what did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
They mean even though they try to offend both sides and seem unbiased they clearly have a far left leaning agenda
Another game developed by SJW's, is this a surprise to you?
it's a joke designed to trigger people like you
Is it a joke or does it really affect the gameplay?
Triggering fat neckbeards
Being white is easier. That's going to change soon.
>put racism in game
>virtually everyone now talking about it
they did it with far cry 5 they're doing it with this, it's a viral marketing technique and you fags are taking the bait
>doesn't actually change the gameplay difficulty at all
I'll be generous. I'll give you five minutes to decipher what this could possibly be implying.
its a joke you miserable autists
fucking kill yourselves for sperging out about everything
Here we go again. I'm sure this thread will be tremendously different from the other hundred that have been posted and deleted.
they've got a moderate-libertarian leaning agenda, not really "left" since this doesn't actually make the game any more difficult, and really is designed to be a horse-shoe trigger.
how much money you earn and other minor things, from what's been said
nothing to do with combat
a joke to be sure
but a left wing one at that
I found this joke kind of funny, but the narrative director is a friend of Zoe Quinn.
It affects character interactions and the amount of money received
Well being born a nigger does make your life more difficult desu.
Having to deal with having the IQ and speech skills of an orangutan.
Glad I don't want to get this pile of shit
So being black changes things to make it more difficult like less money and altered npc reactions but how does being white make the game any easier?
A life of crime and debauchery is indeed difficult to maintain in the long run
imagine being triggered by video games lol it's like I'm on tumblr
>this thread
this website needs to die or mass ban Sup Forumsfags, how can you be so triggered over a joke in a shitty mercandise game
Can you play as a girl?
Or do I get to trap it up again?
too many autists on this earth mate, we need a new holocaust for em.
Everything gets harder with an 80 average iq.
>getting butthurt over race in a video game
Go back to tumblr
they meant that avoiding some controversies in the last 2 seasons wasnt enough to prove they no longer have any backbone.
Let me save you 600+ replies
>People who don't get it's a joke
>Radical centrist
>Life is harder because of low IQ
>White privilege is real
>Nazis versus Communist
>South Park is bad now that it's against me
>Affirmative Action
>Go back to Sup Forums
>Crime statistics
It's been a problem for years, Trump is trying to fix this.
Is this the thread where people blame Sup Forums for ruining the board while posting offtopic political shit, pictures of fat neckbeards they saved on their computers, and bumping an obvious bait thread?
you're an actual idiot just spouting random things you hear on this website, saying go back to Sup Forums would make more sense faggot
>Makes joke about racism and literally gimps black characters
>Sup Forums complains about "muh sjw"
Seems like its the opposite of sjw if theyre making fun of being black
Thank you.
Goddamn, people are fucking stupid.
By getting more money.
You know these threads are always about western games bullshit, and people still insist we don't need /jv/
Yeah I guess you two are right. Maybe its time to start ignoring bait threads at once
>south park drones think white privilege is a controversial, edgy, taboo topic
Fuck off you stupid fucks have posted THE SAME THREAD atleast 100 times. Piss off with this BULLSHIT.
White people don't want their success undermined by the fact that they're white.
It's like saying the success they got was through their skin color rather than their own merit.
>tfw I'm retarded and have no self control so I have to reply to bait threads.
Cucks went native. It became pretty apparent with their last two seasons which happened to be creatively devoid and among the worst, even casting politics aside.
>Matt and Trey unknowingly ended the Sup Forums co-option of Sup Forums by outing them as a bunch of retards who can't handle a joke in a video game
>Fuck being white is so hard
>Like god damn fucking niggers get affirmative action
>Fuck non-whites they contribute nothing to society, unlike me, a fat neckbeard virgin that lives with his mom.
I'mAnd I suffer from this issue.
>south park writers do south park thing
Isuffer from this as well.
>Facts make me mad so I strawman: the post
>implying old south park is even comparable to recent (((south park)))
I bet you never even noticed the voice changes
Have you ever watched South Park? Or do you think just because Cartman is a racist that the show is right wing?
Imagine being this assblasted
Hello. We suffer from this issue as well. You're not alone
Here neogaf, take a gander at "hard mode." I guess having the intelligence of a chimp is a handicap.
They meant the moment I heard about it I knew there would a thread on here about it and sure enough
White's had IQ's of 80 just a century ago.
I also prefer not to talk about video games and instead shitpost about politics. It's a serious problem. Please help me
We are all sufferers of low will power and retardation, but we can beat it together.
Affirmative action does not change the issues of police and social disparities when comparing interactions that people of colour receive on a daily basis.
And black people being unsuccessful and having a having a harder life is a stereotype. Thats the joke you fucking tard
I also can't help bumping obvious bait threads. We are just that stupid
A joke
Did you ever think you'd see the day when South Park offended YOU?
Speak for yourself fuccboi i'm enjoying it :3
>White people are privileged, Black people are disadvantaged
Whats the joke? What satire am I missing?
Fuck. But why does it feel like we need to stop this shit from happening? Can we even do it? Is it just feeding the bait machine?