Yeah, that's the face of a post modernist faggot who would say such garbage.
It's just people who are shit at games defending the thing that makes them money. It's like if the book reviewers were illiterate and demanded more pictures in the books, and complained when people called them out.
Ugh, you nerds need to stop fetishing proper writing and composition so much.
i mean i don't know if i even agree or disagree with your assessment of what he's trying to say, i GENUINELY don't know what the fuck this guy is trying to get across in this like 9 paragraph article.
>After all, they’re just games.
How can someone be a game critic or a dev if they have this little respect for the medium? He should leave those things to people who actually have a passion for games.
>fetishizing skill
we've come pretty far lads
So this is the mindset of someone who enjoys movie games like The Last of Us. They don't even like video games, they just want animated movies.
I hate how people claim to be smart so they can downplay a game they're garbage at. There isn't a well-received game in existence that can't be dominated by smart strategy and brainpower.
people say this shit all the time despite spending the majority of their time on video games... i have never understood it... like.. "user, why do you care about gaming more than your job??? it's JUST GAMING" like ya dude i game in my free time, i don't work in my free time, what do you think is more valuable to me? like work is good for money but i don't value it past that at all.. games i think are great, so of course i'm passionate about them, otherwise i would go be passionate about busty asians or something equally as fun... "THEY'RE JUST BOOBS user" fuck off contrarian s
If you aren't good at video games or you lack the skills necessary to become competent at video games, you absolutely should NOT act as you have authority as a "games journalist".
It's fucking embarrassing. This is part of the reason why games have been dramatically dumbed down in recent years.
Get good or get a new job.
What the fuck is pastemagazine
imagine if illiterate people held opinions on books, or Hellen Keller did film reviews
Literally what is the point of games if not to challenge yourself, either mechanically or mentally
This damage control is out of control.
game journalist is surely one of the lowest "professions"
>jurno is shit at vidya
>everyone starts making fun of him
>he get's his fellow jurnos to write articles about how you're not allowed to call him out on being shit at his job
>mystery-meat alt-left terrorist
really gets those dongles a-wombled
Astonishing. Let's call the concept interactive meta, videogames is a thing of the past.
Why do videogame journalists feel the need to defend their own when it comes to how fucking terrible they are at games and how obvious it is they actually don't really play them?
It's like if a book reviewer starts having major typos and grammatical errors to a review where it's obvious they didn't read the book they were reviewing and then other book reviewers state how readers need to stop fetishizing reading comprehension.
I'm glad developers and publishers are slowly starting to pay less and less attention to morons like Dante, Dean and other morons who write for games media.
If selling your game through let's players and streamers means the death of garbage articles and incompetence at reviewing video games, then I completely embrace it.
post examples
A clickbait site.
You dumb lesbian croissant.
>he thinks that look bad
hah! you poor fool! if i wanted i could make you suffer in way you didn't even know they were possible
It was a hipster magazine that always came with a music sampler filled with hipster indie shit like Bon Iver and Bright Eyes and then it failed years ago so they turned into a clickbait journalist site.
Shes spaghetti though
Because the second one of them gets shitcanned for being terrible at his job they'll all go down. They need to put up a bulwark against criticism or else the only thing they'll be writing is their own suicide notes.
Cute tummies.
moar give me a reallyhot one
Wg and furry
>being able to read a basic instruction thats plastered on the screen is """"""SKILL""""""" now
whoa, aint that weird!?
You'd be amazed at how few people actually think about what they're doing
The question you should always be asking yourself when playing games is "is there a better way of doing this?" And usually there will be
More like low grade noodles.
>that pic
>those pillar men
__ ____ _ ____ _________?
Am I the only one who agrees with this guy?
You don't have to have good reflexes to admire and describe art style, music, writing, level design etc. You just need to be observant and good with words. Journalists aren't pro players, they're just reviewers. Calling them out on being shit at playing a game is like calling a sports commentator on being shitty in a certain sport.
>"There is an assumption that in order to be a good games critic, you have to be good at games.It’s a bad assumption, to put it simply."
How the fuck can you call yourself a game journalist if you can't even do the most basic task that is playing the game you are reviewing.
Also this author can't write for shit. The majority of the stuff he wrote don't make any sense.
come on you can post a better picture
>this article
Why couldn't video game gonzo journalism just fucking die already
anything to do with tits desu
Gay as fuck noodles
>be absolute shit at game
>never manage to progress further than the starting point/level/segment
>review article deadline comes up, still no progress
>write about how its so difficult its bad with no knowledge of what the game offers
That's why.
>linking to clickbait
i agree, but the guy SHIT on cuphead for being ""too hard,"" proving the point that some opinions can be fucking tainted by being a noob. it's like how a lot of idiots dont like rabi ribi because they're just too noob, they can't even appreciate the mechanics
Someone needs to get good.
My fetishes involve ropes and chians.
How can you judge the GAMEPLAY or controls if you cant play the fucking game? No one expects you to be at a champion autist level to review a game, they do however expect that you can actually play the game. It isn't even about being highly skilled, it is about having a base level knowledge and skill set.
I do actually agree with him, but if your fucking JOB is to play video games don't you think it would make sense to be able to play them somewhat competently? It just goes to show that video game journalism is more about pseudo-intellectual drivel like in OP's article than actual video games. Sad!
dunk tanks
Books are composed of written words.
Films are composed of images.
Games are composed of gameplay.
There are elements of gesamtkunstwerk but to interact with a game is fundamentally to interact with its gameplay.
You probably won't be a very good literary critic if you can't read above a fourth grade level.
I'm all for different types of games catering to many different skill levels however I do not think a game should be judged poorly based on the lack of skill of a reviewer.
short stacks AND 100%oj? i love it
Not really, it's more like the sports commentator having the most base, simple level of understanding of their respective sport to the point where it's obvious they only just watch the championships every year and a game every other weekend. They might be entertaining and have great charisma, but they'll never understand the actual intricacies or depth of the game which is really what their job is.
>>Dante Douglas is a writer, poet and game developer
Modern poetry is garbage, like all modern art.
>To remember when gaming mags were written by actual gamers
What went wrong?
should a play be judged based on how it reads, how it's directed, or how it's acted?
My fetish is girl farting on each other
What is this gay shit?
I came for the food analogies, get to it, faggots
should a dish be judged on how it looks, how it tastes, or how well it serves as nutrients for your body?
>these are why western games have become so piss poor easy
I don't rp
>Go to food review blog
>1/10 Couldn't get bag open. Truly the dark souls of potato chips.
still, need some artist recommendations, and its cool to have nigs who share fetishes
Thank you!
Why is there so much collusion between games journalist? It's so pathetic.
wetting and omorashi
I can recommend some, [email protected]
How it looks and tastes, as for the nutrients it's all shit in the end so doesn't matter.
I actually like this food analogy.
>" in most common spheres of discussion"
what three dimensional geometric shapes do you consider discussions to be within
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a lot of people care about how good a meal is for you, especially if they're on a paleo diet or whatever. so that kind of review could be important for them but useless for others
Because otherwise how are they going to know what to rate a game they've never played or be able to promote their fuckbuddys shitty indie piece of garbage?
>game developer is far into their alpha and wants a reviewer to test it to see what they should do
>reviewer complains that the game is to hard and tells the developer no one is going to play a game they can't have "fun" with
this must also be why all games have hour long tutorials
>Games, especially in the modern era (with the aid of Let’s Plays, streaming, and various other methods of content absorption without mechanical interaction) are no longer simply puzzle boxes to unlock knowledge of by solving. Games are stories, conversations between player and world, and conversations between designers and viewers. The act of play itself is but one method of experiencing what we call a “videogame” in modern critical discussions.
Strongly disagree with this statement. Author sucks dicks and is bad at games.
I will not.