When does this start being good?

When does this start being good?

The moment the game starts. You just have shit taste, friend.

Never. The game is dull as shit and just Nintendo's puppets buy that crap.

It gets better once you get the glider and all the towers.

imo the great plateau is one of the least interesting areas in the game. That said, it's pretty obvious what the actual purpose of this thread is.

Honestly the first 5 hours were the best for me, that was how long it took me to realize that I had already seen most of what the game had to offer that wasn't explicitly story-related.

It's literally impossible to see that much in 5 hours, the plateau alone takes around an hour on first playthrough, 30 mins if you really rush it.

When you stop shitting up Sup Forums with shit threads so probably never.
Check this 3

But I had learned that shrines all had the same aesthetic and accessing the shrine is the only thing that changed. I also learned that most only had money or weapons as a reward, both of which are temporary. As I played through the game, armor collecting and upgrading ended up being the coolest part (again, aside from the story content which was all top notch) because you can actually hold on to them.

It's more about the journey than the reward in botw, nonetheless I found the shrines generally good despite their samey aesthetic, and shrine quests were amongst the best parts of the game (eventide, the 3 springs, the kass quests, etc.)

After the first hour you'll have seen everything the game has to offer. Once you're out of the plateau the game has nothing left to offer.

It's for ages 8 to 14.

>Shrine content is based around the texture pak and not the actual puzzle that's in it


I swear the time keeps shrinking, it's almost like shitposters are getting more and more desperate

it's exactly like saying that you can't experience new things with the same mechanics, which is fucking retarded

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it pretty much all the way through. Except for rushroom gathering. But I think I lost that brief feeling of wonder I got as it just started within 5 hours.

I still wish the variety of bosses had at least been tripled.


It's actually rated T

I did have other feelings of wonder later on, but they were briefer. But I felt they were more impactful than the first hours.


Giant robot dungeons, running on an active volcano, walrus sand skiing, getting hit by lightning, addictive nature photography and fighting a corrupted dragon are all things you don't encounter on the plateau

One and done.

And some shrines that are not tutorials!

When you stop being a faggot

If you don't like the game from the start then you should probably just go play something else

It doesn't user it's shit

I had the most fun on the plateau desu.

>can't rebind the controls
>can't change language even though its on the care
>no subs
>Menu option to hide hud doesn't hide the full hud
>weapon degradation is anti-fun and artificial way to extend play time
>useless hubs
>dlc difficulty modes

Game is good, but not the perfect game, solid 9/10 though
