There was only one ship

There was only one ship

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One? Are you sure?

Yes. they called it..."The Pillar of Autumn."

Why was it not destroyed, with the rest of their fleet?

It fled, as we set fire to their planet.

But I followed with all the ships in my command.

>political strife in the enemy faction in a video game, out of view of the MC faction.


There are idiots that actually hate 2

>mfw there are people to this day who hate Halo 2's campaign because it's not just mindlessly killing aliens with no depth

mythictyrant.mp4 initiated
uhhhh fuckin halo 2 sucks cause alien speak

>retarded ass Sup Forums trying to spread the rumor of Arbiter dying in 5
Fuck you assholes

Some peoples parents were related before marriage. Fault them not, for they do not know better.

halo 4 didn't happen and the chief died on that hulk, eventually.

2 was a shit game
Halo CE was great, then every single one that came after was dogshit

Does anyone have a "and then there's this faggot" pic?

you are the type of nigga that would play SPV3



theory: the halo rings are gigantic cock rings

SPV3 is good, and so are halo 2 and 3

there will never be games as compelling as the original halo trilogy ever developed again


*blocks ur path*


i like every Halo game before 4 and up and sans the RTS games

for different reasons


I remember a lot of review sites were shitting on the story of Halo 2.
I thought it was pretty interesting.

They totally fucked the art design after Reach. It just screamed of overdone sci-fi.


Fact: only "bad" Halo has been 4's multiplayer and 5's campaign.

No, but something like it.


legit the best imo for the covenant side of things alone

wish more games did this

Gears of war kind of did that with a dlc about general Raam or something but that was short, sweet, and was really just an excuse to slaughter things as raam so its not like it had any real depth

Cock rings for who though?



>tank beats ghost

Master chief's dick.

>That feeling of satisfaction when all the ODSTs make it home.
Saving AI in Halo was the best



>watch whole squad blow up
>reload last checkpoint


>run right up in the middle of that scene to get the full view
>get killed by shit getting blown out of the way of the incoming ship


Fuck, why don't games do scale like Bungie did? Never in a game save for Arma/DayZ have I felt small in the world.

>CE is great and better then 2 even though CE's entire campaign suffers from the problems 2's worst missions do

That's not even really bad. those are "bad' by halo's standards (as is 4's campaign, but not as much), but by indiustry standard's H4's MP is still like a 7.75 or even an 8/10

>people still trying to play up the halo 5 mp meme

I blame them as the reason we play a fucking cardboard cut-out black man instead of anybody interesting in Halo 5

Halo 4 on was an hallucination centered around the chief, it's the only explanation.

Oh man! I could do this all day!

Halo 4's campaign made perfect sense actually.

Halo 5 was an abomination and this is coming from a guy who has read every single halo book and comic and still finds Halo 5's campaign absolutely disgusting

It's true though senpai, learn to love bro

>Alan Tudyk ladies and gents

Annnnnnd I want to go play Halo 2 and ODST again.

>implying Chief wasn't mainly a player stand in

The only thing that bugged me was that Arbiter didn't know it was flood. Nigger was wading through flood probably more than chief

I still remember a time when >tvtrope had a Halo entry but the Character section outright hide Master Chief, like as if he wasn't the Main character at all.

I guess when I said "only" I meant "only one I'm comfortable coming to terms with". It was a solid campaign, and done pretty rigorously, but I think chief should have ended after 3.

That was the best thing about Killzone 3

The difference is that when you play as Chief you actually are the star of the story. Playing as Locke you're practically playing catch-up to everything Chief has already done a couple missions ago, with two annoying sidekicks to boot.

Thank god for Buck.

The only explanation for H5 was that it was rushed and the people even responsible for the story left. And at least H4 sort of had heart since it was based on the writer's mother having dementia throughout the production.

He was commander of the fleet orbiting the ring, I doubt he even set foot on the first Halo, much less interacted with any actual flood.

I would rather play as an Alien over a black guy. What does that make me?

a racist

Someone who is invested in the game, and not blacklivesmatter bullshit.

Don't start this shit again

Your faggotry already ruined the other halo thread

As somebody else who has read every book, while 5's story and campaign was bad, I didn't find it's story as offensively awful as 4's.

I get what they were trying to go with 4's story, but John and Cortana both act hporribly out of character even given the circumstance, her rampancy is protrayed laughably bad, etc.

I do not hate 2
I just hate its cliffhanger and the fact that the game got rushed, resulting in a chunk of the campaign apparently missing according to the dev commentary on a playthrough video.

exactly fucking right


Anyone else pop a huge freedom boner during this scene


It was short lived
>getting splattered by a fucking wraith being hurtled through the air

If I got paid free xbox live for life for shilling 343 games I would too.
That aside, fuck the "Halo 5 multiplayer is good!" astroturfers.

I'd of been fine with the Hunt the Truth stuff being accurate. Even if they killed Master Chief, i'd rather end his suffering now than to keep dragging him into more sequels, and then quite frankly I could never give a shit about the story again, especially if Locke is supposed to be our new and completely unlikable protagonist. At least it hinted that ONI would finally be set up for some fucking comeuppance.

NOPE. The entire thing is almost completely abandoned, the animosity and trailer hints are borderline false advertising, and despite the return of Blue Team only Chief matters - and they only have three missions in the game, instead of their own fully playable campaign, so that Locke and Fireteam Osiris can take the center stage as not-Avengers. Also Cortana is batshit insane evil yandere now, and plot threads rise up and drop down like puddles on a dying shoreline.

Jesus fucking Christ 343.

When I used to play Halo 3 campaign daily I would hide behind the rock formation directly in front and watch all the shit hurl towards my invincible shelter.

I will never live those days again... well damn. Was nice talking to you guys

Do people even play H5 now? I heard 4 died fast so I'd be shocked if 5 survived this long.


5 still has people playing its multiplayer. I'm sure you can still find custom games even on the free PC forge edition.

I bet you that outside of friends, you're not finding errant co-op though.

That reminds me, the PC version of Halo 1 online is full of BRs and spic. Avoid at all cost.

No clue. I haven't touched Halo 5 in months. It's REALLY fucking bad. I'd prefer to play any MCC bullshit over it. Quitters in every game. Laggers out the ass. 12 year olds who only play Halo 3 BTB.
Any day, over ANYTHING Halo 5.
Oh can I not wait for Halo 3 backwards compat.

I thought playing as arbiter was great. I don't get why people made a big stink about it back then, it's not like going from playing Snake to playing as Raiden. I was honestly hoping playing as the other races which weren't as human would be something that happened in the later titles but yeah, never happened.

I hope H3 gets BackCompat, I liked it more than Reach for some reason. Sucks to hear 5 is really that bad, it makes me wonder what 343 is even thinking besides trying hard to not be Bungie

Thats interesting, especially on PC where most games die a month after launch.

>there will never be as good a Halo character as the Prophet of Truth
It hurts

What's your opinion on Halo: Legends, Forward Onto Dawn, Nightfall and Fall of Reach?

What happened to the Prophets after the Covenant collapsed?

Am I the only one who thinks it would be badass if you got to play as the brute remnant in halo 6 and could go full wookie on people's asses?

Halo 5's multiplayer is fun for awhile.
But it has a low skill ceiling and retarded design decisions like waaaay too much bullet magnetism and fuckery with hitboxes that make no sense.
I would play zombies a lot and make it to last man and started to notice how for half my zombie kills, I wasn't even really aiming at the zombie and should have missed and got fucked.
The forge is absolutely amazing but the actual gameplay has retarded decisions in it that don't hamper your ability to have fun with it, but seriously make you sick of it after awhile.
Doing really good hardly feels good when the game is literally picking up your slack and discouraging you from actually getting better.

Also, I'm absolutely sick of card packs/loot boxes/etc style of unlocks in multiplayer games.
It's abysmal.

Fuck that, I want to play as a Jackal being hired for pirate shit.

>"You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what, I wonder? That you might escape the coming fire? No. Your world will burn until its surface is but glass! And not even your Demon will live to creep, blackened, from its hole to mar the reflection of our passage; the culmination of our Journey. For your destruction is the will of the gods! And I...I am their instrument!"

There were only a few million alive during the Halo games, so the few that did escape High Charity were probably very small in number. Those that did fled to unknown space, although the Shipmaster Rtas (the white armoured Elite in H2 and 3) fought some in a short story, and pledged that he would find the remaining Prophets.
tl;dr to answer your question no one really knows where the few remaining Prophets are, it seems like 343 is keeping that on the back burner for now.

Legends was fun.
Forward Unto Dawn was pretty cool.
Didn't see the other two.
Heard Reach was bad and I had already read the book anyway.

This line would've been a lot better had it been spoken by Truth's original VA rather than his shabby replacement.
Truth had a really cool calm, manipulative, almost Roman personality to him in H2 but in 3 because of his new VA he just sounded like a raving lunatic. One of a few reasons why I don't like 3 as much as 2.

>Halo Legends
A fun, easy watch. Odd One Out is fucking great, and Headhunters is cool too.

>Forward Unto Dawn
Halo Landfall somehow did live action Halo so much better in 2007. Boring characters and plot just leaves you waiting for Master Chief to show up.

Somehow worse

>Fall of Reach
Haven't seen it

It's already confirmed it's coming to Backwards compat. Was announced at E3 or something. Should be here by at the latest november.
Rumor is this month though?

>what 343 is even thinking besides trying hard to not be Bungie
That was their thought with Halo 4, their thought with Halo 5 was
If you haven't played it you can imagine what that's like. It's like Halo 5 is a power rangers monday night combat mashup.

Some parts were good, the Cortana description of the Halo history (although inaccurate in some parts) was the best. Other parts were literal anime autistic shit.
>Forward Unto Dawn
Really good, surprisingly well made considering their budget.
Never saw it, heard it was shit
>Fall of Reach
Actual shit, that ironically doesn't contain the actual Fall of Reach. Book >> Comic >>>>>>>> Movie

I liked the more lunatic approach as the entire Covenant was falling apart and everybody was starting to see the delusions as delusions.

Legends had some genuinely good segments (but also some bad ones) Odd One Out being the easy favorite.

Forward Unto Dawn was about as close as we could have gotten to an actual Halo movie. Interesting plot and ended up liking Lasky

Nightfall was terrible with a laughably atrocious plot. Locke was just absolutely awful and shows that he CANNOT lead a team to save his life.

Fall of Reach I never saw and I don't think I ever will. Looks terrible

The ONLY scene that Fall of Reach did alright was the augmentation scene. However, everything else was such crap. They even fucked up the best line of it (Your destruction is the will of the gods, and we are their instruments)

But the Covenant was arguably more fucked when their capital was being overrun with Flood in comparison to Truth's situation at the start of 3. At the beginning of 3, he's found the entrance to the most holy symbol of the Covenant's religion. He shouldn't be going insane, he should be ecstatic.
Especially when he's seen as calm and capable as High Charity, the capital of the whole Covenant and where his entire race lives, is being destroyed by the Flood. It felt really out of character tbqh, they might as well just killed him off at the end of H2 and had this Prophet be a new one, his replacement.

>He shouldn't be going insane, he should be ecstatic.
I never saw him as going more insane than he already was.
Now that you mention it though, a calmer Truth in 3 would have been interesting to see.
>tfw this will never be a thing