The SoK's finished

The SoK's finished

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DSP single-handedly annihilated the Sokucks.
He is unstoppable.


jeez, how did DSP finger them as immature teenage girls all those years ago and no one believed him until now?

mentally ill embarrassments

>watch ardnas videos because they're quick little snippets with no retarded fluff that just show DSP being retarded
>they mass flag Ardnas' videos because one of them was monetized
>do everything they can to destroy any account that so much as mentions Ardnas

Them being whiny faggots was always known. I don't care about their retarded drama, I just wanted to see DSP being inept at everything without having to watch six hours of a roundtable discussion held by a bunch of autistic black guys.


Quick, give me the most rage inducing playthroughs he's done before mods come and delete the thread

tl;dr version?

Some ex-member(s) of SoK start leaking some private conversations. That's pretty much the gist of it and Phil has nothing to do with it.

Probably Scarface

Any GTA one and any fighting game one, pretty much everything where there is no way to cheese and trial and error/ adaptation are key, i advise you to watch USF2 compilations of phil raging, it's hilariious

rage inducing ones would just be him playing your favorite game, but i find the souls playthroughs to actually be thoroughly entertaining

What's the big deal then?

i miss pandalee :( how long until she comes back?

SoK people doxxed, blackmailed, ran an autistic mafia for years. Ex-sok members came out and leaked that shit. Now they're getting pulverized publicly

First, it's drama on the 'detractor side' and secondly DSP dickriders are more-or-less validated in saying detractors are bunch of high school teens.
Meanwhile, this also means you can't be neutral about the whole thing because you'll be dogpiled on for being DSP and/or SoK dicklicker.

Oh lol, what a huge piece of turd this fuchs faggot is

Once you go black.. there is no coming back

>rage inducing ones would just be him playing your favorite game
Not really. Of all the games he played my favourite was by far Ratchet and Clank and my only reaction was laughing hysterically.

>Meanwhile, this also means you can't be neutral about the whole thing
Or, just watch videos you find entertaining and don't get caught up in arguments/discussions with autists.
Seems pretty neutral.

the new destiny playthrough is pretty fucking cringe, he just makes shitty jokes the whole way through

This entire thread is pure autism. Nobody cares about your eceleb soap opera bullshit. Sage.

I meant more like these threads, because outside of these I just tend to watch the TIHYDPs

what the fuck is SoK and why should I care

Stay mad, faggot

You care enough to come in and sperg out while declaring sage. Ironically, pure autism.

A-Logs of DSP

what's that

t. sok

most rage inducing pt's are those where he starts off good, complimenting the game and are generally having fun, and when the game gives something different / more difficult part, he just won't adapt to it and starts blaming everything on the game being cheap and fucking stupid.

ie. RE3

A guy who really hates another guy for being bad but is just as bad or even worse.

what's sok?

Remember to report the OP and all the other e-celeb worshiping idiots in this thread.

>there are people putting more time and effort into TIHYDP than DSP in his actual videos while simultaneously promoting him and his channel FOR FREE

Don't worry about it, just report the OP for advertising.

>Reee reee reee reee e-celebs reee reee

Apply yourself already, samefag. Go back to making shitty toddposting threads.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

I don't like DSP's content nor his manners, but I don't get the hate he gets. Sure, he's shit at video games, but does that mean a bunch of autistic manchildren should stalk the fuck out of?

by being a massive dick to Phil, you made Phil look good lol

they basically accomplished the entire opposite of what they wanted

if you're getting so upset that people don't like your e-celeb shit, why not go back to plebbit? you dont even have to see the negative comments on there

Not arguments

E-celebs are vidya, eat a dick.

you don't understand, he gets money for playing video games

such success will earn you some powerful enemies

The SoK get brought up and shit on every thread, as an attempt to defend Phil, even though nobody here gives a shit about them and most people just want to laugh at Phil. I think Phil's dickriders might actually visit these threads

You could apply that logic to someone like Chris-Chan or basically any other 'lolcow'.

90% of the arguments on Sup Forums are between falseflaggers

CWC is actually entertaining to watch though. DSP is just some middleage guy who sucks at video games, who bitches a lot.

I shit on SOK because they are deranged retards who have inserted themselves into any conversation about DSP by default. If you want to laugh at DSP you should be able to understand what compels people to shit on SOK, it is more or less the same pathway. Pathetic embarrassing mess that decides to thrust itself into public, going to get some flak.

Are those leak really surprising anybody

No, they are not. Valid argument next time please.

fred fuchs is lame!

K tell me where in the rules it says we should strictly talk about video game releases, because if this isn't part of them, Toddposting isn't; doesn't get reported. Get your not an argument autism out of here.

ummm... back the fuck off!?!?!?!!!

Do people ironically defend Phil now or are there people that retarded? It doesn't matter how you cut it, Phil is an unlikable piece of shit faggot. He literally has no redeemable qualities but thinks he's God's gift to the world.

Toddposting is funny and doesn't financially benefit anyone.
Shilling a fat, unfunny retard who records himself playing video games that even bigger retards watch violates global rules 3, 6 and 11.
If you want to worship an e-celeb, do so on reddit. They have boards for this kind of worthless rubbish.

Your threads have been deleted many times, yet you never learn, because you're an idiot.

it breaks none of those rules, holy shit my man just enjoy the video game content these threads create

>1 person is behind all of these le evil dsp threads
it's time to move on, user. You're waging war on something that's not gonna stop, hell, it's gonna persist because you give it attention. You have my word.

>Toddposting is funny

dsp is based

This is nothing. I've seen way worse.

>Mfw unironically enjoy DSP because the hate for him is so autistic and irrational that I can't help but side with him

He's a bumbling doofus, but make fun of him for sucking at games, SoK are attacking every fucking facet of his life. He could say Nazis are bad and the SoK would come out with a full thesis on why Nazis were good

I fucking loathe that you faggots keep making threads about him, but the way he btfo'd fuchs after the leaks made me respect him the tiniest bit.

So you enjoy someone that begs his fans for money then cries he's struggling to make it by and blames his fans for not supporting him enough.

this rationalization you all have is truly pathetic

But he didn't do jack shit, it's the kiwifarms that blew him the fuck out.

I mean he's legitimately being honest. I don't give him money, but he doesn't sugarcoat the fact that if he doesn't get money, he can't do playthroughs. The guy obviously is not financially sound, so it's believable that he can't keep doing videos unless he's getting money to keep doing them.

I mean his response to it, of course he didn't do shit.

All DSP has done is made a twitlonger that says SoK is the reason his life is fucked.

They're all autistic. Who would go through this much effort to even create that thread? It's unbelievably sad.

Could try his *attempt* of the Bloodborne dlc, he's literally trying to kill Ludwig with the same r1 mashing strategy with LHB while complaining that nothing is working for 5 hours

What rationilazation? Watch one his streams. Multiple times he tells his fans they're too lazy to watch him and therefore he's not making money.

Sure he's being honest but you don't complain to and blame the people who are paying your bills. His financial problems are his problems and his own fault.

>he tells his fans they're too lazy to watch him
Of all the stupid shit he says this is honestly the worst.
I can't believe he can't come to the conclusion that maybe it is fucking fault if people don't want to watch his videos.

I know. I thought Phil was a funny, rage inducing joke but the more I saw I realized he's a legitimate terrible person.

>has a fucking brazzers subscription

This is still one of the most hilarious fucking things he has ever done.

crash 2

You don't have to like DSP to think this entire SoK "movement" is some retarded bullshit. These people spend way too much time and energy into a guy that's bad at videogames, and now they even have "hierarchies" and "backstabs" amongst eachother.

Wait seriously ?!!

Glad to see people are finally waking up to the sheer absurdity of DSP's Anti-fanbase
Phil's a shitty person but he never deserved being stalked, SWATd, or hacked just because hes bad at video games

>that one guy who samefags every one of these threads with "you just don't like him because he's bad at games"

>Two homes
>Leased a BMW
>Bought a brand new car despite never going anywhere
>Has home and business internet

I don't understand how one man can be so bad with his finances.

You forgot to mention that he has that internet but uses WiFi because it would be to much effort to have all those cables.

This is Phil at his absolute finest. I love how he couldn't just do something about the beeping before starting, or even wait with making the video until it stopped. He was just so eager to not open a standard edition game on his couch.

>two hatespewing autismafias go head to head
>turns out they are all asspies

Yes, he was hacked a couple of weeks ago and people looked at his bills and bank statements and shit. his password was 'mrstupid1'

Poor philly boy

>dsp calls them mentally ill
>everyone is offended
>turns out they are actually mentally ill (obvious anyway)

heh based phil yet again


I'm not enough of a butthurt little faggot to be mad at someone playing a game badly

That's kiwifarms in a nutshell. A bunch of autists pointing and laughing at other autists

She left you Phil. If there's any justice, never.

no, it will eventually get to the point where you faggots are told to go post on a different board. this is just like how Sup Forums kicked wwe threads out to /asp/

its fine that you worship some literally who because he plays videogames and has humor that appeals to you, but shilling them here is the highest form of cancer on Sup Forums

This will be one of the greatest JUSTings of the year

t. vidar viking

Holy fuck. SoK BTFO eternally.

Of course Sup Forums has always known they were mentally ill. Phil will always be /ourguy/.


All these words for what simply boils down to a guy who made videos making fun of another guy.

People sure do suck.

>post about a video game

hey hey hey, stop advertising that game I don't like!

fuck off back to raddit, faggot