Sup Forums The Musical 5

Exactly one week away! We had a good brainstorming thread a few days ago, so let's have another one!

>what songs are you writing/have you written?
>what songs do you want to see parodied this year?
>what subjects do you want to see written about?
>what are you favourite songs from previous years?
Please don't post lyrics or vocals in this thread. Wait until the 15th for that.

Other urls found in this thread: :)

No working on things until the day anons

Still feel like these threads are kinda premature, but I can't say I'm not hype. Need some ideas for songs I've got earmarked though. Didn't someone say they'd been compiling a huge list of the happenings this year a few days ago?

>Best song from last year


A lot of people said they got a lot done lady year because of these early threads.

Writing is year-round. No singing until next week, though.

I want some metal this year.

Writing is during the event too

Wait... How do I become a part of this? I love noob music compos. Does it have to be a Vidya song remake?

Just join in on the 15. We basically parody songs รก la Weird Al, where people write new video game lyrics for pre-existing songs, but you're free to compose new stuff if you want. Original songs would be awesome.

I feel like lyrics should be kept to a bare minimum for the next week, at least. Same with trips and such.
If these threads are to work, it should be as anonymous brainstorming sessions. Someone saying "don't forget to write about Club Penguin shutting down," another user saying "I would sing the heck out of a Moana parody" just to give writefags ideas on what to post in a week. So long as they don't start asking for direct feedback on unfinished lyrics, that should work.

Do I have to sing? I can do it if I can use a robot voice aka Daft Punk, but my real voice sounds like a weasel being raped by an elephant

I suppose that works.

I have a few ideas anyway, I'm just not looking forward to the day 1 lyrics dump

Fuck no. I can't sing for fuck. Do other jobs.

You can write, you can sing, you could make instrumental tracks if things are lacking, you could make cover art etcetera. Plenty of stuff to do if you've got the time and autistic dedication that's kept this shit going for four years.

So a simple mp3/wav/flac file with original electronic music will do?

True, but I feel like the day 1 dump is unavoidable. I've been working on songs all year long, and I know plenty of others (including singfags) do as well. We'll be posting walls of songs on the 15th regardless
The way I see it, the hype is unavoidable, we may as well channel it as unobnoxiously as possible.

Sure, there's been a few original songs over the years. They don't tend to get the same kind of recognition as the regular stuff though. If you're shit hot with a vocoder I could pick one of the Daft Punk songs we've not covered to write lyrics for since I was thinking about it anyway.

Seconding this.

I did the music for the Wh40k game before it died again since the dev bailed on fear of lawyers. People liked it ok, but /tg/ is hardly a good judge of music. I like Daft Punk slot, and doing robot voices is pretty easy. The only trick is to keep the consonants tight without relying on white noise.

You're a fucking asshole then. The whole point of things is that we wait until the time before working on things for the reason that otherwise there's a flood of only a few people spamming their shitty lyrics and meaning we get no variety in writers.

On the other hand, the majority of stuff you throw out on day 1 will probably be lost in the flood anyway, so no great loss.

I'm writing a song based on Eagle Fly Free by Helloween.

That's actually breddy gud user, I like it a lot. If you want to see the kind of shit that the musical's put out in prior years as an example of what to expect, you can listen to them here or check out some of the shit that got videos in the playlists here

Nice. I finally found a Bark at the Moon instrumental, I might give that a shot.

Reminder to everyone: make sure you can actually get an instrumental before you waste your time writing lyrics. I'd give a limb to get Bowie by Flight of the Conchords, but it just doesn't exist.

Quality is quality. If I get a jolt of inspiration I'm not gonna wait six months to put it to paper -- like I said, at a certain point, the hype is unavoidable. I'm sorry your rumpus is so rustled over it, but we'll have plenty of anons pouring over the songs, like Reminder Guy, to separate the wheat from the chaffe, and if memory serves, some of the best songs last year where written late into the Musical, so I'm not exactly fretting over it. It worked itself out last year, I don't think we should worry over it this year.

But where do you submit?

Get hype boys.

Just throw whatever you've done in a picosong or pastebin or whatever format's relevant to what you did and post it in the threads that'll be up pretty much the entire time between the 15th of September to the 15th of October, there'll be google docs keeping track of everything and the IRC shadow canal will sort out the final compilation of all the songs.

There will be threads like this, but only start dumping stuff after the 15th.

>kavnisky will never put out a sequel
probably for the best, really

Has this song been done yet?

Nah, the only Offspring we've had is Kids Aren't Alright. I'd love to see Pretty Fly done though.

Some more Jesus Christ Superstar songs would be nice

Good, because I already wrote it but forgot to check if it was done before I started.

Can we please stop this cringeworthy shit?


Meta thread for anyone who wants to check song availability. It's not 100% perfect, but are you really gonna go listen to all the songs to check otherwise?

I'd also recommend the Video Completion List. It lists every song we've done thus far, as it was released. Control-f should cut down on the searching.


The Offspring - You're Gonna Go Far Kid

except it's about traps

You have my attention.

Good shout, though it does make me sad that a lot of really great songs never got videos to go with them.

Place your bets on which singfag isn't coming back this year.

There is a curse/trend that each year one of the original singfags is kill.
Second year Operanon, third year I don't remember and last year Songman.

Baritenor's facing hurricane season 2 electric boogaloo, so odds are on him.

I do know he was in the thread yesterday, but it doesn't count until the musical starts.

AnonFag, SuperSounds, or Roco, but only because I like them and that'd be just my luck.

'you might be a fag kid'?

>Queef - The shitpost must go on

What kind of songs do you like better? Ones about games, the industry, the board, or straight up memes?

Original songs without lyrics that convey an emotion or mode of being

I wonder if that user from Half Life sticky ever gonna revise his parody for Exile Vilify. Because, well, assuming he didn't, I am polishing it.
Also was writing a parody for A Stranger I Remain, but I got into writer's block. Can't think of a good lyrical adaptation. Which sucks.
Also want to sing some parodies too.

I'd love to see a song about COD WWII (and maybe Battlefield 1, a little bit, since they're both in the same ballpark). It could be about someone rediscovering old, tired tropes and being delighted again, though they are old and tired for a reason. For some reason, I keep thinking about the Town Meeting Song from Nightmare Before Xmas, with Jack trying to describe WWII mechanics to an audience used to robots and lasers and terrorists and Wolfenstein Magic stuff, but I'm sure there's another song even more suited to this theme.

Also, We've got musicals like Heathers and Spamalot that are just untouched. Spamalot's got a few, like "You won't succeed on Broadway if you don't have any Jews" and "I am not dead yet," that are perfect for parody.

No Willy wonka Todd howard vocaroo thingy? damn

Someone did it outside of the Musical

Damn, thread is falling down fast. Wonder why.

If they weren't so fucking hasty and posted it on YT it would have gotten in the fucking musical.

Because it's a weak too early for anything to actually be done.

Afraid it was doomed from the start. The song was used way back in Musical 1, for the much inferior "Pure Waifu". All it could've hoped for was a DLC release.

What is this thread and wasn't one of that guy's songs in GTA IV?

this is one of the most autistic things Sup Forums has ever done and i don't know why the mods continue to allow it. other websites fucking laugh at us for this high tier cringeworthy shit.

Because you fedorable faggots are so creative and funny. Let's go reddit see you next year!! XD

Why do you care what other sites think? Sup Forums's always been autistic.

How to detect Reddit

>acts in a post-ironic manner
>falls for the "Sup Forums hates fun" meme
>uses the word 'cringe'
>only turned up on Sup Forums in the past year and has no idea what the Sup Forums musical is
>labels things autism while owning his own Minecraft server
>shitposts because he thinks that's "just what Sup Forumsirgins do"
>ironic shitposts

Oh well, then nothing of value was lost, relatively speaking

>caring about what reddit, tumblr,twitter or facebook think
You should disregard the opinions of those shitholes in first place.

>Why do you care what other sites think?
because Sup Forums was the #1 creator of original content on the entire internet for a very long time, but now content creators stay away from this place because we are very much in the public eye, and people laugh at us for autistic nonsense like fedora wearing neckbeards badly trying to sing.
>Sup Forums's always been autistic
wrong, it wasn't until after habbo when millions of newfag immigrants from reddit etc. showed up. Pic related, original content from 2005 Sup Forums before we were tainted by autistic newfaggotry.

>other websites fucking laugh at us for this high tier cringeworthy shit.
post literally one example

We should do So Need a Cute Girl by Chris Chan

Your entire post is wrong. Every single thing in your post is factually incorrect and makes you look like a jackass of elephantine proportions.

Don't pretend that you know fuck all about this website, or this board.

>content creators

My sides.

>trying to bait me into going to one of those sites, so you can dismiss everything i say with
>visiting [website]
"fuck off newfag"
your next trick will be to claim it's false because I haven't provided an example. Why don't YOU go to one of those sites and see for yourself?

I'm fairly sure that there's been a dearth of content because people come out of the woodwork and call them faggots for posting something that requires either brevity or wit, rather than them fleeing because Sup Forums's posts are put on facebook and other normie sites.

And I'd argue that that comic in itself is in fact autism of its own sort.

>User was automatically filtered for a banned word or phrase.
Loving every laugh, this reddit lingo filter is the tops.

>calling a 3AB comic "autism"
you're a gigantic newfag and don't even know who 3 Angled Blue is.

What are you blathering about?

>gets filtered
>still replying

>your next trick will be to claim it's false because I haven't provided an example.

Fucking psychic over here, lads. Spot on.

Tell me, if you never go to these sites, then how do you presume to know what they think of the musical?

oh i dont know because of all the shit crossposted here by actual retards who frequent those sites, just wait until after this year's musical comes out

Planning on writing a parody of Noodles Can't Be Beat where it's neo-Sup Forums vs Sup Forums but I may need help writing it.


You know you could just win the argument by googling shit and posting an example. Why don't you just do it?

Where in my post did I say I didn't know who it was by? No reason to resort to ad hominem mate, if you're arguing that any and all creativity can't be joked about with the old autism meme then fair enough, but I wouldn't say that comics are somehow immune when music isn't.

everyone who participates in this shit is not not Sup Forums. it is 100% reddit and consumed by redditors

>yeah just put these cancerous websites in your history, a personal stain that you can never ever remove
I take pride in having never once visited, reddit, tumblr, normalfagbook, etc. and I'm not going to start now. You people go there on a daily basis, so you can do your own research

Wow it's already been a year? This year's kinda been shit for Sup Forums though, we haven't had a good meme since last year's "half an a press" shit.

And PU Odyssey now has comments disabled and itlsnt available in my country apparently wtf

Why do you hate fun so much?

>comments disabled and itlsnt available in my country apparently wtf
Now you fucked up, since it works just fine for me in the USA, revealing that you don't live in the USA. Sup Forums is for Americans only, good riddance third world scum.

it's not fun, it's literally autistic reddit memes.
>first one started in 2013, SEVEN YEARS after habbo hotel, which is when reddit first showed up

I don't live in the third world you faggot

It's even worse, I'm a bong. Pls take me I don't wanna live in this cucked country anymore

>I derive self-respect based on the websites I visit.

This is just a bit sad now, tbqh. Literally, just post one example. I'm googling it myself, but can't seem to find one.


That shit alone dropped SS2 from 10/10 to 8/10 for me

>I know that Reddit and other such sites are talking about us insulting this whole thing
>OK Prove it
>Heh no way fag I don't visit these sites despite claiming I know what they're talking about

Just fuck off already

Back on the subject of the musical has anyone ever made a song based on the opening song to Road to El Dorado

Think it'd be a great way to start off the entire thing.

>t. started posting on 2016 and talks shit after reading know your meme

Make it less obvious next time, how embarassing

Shh, don't scare him off, he's bumping the thread with free replies

yeah, it's a little bit before that.... lol

I know the feel m80, take heart that we don't get our shit wrecked by the weather as often.

If you're saying that the downfall of Sup Forums was in 2006 and anything that's happened thereafter is tainted by or wholly reddit, what the fuck could possibly left that drives you here still after a decade?

>which is when Reddit first showed up

Do you know I know you're Reddit? There wasn't even a Reddit in 2006. The first Redditors first started coming here in 2011.

>Sup Forums became reddit three years after creation
>Sup Forums is 13 years old
I think the Sup Forums you claim to represent never existed.

>he doesn't know what sage is
Lurk moar newfag

>Founded June 23, 2005; 12 years ago,[1]

stupid dumb newfag scum

see? already working

You're calling me a newfag for not knowing when Reddit was founded? I hadn't even heard of it until Portal 2 and bronies became a thing on Sup Forums for a brief window back in 2011 and Redditor shitposting went off the scale.

I think you're just pretending to be retarded.

I don't think the intro has been done, but It's Tough To Be The Press is fucking great.

Lurk moar newfag

>hadn't even heard of it until Portal 2
so you are a newfag, because they were in the habbo raids, which you would have known if you were on literally ANY board in 2006.

>so you are a newfag, because they were in the habbo raids, which you would have known if you were on literally ANY board in 2006.

Reddit had absolutely nothing to do with the Habbo Hotel raids. Do you know how I know? It's because I was on Habbo Hotel at the time.

Trying to pretend that Reddit was part of the Sup Forums raids doesn't even make any sense. What would drive you to do that?

There was no ZTD-related song last year, and although it's too late now, I feel compelled to change that.