What happened?

What happened?

He grew up

Hair tens to grow on man's face

he wasn't black enough, their audience couldn't relate to him

he grew out his hair and a bread?

i'd do the same if im going somewhere cold

>i'd do the same if im going somewhere cold

Gained a bit of weight, I guess.

He was pretty black before, and is no more black now. Your tinfoil is a bit too tight, user.

ITT: Sup Forumscucks ignore the fact that he went from Maori to full blown nigger so the GAFugees don't call them nazi

He literally got BLACKED by the devs.

actually from the picture i would guess him to be Samoan on the left. right just looks more stereotypical black

It's okay when its black "washing"

He doesn't look very black in the 2013 pic though

Reverse vitiligo.

t. Falseflagging niggers

i dont even play the game, i was just making an observation. he's lighter skinned on the left and has asian looking eyes. on the right he looks straight black. not everything the the Sup Forums boogyman, user

it's called dirtying.

Samoan are not actually niggers, they're island niggers.

Who said anything about Sup Forums? Fuck, you people are nuts.

He wants to bang Lara and is eternally cucked by her.
