It's okay when Japan does it!!

>It's okay when Japan does it!!

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 WE

>inb4 WUZ

inb4 cucks

hurf durf ebin memes I'm so original and funny


The thing is this guy actually existed IRL

Please dont, people will actually believe that its SJW stuff

The dude actually existed

>isn't forced down your throat
>has a reason to be there
>actually pretty cool


>dis guy existed hurf durf
he was basically a fucking slave not a samurai

>guy REALLY existed

nobunaga made him a samurai you nig.

>Use a real person
>Call it sjw
kill me now.

So he still existed? Got it


It...literally is

Finally a Nioh thread . What are your opinions on Tonfa? The moveset Is pretty cool, but their damage is low.
Am I doing something wrong or Tonfa are underpowered?


He was basically knighted, made into a samurai if only in name

i doesnt count when its a white person fucking commie

Cool, wanna go watch some anime?

retarded celebrities that never swung a sword in their lives got knighted to


Yes it's OK when Japan does it. I don't think they are doing it because they hate that I exist or because they are trying to destroy the culture of the west.

>He doesn't know Oda Nobunaga was a westaboo obsessed with western culture and our ways of life.

See the Battle of Nagashino for further proof


naw he was present in honnoji and he did fight

mostly fruitlessly because arrows fly overhead and he cant really block flaming arrows aimed at giant buildings

They got knighted to what? TO WHAT MAN!?

Nobunaga made him a samurai. WE actually WUZ SAMURAIS N SHEEEEIT


*digs up potatoes*
*guzzles down two gallons of whiskey*

he sounds pretty cool desu

>its ok cause there was one black samurai

>battlefield 1 has black soldiers that existed

yeah but it was only really Yasuke and him alone

cant really have a WE there

and he was picked out of the rest of the slaves because he was a big nig

he never really left any noted children either, he simply disappeared after oda clan's fall


European edition calls him the Dark Samurai
American calls him OBSIDIAN Samurai
For what reason.


He's isn't a white person though, he is an Irishman.

Who are barely two rings above dogs and black people in most peoples eyes.

bitchin mustache desu

>forced down your throat
this is Sup Forums's second most retarded "I'll apply it when it suits my argument but it's actually meaningless" meme, right after artificial fun

>1 singular black individual was made a samurai historically
>1 singular black individual was made a samurai in a video game set in japan
>a small percentage of black soldiers fighting in the colonies that were their home historically
>black soldiers being shown in hugely disproportionate amounts compared to white soldiers in a video game set mostly in Europe

That was portuguese territory.

Both this and the OP are based on historical figures. No one is complaining.

>Obsidian Samurai
Jesus Christ that name is fucking kino

Yasuke existed though.

I liked him. Made for a surpisingly decent plot-twist.

wait so people were sperging out that the percentages were off in a battlefield game and your trying to present that as if it justifies the autism?

Historically he actually participated in more combat than the game's protag Wirriam Adam-sama, since he actually participated in combat.

Because it sounds cooler obviously.

Post here
>Implying I'm one of these sperglords who are intimidated of a black person in vidya

my ancestor :)

Why would you bite that bait?

>how do I git gud? Im stuck on the vampire bitch


>Black guy becomes samurai
>"Haha no he didn't you nig he was basically a slave and treated like shit"
>Turns out he did get samurai status from Oda and served as his retainer
>"H-haha whatever dindu it was just honorary its not like he was an actual samurai bushi or anything"
>Reported to have been present and fought alongside Oda forces in the infamous Honno-ji Incident

Can you guys just admit you're racist? The guy actually did become a legal samurai, fought in battles, and was close to a famous historical figure and yet you try to downplay it, when you're factually wrong. Why would you rather deny reality than admit a black guy did something cool in history?

shit why did I quote it

Real William was English, Nioh William is Irish because hes a spiritualist who believes in his guardian spirit, not a christian

Eastern game dev:
>One black samurai pulled directly from history
Western game dev:
>Represent a predominantly white war with a disproportionately high amount of BattleKANGZ outside of the African theater
>Including Germany
>Wonder why people may think you're pushing an agenda

History needs more black hero's for our crime prone inner city youths to look up to tbqh, better find a way to pretend they were a major part of every single historical moment.

Except there literally was one negro serving under Nobunaga. It's historically accurate and perfectly fine.

>tfw Mitsuhide tells you seppuku is too good for gaijin scum and sends you on your way after killing all your friends.

>literally blonde haired and blue eyed
>still not white
I give up.

I had to check to make sure it wasn't real stupidity and not "I WUZ JUST PERTENDING".
The follow-up is so horrifically stupid that it is actually impossible for me to respond. It presents that little of an argument.

>reason comparison is wrong
>lol it's just a game bro!
I want you to die.

it makes more sense to refuse that a whole RACE be came a class of superspecial samurai actually

Yasuke was one of the really really few exceptions, mainly because he piqued the curiosity of a warlord

Probably either chilled with the Jesuits or become a ronin.

OP pls an hero

I was telling the person that he was indeed an honorary samurai, how am I part of this

Don't look at me, I don't make the rules.

I'm a fat pig American, I have no idea why everyone hates the Irish so much and considers them to be honorary black people.


where he was sent to one of the few gaijin temples and then probably killed on the way there

there is a reason why he just "disappears" from history despite his obvious difference from everything else in japan

it is
japan is not steeped in identity politics the way the west is so when they add a non-asian character it isnt to appease some whiny vocal minority, but rather because they genuinely appreciate diversity in aesthetics of their games.

Even if a western dev simply wanted some cool black guy in their game, the west is so fucking flooded in identity politics that as a westerner, you can't see a black female afro wearing character without thinking they were only included to appease black people/guilty white people, even if they genuinely weren't.

its so fucking simple and you already knew this

no, the comparison still stands
"it's just a game" isn't anywhere near the discussion
you are presenting your argument in defence of one half of the comparison, and I'm saying there is no defence of that side. Relax, bro, nobody needs to die.

he was a retainer, that is literally an extremely honorable body guard


>japan is not steeped in identity politics the way the west is so when they add a non-asian character it isnt to appease some whiny vocal minority
I think you mean
>japan is not steeped in identity politics, so when they add a non-asian character it's possible for autists to accept the designer's choice instead of whining that it represents capitulation to a group they don't belong to

why aren't the irish considered white?

Its ok if the game is good

Sure, focusing on the real problem.
Nothing wrong with the armor, right?
I see it's gravity! Nvm.

Yup, I originally had written that but I had a very sneaking feeling that some autismo would reply with some article about group of 3 black people in japan crying about diversity or something so i gave myself an out

like how you can't say "why are there black people in this ww1 game, there were no black people in ww1"


>in most peoples eyes.
This isn't 1800 anymore bud.

yeah but he probably didnt live very long after the fall of the oda clan

nor to have any children with a jap female, because everyone else would fucking kill the family real quick out of superstition

>black afro women is supposed go be diverse
>3 of them in 3 different games by 3 different companies are announced at e3

I really hope video games die

dont go, if you stop posting Sup Forums wins

so fat americans can feel justified and say the white race has never been enslaved from their bed rooms.

>without thinking they were only included to appease black people/guilty white people

but that is exactly why

That's a black man not a nigger.

But the historical figure that William is based on is English not Irish

But wheres my shoe'd in transgender/gay samurai at OP?

He wasn't a real samurai


So adding minority characters is a no-win situation for you, then. Even if a dev genuinely feels their black female character is fitting and organic to the setting, you can't imagine it being anything but a virtue signal and feel persecuted.

making black characters in the west suck

they kind love love hate their own stereotypes so much, they get offended if the black characters are not stereotypes

Yes I'm completely aware that this e3 had a lot of black female characters. You can't prove they were all shoehorned in for diversity. There is a possibility at least one of those was designed because the character designers simply wanted a black character in their game. We will never know this and many will never even think it possible because once again, identity politics. You're proving my point.

>out of superstition
It would be the opposite. Medieval Japan had a superstition that Africans were good luck, because Buddha statues were often made out of black material.

>jap devs put one negro in game because he was some king's pet monkey and actually existed

>(((western))) devs put nigs in every situation all through history were they don't belong because WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT

I'm sure these memes will pass, hopefully within my lifetime.

>If even one case doesnt fall in line it proves that all other cases are negated
Jesus christ this country is doomed

But the word "slave" comes from the word "Slav", because Slavs were often forced into slavery in Europe during the Middle Ages.


but for me personally? No, I judge based off individual case. If the character is cool and doesn't feel forced, no problemo.

For the paranoid Sup Forums-posters? Yeah it's always going to be a problem if a black character is in anything a western dev makes.

The only dumb part is he wields a axe.
Honestly there should've just been odachis over axes/hammers from the start.